Pasqualino Colombaro

member since December 16, 2008, last login March 7, 2009

Pasqualino Colombaro
Cambridge, MA. USA
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PASQUALINO COLOMBARO researches and is active on comparative issues of union representation and union democracy, labor politics and economics, and alternative economic initiatives in the cooperative, private and public sectors. As a former social worker, elected union leader, professional union representative, organizer and educator for SEIU, he assisted public sector human service workers in Massachusetts. He served as coordinator of several cross-national research projects in comparative labor economics involving the US, Europe and Japan. He also contributed to planning and organizing the program of the Boston Social Forum in 2004 and its extensive Alternative Economy track. Currently he coordinates the efforts of the Global Economic Alternatives Network (GEAN:)
CURRENT INTERESTS: Limits of democratic decision making and rule enforcement. Nuts and bolts of building horizontal and egalitarian social relations in the work place. Successful engagement in creating and sustaining alternative economic initiatives. Funding Alternative Economic Initiatives. Bringing about lasting change in social and economic relations by devising and deploying effective non-violent, concerned and egalitarian means.

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December 16, 2008 Pasqualino Colombaro Home