• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • '11 Miscellaneous Campaigns.' Where have all the birds gone? continued...

    from Robert Piller on Nov 12, 2015 10:04 AM
    Dear Sir/Madam, 
    More articles, letters and campaign details included in this report.
    Where Have All The Birds Gone? continued...
    In this we continue with our findings.
    Ray Mears Bushcraft.
    Our own thoughts on the programme's contents.
    Tony Blair Apologises for Iraq War.
    Our own thoughts on that too.
    Lion hunter killed by a lion during an illegal hunt.  
    Please open the following links and sign any petitions.
    Remember, if your zip/post-code doesn't work, type in five ones instead.
    Yours sincerely.
    Robert Piller.
     Campaign Against the Trade in Endangered Species...
    To unsubscribe contact:  cates1980@...