• 2011movements-fsm discussion

  • The June Report.

    from Robert Piller on Jun 19, 2020 07:27 AM
    The June Report.
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    More features and ideas on how we can all play a part in saving the natural world.  Please do get involved.
    A key feature in this report is:
    News of our new paper, The China File.  A damning report on China and the influence it's had on the World Health Organisation.
    As per usual we cover things you may not hear about elsewhere, certainly not within the mainstream media, nor most of charities for that matter.  So it's always worth a read.
    Let's Do This For Polly!
    If you've not already done so please share, open the link and write your messages to the pet-food manufacturers.
    This campaign has been a huge success but it needs to go to that next level in order to get those artificial antioxidants removed.  Whilst additives like colourants and preservatives have been completely abandoned by many companies the use of artificial antioxidants remain as prevalent as ever.  The manufacturers will reply by saying they are safe to use and that all additives are strictly within EU. permitted levels.  Just write back and tell them you won't buy their products until they're removed altogether.
    Please do it for Polly and tell these companies to get this muck out of the nation's pet-food once and for all.  This is an ongoing campaign we'll be putting out there until such time as we see significant changes.
    Yours sincerely.
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    Robert Piller...