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Von: conni <conni.gunsser@sh-home.de>
Datum: 26. März 2013 08:06:00 MEZ
An: "b4p-transnational" <b4p-transnational@lists.so36.net>, "choucha@lists.so36.net" <choucha@lists.so36.net>, "action2-list" <action2-l@mail.kein.org>
Kopie: AEI-Europe <aei-europe@lists.idash.org>
Betreff: [Action2-l] WSF Tunis: Choucha Refugees blocked by Military and Police

Latest news: 130 rejected refugees from the Choucha camp who wanted to go to Tunis for the WSF were blocked by military and police although they had official permissions and invitations. In the end, 8 Choucha people left by individual transport and arrived in Tunis this morning. But the 3 busses, which were payed by donations, could not leave. We must think about protests!!!
conni schrieb:
Just to add some of the information I got from some of the refugees: It was not only the military, but also the police, who stopped the busses and prevented all from going to Tunis. The rejected refugees had permissions from the ministery of defense and invitations from the FTDES for the WSF for 130 people and some (I understood 8?) people wanted to join without permission, but not only these people, but all of them were told: "You cannot go to Tunis!" and some of them returned from Ben Guerdane to Choucha, others were still waiting in Ben Guerdane and trying to travel. B. said: "The authorities are playing with us!", because they really negotiated a lot and had official permission for everything. But obviously it is not wanted that those refugees come to the WSF - I think, there must be protests from the WSF against such kind of treatment of human beings in Tunisia and we hope, that organisations and journalists can put pressure on the authorities so that the Choucha people can come to Tunis!!!
Later we were called by one of the Ethiopian group, who were also not allowed to start to Tunis and went back to the camp.
We have to discuss tomorrow what we can do!
Conni  hagen kopp schrieb:  
just to translate in two sentences for this transnational list: the  group of rejected refugees from Choucha, who planned to start with  busses today to go to the wsf in tunis and who have had all  permissions for this from the ministeries, are arbitrarily blocked by  the military. More informations will follow soon, everybody is  requested to think for reactions...
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