facilitation of the assembly in the afternoon 11,30 in the square

Each assembly is a part of the process we started yesterday and carry on tomorrow. 
We have to plan the assembly starting from what happened yesterday 
It has been suggested to have working groups 

The feeling is in the other places you listen listen listen and here you just talk without taking any decision. So the proposal could be to have small groups talking about proposals 

0. having a chanting together mic check in the street of the forum and ond outside in order nd outside in order to bring people to the assembly 
1. presentation 
global square Vica 
what happened yestarday Daniel 
information about the tools we are using: streaming, notes in the pad, and in globalsquare, twitter is #globalsquare 
2. information introducing themselves and aspectation about the meetings 
3. working group to prepare some proposition for the assembly starting from the proposal and the aspectation without deciding (half an hour) 
4. common moment to share proposals made in small groups (feed back and proposals) 
mariangela adding a  third part proposal 
5. Open mic at the end not more than 30 minutes