Hi all,

Two points:

1. I still have a Facebook and Twitter with the global square name, something to keep in mind in case the goals of the future globalsquare.net coincides with or complements the original.

The basic idea with that is to replace the web platforms that are designed as isolated pages, each sealing a well of user created information, with a universal database and trust network. This would allow collaboration to be independent of software platforms and remove the control of corporations over user created data and relationships. It would also allow more effective methods of mass communication and collaboration such as stigmergy and concentric circles.

I have needed this structure for many projects for years and it is just now that the technology has reached a point that it is viable. This would trigger a revolution in the way we work in so many fields but most importantly in allowing us to filter the noise of the Internet and find verified and knowledgeable information that is not filtered by platform or our own perceived preferences.

Since the idea is to create a database and trust network as a universal commons for everyone, I am trying to create a foundation or trust that includes universities from different countries. The initial code to create this project is very simple but optimizing it is not! It would require the assistance of research universities with computer science departments and the resources to run large tests, both for optimization of the joins, searches and sharding and then to look for federated hosting options. (Please feel free to pass on any information, including my contact, to anyone you know who might be interested in collaborating in such a structure.)

Synopsis: https://georgiebc.wordpress.com/2015/12/24/getgee-tools-for-self-governance-part-1/

More from Cuba free software conference: https://georgiebc.wordpress.com/2016/04/25/transcript-from-talk-about-getgee/

More from Inteligencia Colectiva para la Democracia in Madrid:

Methods of collaboration that this database structure would enable, stigmergy and concentric circles, starts at 2.30: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYuANPfurNE

Workshop at Madrid, explaining use of concentric circles to popularize Facebook and how concentric circles and stigmergy can be used to move again to a free database and trust network. Starts at beginning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5g67AE4jSU

2. Regarding a network of legal clinics around the world, if anyone is working on such a thing please consider collaborating with two international initiatives, opCanary which has the objective to "encourage and support people around the world to bring global class action law suits against resource corporations which violate human rights and environmental law" and opDeathEaters which looks for "an independent, international, victim-led tribunal / inquiry into the human trafficking and pedosadist industry."

All the best to you all,


On 11/23/2016 10:46 AM, Vlad T wrote:
I think with the wave of fascism spreading across the world now, the ideas that were embedded in global square project are more important that ever.  - The main thing i think here is building a movement around a core set of ideas and creating spaces to collobarate and communicate is definitely an attractive strategy now that we witnessing the collapse of self serving corrupt left wing entities driven by special interests and encumbered by institutional hypocrisy.  

Now in context of WSF, maybe there is a problem of the venue, and in Montreal so many people got blocked from coming to Canada that it raises even more questions about WSF being a good vehicle to promote these ideas.  

I am also willing to share costs of maintaining the site.   



----- Original Message -----
From: "Orsan Senalp" <orsan1234@gmail.com>
To: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@lists.openfsm.net
Cc: 2011movements-fsm-wsf-discussion@lists.openfsm.net
Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 2016 3:56:40 PM
Subject: Re: [2011movements-fsm discussion] global-square.net expiring;	anyone wants to keep it?

Jasper, thanks for asking and for maintaining the site for last 3 years. If it is okay I like to keep it and am willing to share the costs of doing so! 

On 16 nov. 2016, at 17:44, jasper teunissen <jasperteunissen@hotmail.com> wrote:

Hi all,

Hope you are all doing well! I just got I reminder that the domain of 
global-square.net website is expiring in 30 days. The question is what 
we want to do with it.

The Global Square initiative had two relatively successful moments 
during the Tunis WSF meetings in 2013 and 2015. Unfortunately, the 
project was not continued during the last WSF meeting in Montreal 
earlier this year, at least as far as I'm aware.

I'm happy to renew the domain and will pay the annual 35 euros, as I did 
in the past 3 years, but I wondered if anyone would like to keep it and 
use it.

Of course, it would be nice to keep the content for the future, so I 
saved it here anyway: 

greetings jasper

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