Any suggestions on how to answer this? I think it is quite a positive answer from the WSF organization. Also to register Vica's two activities (and maybe some other ones now it would be a last chance, before their meeting this weekend) it seems we have to choose what "axis" do they belong to. Based on the registered profile of the activities I suggest the facilitation workshop goes in the thematic axis of "building democratic processes..." and the one on media platforms on "alternatives to capitalism". Anyway we talk about it tonight. In any case, there are 11 axis, not 8, as this Amelie suggests. Does anyone know if I am looking in the wrong place?
So i still don't know why call assemblies in the streets "activities outside of the WSF", but you guys do it, this other people do it... does everybody but me know something like the campus has no streets?? Is the campus very far from the city? Is it forbidden for other people to enter the campus if they are not students?????

--- El mar, 12/2/13, Amélie Canonne <> escribió:

Dear Daniel

there's indeed an agreement to facilitate the participation of Indignados/Occupy movements in the Tunis WSF.
Concretely the proposal could be the following :
- providing a space for assemblies within the WSF site, self-organized of course and with a good visibility and centrality
- offering you the possibility to have one activity per slot (which means 8 activities) for free, in this "assembly" space, with translation into the four official languages of the Forum (AR, FR, EN and ES or IT), and with of course a good system allowing you to work properly.
It may be possible to have another space for smaller but still self organized assemblies, if you want so, and depending on the space possibilities. But you must be aware that we may not be able to provide translation for all the activities in case of additional demands from your side (or not in all the languages) ; it had been made clear during the last international meeting in December that 40-50% of all the activities confirmed could get translation equipments and volunteers.
- as for the solidarity fund : it's not clear yet whether we'll be able to set up a solidarity fund, and for which amount. But if we can make it, the occupy/indignados will be able to apply for it, and the Tunisian committee will do its best to support these requests.

Regarding your wish to organize assemblies/activities outside the WSF space, this is something to be discussed and decided by the Tunisian Committee. As you probably know, the political context is pretty strained and the security conditions may not be guaranteed for such activities. This is something we'll likely discuss next week-end, during the international meeting scheduled in Tunis with all the IC and international activists part of the WSF 2013 organizing group.

I hope it helps.
The sooner you can give us information and details regarding your program, the best it will be for us to include these in the final written program ! Have you registered the activities that your group will propose on the website ? If yes could you send us the list ?
All the best

Le 11/02/2013 21:59, nicolas haeringer a écrit :
Hamouda, Amélie,

Je ne sais pas si vous avez vu le message ci-dessous.

Je vous laisse répondre!


nicolas haeringer
skype : nicolas.haeringer / twitter : nicohaeringer
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Le 11 févr. 2013 à 21:40, Daniel Seco <> a écrit :

Hi, I hope this is the place to say this:
Some participants of social movements like 15M and Occupy are trying to organize some activities in Tunis with assemblies in the streets and other workshops on facilitation and media usage for social movements.
We have repeatedly heard that the organization of the WSF is looking forward to facilitate our participation in the forum, by allowing us to register for free these activities with their translation needs included, and letting us use some sound systems for our assemblies on the streets.
Can I get confirmation of this? In that case, how do we formalize that in the registration process for all the activities of the organization we formed? The organization is registered as "Inclussion in Forums through Assembleary Processes", see it here:
Thanks for any answer
Daniel Seco
Finance mailing list

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