Asma M'barek

member since January 31, 2013, last login February 3, 2013

Asma M'barek
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Founder and Secretary General of Tunisian Organization for Peace. I got my bachelor degree in Chinese language in 2008. I have over 5 years of experience working with civil society organizations. I had the chance to work as a volunteer in many organization like Amnesty International, Ciné club enfant and as project coordinator at “ Sawty” and as a project manager at “Conscience politique”. I worked on several diverse issues as eradicating violence against women, disability rights and minority civic participation, citizenship, local governance, children and youth. From 2011 until now I am focusing on capacity building, Advocacy and Leadership and gender issues. Now I am trying to encourage organizations to make better use of information and information technology in their work. And I am interested in blogging and journalism. My dream to reach a high advocacy and transformational leadership level and to be an experienced trainer, manager and researcher.
Reading, technology, music...

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January 31, 2013 Asma M'barek Home