• camerounetfsm act117 challenges of emergence in africa acea cameroon august


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by facilitfsm, modified July 13, 2016

Version 7

by facilitfsm, modified July 13, 2016


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logo-activextension16.jpg-CHALLENGES OF EMERGENCE IN AFRICA cameroon act 117

Qui/who? "ACEA"African cultural embassies

precious good morning from -Yaoundé -Cameroon , we hope you have been working hard to prepare for your participation in the upcoming conference to which has officially been shifted from 14 -16 july to 26 -28 August 2016, due high demand of participation and limited space to accommodate participants ,

please save the date 26th -27 th August 2016 , we apologized for any inconveniences cause, pass on the information to others please,.

With the placing of this activity in WSF 2016 extension dynamics,Aceaconfirms it consider itself to be aparticipating instancein theworld social forum process,as both described in theCharter of principles of world social forum

Quoi/what ? also announced in fiche site FSM https://fsm2016.org/en/activites/challenges-of-emergence-in-africa/wsf 2016 website


Africa is a continent poised with many riches in natural resource and a potential work force of youth ….but still the continent is doomed to development and lots of challenges in its growth ( Emergence) every state and institutions have set plans and strategies to scale up to the rand of developed nations ….but still , whooping ills and challenges still keeps them a long way to reality …
The youths and old from various part of the continent and beyond will be gathering this summer in the central African region state of Cameroon to debates and find solutions as well as recommendations to the part of sustainable development.
Join the team of Acean Model United Nations in Douala …Cameroon and African Embassy Association in finding sustainable solutions and recommendations to the challenges of emergence in Africa.

Public Ambassador Colpas Kari , African Cultural Embassies
Plenipotentiary Minister Tata Solomon , Ministry of External Relations - Cameroon

Quand/when? august 10th Aug 10 2016 9:30 - 14:00 http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/cameroon/douala


How are remote participants included in the frame of extension dynamics ? it is possible to contact organizers before during and after te activity in the chat room associated with he activity https://join.skype.com/bbYjahxQe6fS

Commentsont inclus les participants à distance dans le cadre de ladynamique d'extension? Ilest possible de contacterles personnes organisatricesavant et après l'activité dans lasalle de tchat associée a l'activité: https://join.skype.com/bbYjahxQe6fS


Salut ....jaimerais vous inviter a participer a un forum en ligne sur skype , tu peux nous rejoindre sur https://join.skype.com/fKbZgmHJXMtU
theme du forum Challenge de Emergent En Afrique merci ...de considerer mon invitation
Ambassadeur Public Colpas Kari
African Cultural Embassy Association


Dear sir/Madam ,
I will like to pre-invite you to take part in our upcoming site and online forum and debate theme ''CHALLENGES OF EMERGENCE IN AFRICA'', this forum will take place live at the University of Douala in Cameroon ending July 2016 >> now ending of august as co-extension activities of WSF 2016 , you can also check our organization activities here by seaching for African Cultural Embassies , as well as join us in other activities we will be chairing in FSM2016 .Montreal - canada ...see a skpye link in this message to follow up our forum and share with us your views

Hi everyone greetings from Cameroon ,

just wish appreciate all of you for making your time to participate in bringing changes in our social causes, I wish to thank the Prepafsm2016 extension team for adding me up here ,

My names are Colpas Kari Numfor, a Cameroonian/Nigerian , founder and president of African Cultural Embassy Association (ACEA) an organization created in 2012 in Sri Lanka and now base in Cameroon and Uganda as regional and international offices, with aim to address challenges Africans face while abroad , educate the underserve about the African man and his culture ,which centered on promoting , preserving , protecting and diversify all African cultures on a single platform through cultural and public diplomacy for diplomatic ends. over the course of time we have been able to elaborate further our objectives into different areas ....so as to assist our various states in realizing their goals and objective in and out of the continent ,

it is therefore in this regard we hold different forums and meeting to address some of the continental and world challenges we face and bring doable solutions in which we can offer our leaders ,communities and state institutions some recommendation

I will like to welcome and invite all of you to participate in our upcoming conference and debate which will held in Douala- Cameroon at the University of Douala ..ending of july 2016, > 26th of augsut?? you can join us here or if you can make it to Douala Cameroon that is fine , admission is free for international participants ,

the conference will run for threee days and we will appreciate to here from everyone to contribute a say and that will be in two phase . phase one of your contribution is identifying the challenges and its causes , while phase two will be bring solutions to identified challenges . The conference theme is ''THE CHALLENGES OF EMERGENCE IN AFRICA ''

You may want to choose a country and a sub-theme in order to address its challenges or you can address multiple challenges but your country choice has to be one . for example if you choose to address a sub theme let's say High taxes , Corruption , Disunity , Poor roads , Power , lack of Employment ,etc as challenges to emergence , your highlighted challenges and solution most focus on one country say South Africa , or Zimbabwe e.tc .you can only choose one country to present it challenges and recommendable solutions . we will so be giving you detail program on participation

Je suis ambassadeur public Colpas kari, promoteur des ambassades culturelles africaines et je vous invite à prendre part à nos activités organisées qui aura lieu à Montréal au Canada, si vous serez à Montréal se joignent à nous dans ces deux activités
1. Conférence, thème de la conférence '' Votre rôle en tant que diplomate populaire "(S'il vous plaît si vous pensez que vous pouvez être ou si vous voulez être un orateur à cet événement ... veuillez me contacter votre intérêt à africanculturalembassy@gmail.com)

fiche site FSM https://fsm2016.org/en/activites/your-role-as-the-peoples-diplomat/

2. Parade mars, thème '' Libérer le African Pride '' il vous plaît d'avoir une mise à jour des activités ci-dessus suivre notre page d'activités de l'organisation par la recherche du nom Ambassades culturelles africaines, ici sur le site web de WSF2016.
d'autres activités que nous organiserons hors du Canada avant les événements de WSF2016 sont:

voir la salle de tchat

fiche site FSM https://fsm2016.org/en/activites/unleashing-the-african-pride/

3. Conférence et débat: Thème '' LES DÉFIS DE L'ÉMERGENCE EN AFRIQUE '' qui aura lieu à l'Université de Douala - Cameroun, l'activité est la date en juillet reportée au 26 aout , pour ceux qui ne peuvent pas se rendre à Douala, vous peuvent suivre et participer en ligne via skype en ajoutant ce contact Acea Culturalembassy ou rejoindre https://join.skype.com/oLzxojrNEIV6
tout le monde est invité à partager son point de vue ou de points (Quels sont les défis et les causes de ces défis, alors une solution à ces challeges) nous cherchons à identifier les défis à l'émergence de l'Afrique et de chercher des solutions recommandées à l'émergence de l'Afrique
Veuillez accepter mon invitation spéciale et rejoignez-nous à promouvoir un bon cours pour un monde meilleur, meilleur.
Merci... RDV a Monteral -Canada ou Douala Cameroun

fiche site FSM https://fsm2016.org/en/activites/challenges-of-emergence-in-africa/