Hi David,

Here's another interesting documentary about Golden Dawn and inmmigrants:

2013/9/18 Nikolaos Gr <gryspnik@gmail.com>
David, here is a very short but very informative video on who the GD are


On the premises of the murder now, even if I believe that they are not so important as we should see the phenomenon in its entirety and not as a sensationalist isolated event, the victim was sitting at a cafe with his girlfriend and another couple. He is a known figure and antifascist in the area. A group of neonazis approached them and started calling them names. The 4 leftists were surrounded and tried to get away. Meanwhile 6 police motorbikes had arrived in the area (12 police officers in total). They stayed there watching. As it turns out, the neonazi gang had called the "hitmen" of the Golden Dawn which arrived in a car. As the 4 leftists were trying to get away the car stopped right in front of them and cut them off. The murderer (who's a known member of the GD and has been on their payroll as a hitman for torturing and murdering immigrants) got out of the car and stabbed Pavlos in the heart; a well calculated professional hit. The policemen did not react even then; only a woman police officer took out her gun and managed to arrest the nazi murderer.

Only 2 days ago a large group of neonazi GD members attacked a group of 10 communists as the latter were putting posters up in the area sending 9 of them to the hospital. A few days ago another group of them in Patras attacked a 17 year old boy, son of a known civil rights lawyer. I can go on with the list of the murderous and vicious attacks that have taken place the last few months but you get the point.

These attacks have been happening against mainly immigrants and anarchists for many years now, even with hand grenades and guns. However, no one was ever arrested. The instances when the attacks were happening right in front of the police and the perpetrators would run behind the riot police lines to get protection are many and well documented.

We have to also note that the minister of Infrastructure as well as the minister of public order (they call it "Citizens' Protection" in the spirit of Orwell's 1984) were known fascists in their youth. Also, there are many instances where the nazis attack unionists that are on strike in order to terrorise them and serve the establishment that is funding and using them.

It is important to understand that this is just merely another stage in the rise of fascism, which is directly proportional to the level of inequalities, oppression, failure of the pseudodemocratic/capitalist states as Hobsbawm's historical analysis has shown. Fascism is inherent in this kind of system and is rising whenever conditions allow or encourage it. Austerity, inequality and totalitarianism are perfect breeding grounds for nazism. It's not only Greece and not only nazi fascism; it's Spain, Italy, Turkey, Libya, Syria, USA, Canada, Germany, Finland, Sweden, France, Russia, islamofaschism, christian fascism, state and authoritarian fascism.

Against this we all have to stand united and clear.
In solidarity

On 18 September 2013 13:57, David Leal Garcia <davidleal.garcia@gmail.com> wrote:
Do you, Niko, or anyone in this list, have any article over there on the rise of fascism in Greece, or a poem, novel, personal reflection that captures what the feeling is on the ground in there? maybe an account of the story of this rap singer stubbed to death? we are pretty much blind to what is happening on the ground in Greece.. the media blackout is truly hitting hard...

2013/9/18 Nikolaos Gr <gryspnik@gmail.com>
We have to say that this is not something unexpected. The nazi murderers have been acting for years like that and have already killed scores of immigrants. The police and the political system has been feeding them and helping them out. Even while this murder was taking place 12 policemen were standing a few meters away watching. Only one policewoman dared take out her gun and arrest the murder nazi while her male colleagues were telling her to stop. Fascism is not an idea, an ideology or a system. Fascism is a integral part of any hierarchical, militaristic and oppressive structure such as the police, the military, the state and the corporation.

On 18 September 2013 08:45, marita <maciacia50@hotmail.com> wrote:

Fecha: 18 de septiembre de 2013 11:21:19 GMT+02:00
Asunto: [fse-esf] Terrible News from Athens
Warmest greetings to our Greek friends
In solidarity 

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