Jim Ellinger

member since January 13, 2015, last login January 14, 2015

Jim Ellinger
Austin, Texas, US
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Austin Airwaves, Inc. is a long-time not-for-profit, educational organization dealing with a wide range of community-based radio projects. Based in Austin, TX (US) AA has successfully completed training and development projects for local radio groups in Mozambique, Ghana, Haiti, Borneo, Panama, and New Orleans/Houston, following Hurricane Katrina. AA has been an active member of AMARC, the World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters (based in Quebec, Canada) since 1986 has been represented at AMARC conferences in Vancouver, Managua, Dublin, Milan, Kathmandu, Dakar, Nairobi, Buenos Aires and Montreal. This will be Austin Airwaves' third World Social Forum.
Low and full power community-based, non-commercial, non-governmental, non-religious radio stations used for social and economic development, as well as for post-disaster communications.

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January 13, 2015 Jim Ellinger Home