• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • '4 Rattlesnake Roundup.' cont'd.

    from Robert Piller on Apr 10, 2015 09:04 AM
    Dear Sir/Madam,            
                More articles, letters and campaign details (please see the attached).           
                Rattlesnake Roundup.           
                Uncovering more and more lies about Jaycees together with a series of letters Henry's been sending out to expose it all.  Please see the attached.           
                Moore on Roundup.           
                A different kind of Roundup and more of a comedy sketch.  See attached.           
                More on the Tidal Lagoons.           
                Also see attached.           
                A Letter from IFAW. Regarding the Seal Hunt.           
                And again see.           
                Please open the following links and sign any petitions.  Thank you.           
                Yours sincerely.           
               Robert Piller.
     Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...