Good day every one,
We received help for proofreading the speeech in english, I am postin it below.

For those who just landed:

We are asking every one to help produce a short video for a funding campaign that is about to be launched
the funding campaign will be carried out in this platfrom
we will be sending you the link as soon as it is ready (but for that we need your help with the video)

The funds collected will be destined to pay for the expenses of sending a group of our comrades to the world social forum  WSF in Tunis

Please if you would like to lend a hand, send us a recording of yourself reading the text below (entirely or just a part if you want to), send the piece to me ( as I will be doing the edition

The video will look similar to this one 

If you want to also please send us a picture of yourself talking in an assembly or during a rally or any activism that you do.

If you want to also send us a video explaining WHY you are going to Tunis or why would you like to go.

Please try to send your contributions by tomorrow eve (Sunday February 10th) so that we can launch wthe crowfunding ASAP

Thanks to you all!

In November 2012, several people linked individually with grassroots social and horizontal movements and took part in the European Social Forum
We organized an activity in the streets of Florence trying to bring the Forum to local citizens and we are craving  more ....

We believe that our way of practicing assemblies contributes to the forum process: because normally organizations send delegates to these spaces, that have predetermined objectives from pre-established positions. These representatives have the function to meet targets and defend specific positions, thus the forum lacks persons who provide facilitation experience while not seeking the interest of any particular organization, seeking commitment for a common solution. In this regard, we were very helpful at Florence.

So, we need your help to do it once more!

The next opportunity we have is one of the most important ones: the World Social Forum, to be held next March in Tunisia.

This time we want our exprerience in assmblies to be a part of the World Social Forum as an official activity and to be well prepared. To do this, we have to assume some costs. We tried to get most of the needs by non-financial means but expenses for registration at the Forum, the translations, the audio or printed materials can not be avoided.
The best way to ensure our independence is that these costs are borne voluntarily by supporters of the project, and therefore, we ask for your help.

We appreciate any amount of money you can contribute and also encourage you to spread this crowdfunding campaign. 

The results of your support are going to be multiplied: it is our intention that attending NGOs and charity groups learn new ways to improve their processes and that these improvements are reflected in the recipients of those empowered NGOs.

We also hope to become enriched ourselves and in turn enrich our own organizations while we meet people from many different backgrounds as we will find in Tunisia.

El pasado noviembre, varias personas vinculadas a titulo individual con movimientos sociales de base y horizontales, participamos en el Foro Social Europeo
Organizamos una actividad en las calles de Florencia tratando de acercar el Foro a los ciudadanos locales y nos quedamos con ganas de mas....

Además, pensamos que nuestra manera de hacer las cosas contribuye al proceso del foro: porque a estos espacios suelen acudir delegados de organizaciones y normalmente con metas prefijadas desde posiciones pre-establecidas. Estos representantes tienen la función de cumplir unos objetivos o defender posturas concretas, con lo cual faltan personas que aporten experiencia en facilitacion y que al mismo tiempo no busquen el interes de ninguna organizacion particular, que busquen el acuerdo y la solucion común. En este sentido, en Florencia nos sentimos muy útiles.

Asi que pedimos tu ayuda para hacerlo nuevamente! 

La siguiente oportunidad que tenemos es tambien una de las mas importantes: el Foro Social Mundial, que se celebrara en marzo en Tunez 

Esta vez queremos que nuestra experiencia asamblearia forme parte del Foro Social Mundial como actividad oficial y que este bien preparada. Para ello, nos vemos obligados a asumir unos gastos. Hemos intentado conseguir la mayor parte de las necesidades por otros medios no financieros pero los gastos para el registro en el Forum, las traducciones, el equipo de sonido o los materiales de imprenta no se pueden eludir.
La mejor forma de garantizar nuestra independencia es que estos gastos sean asumidos de forma voluntaria por simpatizantes del proyecto, y por eso, te pedimos tu ayuda.

Te agradecemos cualquier cantidad de dinero que puedas aportar y también que difundas esta campaña de crowdfunding.

El resultado de que nos ayudes a participar del Foro Social Mundial es multiplicar: es nuestra intención que todas las ONG y colectivos sociales conozcan maneras nuevas de mejorar su procesos y que estas mejoras se vean reflejadas en los destinatarios de la actividad de las ONGs empoderadas.

También esperamos enriquecernos y a su vez enriquecer a nuestras organizaciones al conocer gente de tantas culturas diferentes como las que encontraremos en Túnez.