Not a French Spring, another 15M, Occupy, or Gezi. Moving from March to MayDay and 15m, this time it is directly global labour classes' awakening.

Nuit Debout! 
Hasta la victoria, siempre!


INTERNATIONAL MEETING for #GLOBALDEBOUT PROGRAMME – May 7th-8th – Paris, Place de la République

Location: Paris, Place de la République

This meeting is intended for activists and citizens all over the world. Please fill out this document to inform us of your expectations and needs

FRIDAY NIGHT Greeting the international participants, presentation of the week-end’s program,

SATURDAY MORNING: International popular assembly

1/ Presentation of the week-end’s program, brief explanation of NuitDebout’s history
2/ Presentations by international militants to share their experiences and initiatives, open reactions from the Assembly

SATURDAY AFTERNOON: International solidarity and organization of #‎GlobalDebout (15th of May)

1/  Four workshops to debate initiatives, techniques and tools used in social movements tackling international questions. Particularly given the current environmental context, migration issues, a neo-capitalist  economy, Tafta/TTIP, European treaties

2/ Workshops: how can we think and organize the #GlobalDebout day on May 15th?
Strategy meetings to organize the decentralized mobilizations of May 15th: tactics, communication, content and action.

SATURDAY EVENING: Music, food & fun

SUNDAY : Debates and discussions relating to international themes

1/ Thematic assemblies and workshops organized by international and local groups and commissions of Paris Nuit Debout.
Themes suggested so far: shale gas, nuclear energy and the environment;  wars, migrant crises and the European Union; austerity, poverty and the debt; Tafta; labor laws and labor market; neo-capitalism

2/ General assembly presenting Saturday’s conclusions

3/ Closing action (surprise !)