Jasper - I have been trying all week to post this to the site, and didn't know how to go from a doc to a pic - couldn't copy and paste off the doc.
Gordon somehow turned it into an image I could post today.

Put out through Via22 hub:  http://interoccupy.net/via22global/globalsquare-occupy-the-world-social-forum/


On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 9:12 PM, jasper teunissen <jasperteunissen@hotmail.com> wrote:

I asked some weeks ago for help / ideas for posters, but no reponse. So I just made some quick simple things i will bring some printed versions. it's just black and white, because it's cheaper to print, but we can print it on colourful paper.

you can find them here:

the french is more or less from google translate, if you have corrections or other materials to upload, let me know
grts jasper

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