Quite interesting, Sol

We need to undestand what is happening in the social movements. Not us (I think we now), but the whole society. I hope you like my text around Network Movements


2014-06-06 12:04 GMT-03:00 Sol Trumbo Vila <soltrumbovila@tni.org>:

Media coverage of the European elections has focused on the disturbing rise of the far right, but much less on the advance of progressive
forces in Greece, Spain and to a lesser extent in other countries undergoing austerity policies. The media have also been blind to the
inspiring struggles waged by diverse social movements across Europe. The direction for Europe is at a political crossroads, but we believe it is
possible to advance a vision of Europe not based on nationalism and repression of minorities, but based on solidarity and democracy. With a series of articles "At the crossroads - Europe's movements respond" we aim to provide well founded analysis by and for the European
social movements acting against the EU crisis regime. TNI asked some of the most relevant European social movements of the last years what strategic lessons can be learned from recent resistance, the challenges we currently face and how to be prepared for upcoming struggles. Starting next week with a reflection from writer and journalist Bernardo Gutiérrez about "Network movements", we will publish short articles
from the Water Anti-privatisation movement, Blockupy, the Debt Audit Campaign, Alter Summit and others to follow until the end of June. Do not miss this series of articles that aim to provide tools and insights so that we can continue to strengthen European Social Movements
and sharpen the effectiveness of our strategies and tactics in the new political conjunction created by the European elections. In solidarity, Sol Trumbo Vila Project Coordinator - EU Economic Governance Transnational Institute (TNI) soltrumbovila@tni.org - @Soltrumbo +31 20 662 66 08

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