• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • '9 Miscellaneous Campaigns.'

    from Robert Piller on Oct 23, 2015 09:34 AM
    Dear Sir/Madam, 
    More articles, letters and campaign details included in this report.
    ISIS: Syria's and Iraq's Destroyed Monuments.
    Our own thoughts on this, please see the above attached.
    Dogger Bank Wind-Farms Update.
    We hereby accuse the Secretary of State of genocide, also see above attached.
    Please open the following links and sign any petitions.
    Remember, if your zip/post-code doesn't work, type in five ones instead.
    Yours sincerely.
    Robert Piller.
     Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...
    To unsubscribe contact:  cates1980@...