• 2011movements-fsm discussion


de la part de Jackie Splain on 13/08/2013 18:12
For anyone who would like to help frame the Global Convergence Day at

On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 2:02 PM, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...>wrote:

> For anyone who would like to help frame the Global Convergence Day at
> NatGat2:
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 1:46 PM, Jackie Splain <jsplain@...>wrote:
>> Hi All
>> - just a reminder that the organizing call for the Global Convergence,
>> and 3rd transnational mumble meeting is today at 3PM!
>> same place as usual, occupy talk, OPEN SPACE
>> some docs
>> Agenda
>> Organizing call for global convergence
>> http://titanpad.com/Organizing-call-for-global-Convergence-at-NatGat2
>> Planning Global Conversation
>> http://piratepad.net/PlanningGlobalConversation22A
>> Global Open Space - 3rd Transnational mumble
>> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DFyjuDRURLrnMe2QJdaoGlYQxc0a929KhpneWy2dOBc/edit#
>> 21JulyGlobalMeeting - Summary form
>> http://titanpad.com/21Jglobalmeeting
>> HOW TO JOIN MUMBLE: Download and install mumble:
>> http://mumble.sourceforge.net/
>> Needs and suggestions from the meeting:
>>  Translators, facilitators, turn watchers (assist facilitator) note
>> takers,
>> Report backs from other movements
>> Skill share of stories from other movements, even ones earlier to hear
>>  what worked; report of tactics that worked on the streets, then
>> record  and share widely
>> Mobile research project that has pieces that can be broken down and
>> worked on by many in different countries
>> Think Globally, Act Locally, Live Glocally
>> Another World Now!

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