
Last week we had a short meeting about communication and outreach. We just brainstormed a little bit, and here below are some of the ideas that we discussed, if you have more / better ideas, please let us know :-)

Website: http://www.global-square.net

Everybody is invited to submit stories to the site, about everything that you think is relevant to our initiative. We now have 4 sections:
- Stories from the squares (What is going on in your area? Histories or overviews are also very welcome)
- Stories from Tunisia (What is going on in Tunisia? We want to be informed about the country that hosts the WSF!)
- Reflections on meetings and movements (Opinion, visions about organizing, assemblies, resistance, uprising, etc)
- Calls and announcements (Upcoming meetings, protests and activities)
You can send your texts or links (in any language) to Orsan, Marita or me. Of course we can also make you admin/editor. Our group is here: http://www.global-square.net/groups/website-development/
Everyone can help us by sharing/liking/reblogging the content on the website!

Facebook page

We also have created a facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Global-Square/545634578791218
In case you are on facebook, like it, share it, and post your relevant links and news there.

Twitter hashtag

Some people already started to use #GlobalSquare, so in case you are active on twitter you are welcome to do the same, in combination with any of your favorite hashtags. The WSF seems to be tagged with #FSM2013 and #WSF2013, maybe more will be added later.