12.000 DISK members volunteers to go to Kobani to join re-building efforts on the ground zero, while forums linked to Gezi and Kobane solidarity preparing to expand the networking for re-building: 


The decleration and call came from DISK member uninos' regional brach located in
Diyarbakir. Although it is declared via regional branch leader, workers call not only Kurdish, Turkish, Ezidi, Arab workers but all the workers of the world, to come to kobane and unite for this symbolic building of another world. 
There are currently efforts being built to link to some of these workers, and people from Kobane solidarity network, and to inviting them to Tunis. It would be really interesting to expand and connect solidarity  with 15m, occupy, gezi solidairty networks, as well as others communities and commoners, zapatista communites, indigenous people networs, women and lgbt networks for a large scale mobilisation to test our capacity to common a destructed town from the ground zero, while state and capital is already out of the scene.