• africaouestetfsm act505 etape ghana caravane 2018 terre eau semences


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified November 13, 2018

Version 6

by facilitfsm, modified October 5, 2018


  • inserted
  • deleted


Caravane >Bus act502- etapeGuinee act503- etapeCotedivoire act504-stopGhana act505- etapeTogo act506- etapeBenin act507

Online Accompaniement Stop Ghana ofWest african caravan
act505 10 30 novembre

QUI /AfricaConvergene With the placement of this activityindynamique d'extensionDynex1FSM, Africa convergence is asserting itself as "participating instance " in the world social forum process", as those two notions are presented in theworld social forum charterThis caravan is an event inWSF calendar visiblehere

WHEN WHERE GHANA du 10 au 30 novembre


TAKORADI 20/11/2018: Topic illegal mining effect on agriculture and the environment, the role of stakholders
venue GNAT Hall 9am

ACCRA 22/11/2018 : Topic debate on seeds legislation and peasants seeds
venue GNAT Hall 9am
HO 23/11/2018 : Topic debate on Land Water and Gender
Venue GNAT hall 9 am

voir une video de aout 2018 a grenoble
amphi sur justice environnementale 1h33mn
https://www.facebook.com/100013515491708/videos/526511947809317/intervention de massa kone 35mn a 36 mn


HOW to participate remotely ?>>Les online participation is possible permanently

connect to whatsapp followingwhatsapplinksalle act505 here and commentphotos and videos proposed by caravan communication Ghana Stop communication

COMMENT participer a distance ?>>Les échanges a distance sont possibles en permanence

en se connectant a whatsapp en suivant lelien whatsappsalle Bus act502FR iciet commenterdes photos et videos faites par la communication de la caravane ou la communication de l'étape Ghana


PROGRAMME GHANALink: /projects/afrique-de-louest/africaouestetfsm-act502-termes-de-reference-caravane-et-programme/#ghana