Hello, I have been researching on how to visulize our movement in Turkey.

First findings were the ushahidi platform which was used for such activity in many places in the world. 

An ideal site would have a map, a calendar, a forum, and social networking possiblities.

It would be a place to

1- pinpoint the issues on the map (if relevant) (example: mines, constructions, police brutality, media bias)
2- discuss them in forums linked to the issue - share news, laws etc.
3- organize action and place it on the map and the calendar.
4- a crisis map could also be used in live tactical protest mapping with fast data feed.

the map would need to have filtering possiblities, depending on date, mapwindow, and category. Different icons for each category.

some issues are security, filtering noise, modes of information entry (e.g. twitter, e-mail, instagram etc)

any ideas? any working example?

thanks. gediz