• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • for the Global Square people coming to Tunis

    from mariangela on Mar 17, 2015 03:15 PM
    in the Mumble meeting yesterday 
    (check the minutes here https://titanpad.com/globalsquare21)
    we decided 
    to start with a meeting in Tunis 
    on Monday 23rd of march at 10:30 am 
    in order to prepare and coordinate our efforts 
    (Creation and printing of global square sign, welcome, music and creativity space, dialogue space, principles, ...., Update the website, twitting, preparing flyers, organize streaming, organize first draft of the program, Preparing marks for the campus to indicate location, verify internet connections, ......)
    The address is : 2 rue de France, immeuble national. Escalier 3, apt. 321. CP 1000 Tunis, Tunis. It's near the French Embassy on Habib Bourguiba.
    The meeting is open to all the people who want to work in a creative and horizontal way as our call says. 
    Global Square is a SPACE. Research of horizontality, respect for each other, actively fighting against any kind of discrimination, open to everyone, cooperative space, encouraging people to cross-learning, encourage dialogue between organizations and  grass roots dynamics, building collective  intelligence, having fun
    Our   squares and streets are homes to our ideas and aspirations, in them we   struggle, in them we shout out at injustices, in them we share   alternatives and build dreams. Global  Square is an open idea and action  to create collaborative and inspiring  common spaces, in, around and  beyond the World Social Forums. 
    During   the World Social Forum 2015 in Tunisia, the ''Global Square '' is open  to all those, around the world who are  building the necessary  change  and alternatives. It will be next to the Youth space on the WSF, to acknowledge the contributions of young people to the actual social  movements.
    This  is a collective space to share with different  individuals/groups/organizations/assemblies  to encourage dialogue,  networking, cross learning, spontaneous meetings, music and creativity.  There will be permanent spaces or specific activies, and the people   involved in the facilitation team would help out to give them   visibility.
    The   program (clearly indicated on a board during the WSF) is permanently  open to the organization  of assemblies, workshops, creative   activities, sharing of knowledge and  methodologies, etc. There is also  the possibility to participate to this space  from anywhere in the world  through the internet, an even propose some extended activities from  your country!
    We  would like to encourage those who are interested in this initiative to  join us, and to get more information about the backgound, processes and  the vision we have putted forward collectively following these links from  
    Global Square website: 
    Facebook page 
    Google + page