Notes from 27th March in Tunis  

We arrived in the morning and we didnt actually have a space. One person from Global Square went to the logistic team on the 26th because the zone S which is in the program as the space where global square is is not in the map people have. So there is no chance for people to find our space. The logistic team after an investigation put a cross in the map which is actually a nice square in the WSF area. We are not really sure that this is exactly our space but we just decide to occupy it and prepare it. In the space there is nothing at all so we have started putting up a symbolic tent, getting some tables and chair, organizing groups trying to get a sound system, get electric connection, build up the chance to have our internet connection as the WIFI of the camp is not really working and supporting the needs
We cannot held our first workshop on the tools we use in the movement because of the logistic situation and we consensuated to postpone it to 29th in the morning
We dont have translation in the space we have... babel has also problem like everybody else to find the space 

11.00: we are having an assembly in order to facilitate the assembly in the afternoon 

occupy London, Occupy neitherland, 15M barcelona and madrid, Occupy wall street, people of Tunis, libera Italy, global revolution, and others

We focus on the logistic needs. We need a sound system. At the end of a long resarch Nomad is helping us lending us the kit for the sound system we will use in these days in our space

There is a debate about if we can actually decide the structure of the assembly or if it has to be discussed in the assembly.

we consensuate that we just do a brain storming about contents for the assembly in order to propose them at the beginning of the assembly to see if could be consensuated as an agenda or there are different ptoposals

the contents are:

1. how to share experience of alternatives from different countries 
2. constructing alternatives to the system 
3. crictisism about the forum 
4. future of links and networking between us 
5. horizontality 
6. situation in Tunisia 
7. being in the forum as a global village in the arabic world 
8. direct action 

There is a little occupy camp part in the migrant space in the forum organizing by people from tunis who are critical with the way the forum has been organized. 

The meeting is carrying on with some intervention about Tunis 

INT: Talking  about revolution in Tunis. Being able to talk about politics openly is  very new for people in Tunis. People is not satisfied about the 3  transitional governements we had in the last two years. Right now there is a constitution assembly 
There is more freedom now surely if we compare with the situation when there was a dictator. The impact is not predictible 
The revolutionary process is on . But the system hasnt changed 

INT: So we are in the same situation: fake democracy. Yes now there is the right to oppose but nobody is listening 

INT: Our  answer is to start selfmanaged alternatives in order to create a real  impact like alternative shops and alternative projects 

INT: In  the new movements there are both sides of these strategies: an  opposition movements to whats happening to defend against privatization  with actions and at the same time building alternatives. Limitation in building alternatives is that we have low resorces in order to build a real change 

INT: Part of building alternative is try to control the commons in a direct way.  Pople have to take in their hands the power and the knowledge  on this 

INT: Direct action have worked a lot in Britain. One body and more bodies 

INT: Occupy, resist, produce is a slogan in Australia