Hello you all

I share in this list the result of my research ‪#‎TecnopolíticaLATAM‬, done for OXFAM GB Latin America. The titlle of the text is New Dynamics of communication, organization and social action in Latin America. Technopolitical reconfigurations (original in Spanish:  Nuevas dinámicas de comunicación, organización y acción social en América Latina. Reconfiguraciones tecnopolíticas). The relationaship among the forum and these new movements is important in the text.

Here you have the links of the paper. It should be nice to have any invitation to publish it in English

Archive https://archive.org/details/tecnopolotocaLATAMdefinitivo
Issuu http://issuu.com/bernardogutierrez1/docs/tecnopolotocalatamdefinitivo

We have donde a big data research. One of them is around Snowden reveltations and Brazil (influence in the aproval of Marco Civil).
The big data cases:

Ayotzinapa (México). Global expansión of the case   http://demos.outliers.es/tecnopolitica/Ayotzinapa/
México.  Hashtag-movement #YaMeCansé http://demos.outliers.es/tecnopolitica/mexico/
Colombia. #ParoAgrario, 2013.
Honduras. #RenunciaJOH, Indignados
Bolivia.  #MachistasFueradeLasListashttp://demos.outliers.es/tecnopolitica/bolivia/
Brasil. Snowden & Brasil e Marco Civil http://demos.outliers.es/tecnopolitica/brasil

All the links in one post (http://codigo-abierto.cc/tecnopoliticalatam-liberamos-el-estudio/)

We will liberate the data sets for the commons.


@bernardosampa (twitter) / @futura_media
São Paulo +55 11 43044380 (fixo) +55 11 984881620 (celular)