Dear friends
in our meeting in Frankfurt in the end of April we have scheduled our next phone conference for Monday, the 20th of May at 7 pm. In that phone conference we should update us all
·         on the current state of mobilizations (the international call is there already now on Italian, French, German, English….., there are mobilization meetings in various countries and cities…)
·         on the current state of the Blockupy preparation
·         the needs we as the Blockupy alliance need to address, the information you need
·         the status on the preparation / ideas for the European activist assembly on Saturday June 1st after the demo
·         making connection with the “Peoples united against the Troika mobilization” (with marches in London, Madrid, Lisboa as far as I know)
·         ….
I am sending this email now to just remind you of the date, send you the technical details and ask you to send topics you want to discuss. I will send out a draft of the agenda and a last reminder with the technical details again shortly before the weekend.
Here are the details for the phone conference.
How to participate in the international phone conference (Monday, May 20th at 7 pm):
For the international phone conference, first call one of these numbers according to the country where you are (see below or for more countries see:
Germany +49 69 975 396 79
Austria +43 13 11 02 01
Spain +34 911 822 733
Greece +30 2 111 98 01 09
Italy +39 02 87 212 000 (Milano)
Italy +39 06 888 12 000 (Rom)
France +33 170 743 070
Netherlands +31 252 744 006
Belgian +32 280 88 757
Slovenia +386 16 00 14 01
Denmark +45 78 77 50 69
Portugal +351 30 88 00 624
Then enter the Pin Code: 367187# and you can participate
in solidarity and with best wishes to everybody