• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • '3 Rattlesnake Roundup.' cont'd.

    from Robert Piller on Mar 18, 2014 09:40 AM
    Dear Sir/Madam, 
    In the last report I said we'll be looking into why anti-snake-gassing laws which were being proposed were suddenly dropped from a meeting last month.  And in so doing we also need to discuss the position of the Parks and Wildlife Departments as well as the role and political influence that certain elected officials might have. 
    First, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, following some kind of meeting and leaned on by State Representative Susan King, who we think has strong ties with the roundup, said, 'I look forward to continuing the conversation and helping set the best policies for our region and our state.'  We'll be following these proceedings like a hawk to see exactly what these 'best policies' might be.
    Second, we are finding it increasingly obvious that everyone's afraid to speak out.  Fears for personal safety probably not, although it shouldn't be ruled out, it's more likely to be political.  If locals were to publicly state anything at all that's deemed to be untoward and they wanted then to say, start up a business, get involved with a youth group, give lectures in local schools, get a job or whatever they might want to do, they will find doors closing all around them. 
    And third, we take a look at what's happening within the various Parks and Wildlife Departments going through letters and other bits of information we're finding.  Please see attachment 'More Replies' in order to see what's going on. 
    I now ask you all to view this link below.  In this, you will see some of the most sickening people you could ever imagine holding live snakes above their heads and dancing around like demented idiots, absolutely joyous at the thought of the suffering that's about to be unleashed.  There is not a life-form on God's earth that deserves this degree of contempt, torment and humiliation.  Whether or not you choose to watch this video is obviously up to you, but do please highlight, copy and paste the link and send it over to the contacts on the other attached.  For those of you who are unfamiliar, you can copy them on block and paste them into the address bar.  Contained in this attachment are the email addresses together with a suggested letter you can send (please write in your own words if you prefer).  They cannot ignore this if enough send it over so do please give these snakes your help. 
    Yours sincerely.
    Robert Piller.
    Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...
     Affiliated to:
    World Council for Nature