• psfextension list extended psf fsp activities

last modified August 25, 2014 by admin

extended-logo-composite-francais.jpgois-fsp.jpg- extended-logo-composite-english.jpg


WSF cafe, media livestreams,  and List of PSF workshops anounced as extended by their organizers

-15 workshops & 1 Assembly-August 17th -Scroll down this page!  How to participate from out of Ottawa ?


Cafe FSM, video en direct medias , Ateliers FSP annoncés comme étendus par leurs organisateurs

-15 workshops & 1 Assembly-17 Aout -Descendez cette page!    Comment participer loin de Ottawa ?

  • ENGLISH This list gathers the workshops that will be extended on internet by their organizers   with skype  email & video link  :
  • Check the list below with   green numbers on first column and tell  some workshop  organizers you want to participate ! (contact theskype account visible in the 3rd column  or email )


  1. FRANCAIS Cette liste rassemble les ateliers étendus sur internet par leurs organisateurs avec skype email & video link-
    • Regarder les lignes du tableau ci dessous  avec la 1ere colonne en vert  Dites à certains  organisateurs d'atelier que vous voulez participer (contactez le  compte skype visible dans la 3eme colonne tableau  ou par email)
      • info  psf 2507 workshop web data FR sans telechargement  500 annonces d'ateliers avec leur numéro d'activité et leur description

          CAFE FSM  WSF CAFE 21 24 august media center UCU301

         invitation  wsfcafefsm ottawa   & invitation  wsfcafefsm ottawa fr   25+ participant profile in skype conversation room


        99% media - 99%Media's stream is visible here  www.99media.org

        here is our tentative schedule ( about 12 workshop livestreamed and 3 assemblies)


        a more détailed record is visible here : http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf-cafe-fsm/wsfcafefsm-ottawa-medialivestreaming 


        Rabble.ca live video will appear http://rabble.ca/rabbletv

         The PSF asked rabble to video stream the major plenaries and some of the assemblies, so we are focusing on that.Our website is rabble.ca

         a more détailed record is visible here : http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf-cafe-fsm/wsfcafefsm-ottawa-medialivestreaming             

        SELF ORGANIZED EXTENSION (invitation)

        Activity # (25/7 file)
         Activity title & contact--------------------------------------
        public  skype  accounts for you to contact workshop  organizers
        videolink- ---------------------------
        Date Hour Place & Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         60 (1)
         After 65 years, why are there still Palestinian refugees?     National Council on Canada Arab Relations

        waiting for a public skype account

        contacts our public skype account   "xxxxxxxxxxx"  to get included in the conversation room     (NCCAR) peter.larson at sympatico.ca  http://nccar.ca/

        Live video channel

        not yet
        •  Friday August 22 @ 09:00 in room LMX 121 

        (Earlier schedule shows saturday 23 10.30-1200  am  EST / desmarais DMS 1140 (118 but is changed ) Over 5 million Palestinians (12 of the total population) are refugees. Their living conditions are terrible. We will look at: Where are the refugees? What is UNRWA? Why are there still refugees? Why can't they return? Why don't the Arab countries absorb them? Why should they be treated differently from other refugees? Two Canadian Palestinian refugees will be resource people.  Program page #23.

        247 (2)

        First Nations Teachings and Transformance - Revisiting Education Through Culture 
        /      Julie  online presentation   http://prezi.com/b4ylodcx2nxj/?utm_campaign=share&utm 

        You may also join the chat room through Skype @ fnmipedago.

        contacts our public skype account   "fnmipedago"  to get included in the conversation room

        jvaudrincharette (en) gmail.com 

        Live video channel


        1:28:37  00:07   9:27  5:57
        • Saturday 23 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (ASSEMBLIES)  EST / LAMOUREUX LMX 121 (60) 

        We will discuss about inclusive pedagogy: why should it matters; to who, and how we can contribute to enrich our intercultural dialogues through exploring heart-based connections. As such, we will look at specific ways in which FN teaching are enriching educational contexts. / Nous vous proposons une rencontre autour des enseignements autochtones en lien avec la guérison et le dialogue. 11. Knowledge / Savoir et connaissance    Bilingual    Workshop / Atelier    August 23rdAfternoon / Après-midi    90

        225 (3)


        A reformed Global Governance

            Sylvie Lemieux   
        contact as of now  our public skype account   "rgg.extension"  to get included in the conversation room  slemieux3599 (en) rogers.com 

        Live video channel

        not yet
        • Friday  22 2:45PM - 4:15 PM (1 WORKSHOP SLOT) EST /  MONTPETIT 207 (78) 

        How can Civil Society held the "Rich" accountable for the state of Global Affairs? What is democracy in a nation or a humanity like ours? Let's talk about democracy in Canada and at  the UN. After a short presentation, be ready to construct a Civil Society ready and willing to take its rightful place to govern Global Affairs.     8. Governance and democracy / Gouvernance et démocratie    Bilingual.               Program page #34.

        365 (4)


        Putting the Science-Policy-Technology Nexus in the Palm of Your Hand...Today!

        Heather Gingerich (member, Science & Human Rights Coalition)

        waiting for a public skype account

        contacts our public skype account   "seizethedata.extension"  to get included in the conversation room   medical.geologist (en) gmail.com        Seize the Data: 

        Live video channel

        not yet
        • Saturday 23 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM (ASSEMBLIES)   EST / UNIVERSITY CENTRE AUDITORIUM (299) 
        How Goldilocks and Mama Bear saved the Canadian healthcare system: the wake-up story, do-it-yourself workshop and official global launch of Baby Bear Care, a "just right" smartphone app that facilitates informed consumer decisions, integrates key public services and supports local social justice initiatives in the era of Big Data.

        394 (5)

        394 Digital Organizing for small or new organizations  Campaign Gears

        396    NationBuilder Website in one workshop Campaign Gears

        397    Campaign Videos in Your Hand    Campaign Gears

        398  Social Media Helps us Build Movements That Are Swiftly Destroyed

        400    Digital organizing for medium organizations   Campaign Gears

        Users can comment on the youtube comment area or the Questions and Answers module once the session is underway.
        ethan (en) campaigngears.com    http://campaigngears.com 

        9am Campaign Videos in Your Hand

        10:45 Digital Organizing for small or new organizations

        1pm Digital organizing for building organizations

        Live video channel

        You can see all of our sessions at this YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUgiAbfDcJ_O0x1MgGJiX_w

        2:45 NationBuilder Website in one workshop

        4:30 Social Media Helps us Build Movements That Are Swiftly Destroyed
        • 394  Friday 22 10:45AM - 12:15 PM (1 WORKSHOP SLOT)/ FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES FSS 9003 (24)

        Just starting your new organization or community group? Learn how to use websites, email lists, social media, and other digital tools to establish your group online so you can focus on building power rather than user account settings    2. Communication    English / Anglais    Workshop / Atelier    August 21stAfternoon / Après-midi. Program page # 25 .

        • 396 Friday 22 2:45PM - 4:15 PM  (1 WORKSHOP SLOT)  EST / FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES FSS 9003 (24))
        From Labour Unions, to the NDP, to city council campaigns, everyone is using the Community Organizing Platform NationBuilder. This workshop will walk you through everything you need to know for getting your community organization outfitted with domain name, website, email list, database, and phone number.    2. Communication    English / Anglais    Workshop / Atelier    August 21stAfternoon / Après-midi.  Program page # 32.


        286 (6)


           gcsfred+psf (en) gmail.com       

        Safer Internet Tools For the Engaged Citizen

         Gustavo Frederico. No affiliation.     tools.    2. Communication    English / Anglais    Workshop / Atelier    August 22ndMorning / Matin

        Contact as of now our public skype account( yes it is a skype account!)


        and be included in the workshop conversation room

        Live video channel

        livestream channel for livevideo our workshop event https://new.livestream.com/accounts/9527600/events/3257381 13:11 8:29 2:49 15:12
        • Friday Aug 22, 9 - 10:30 am EST

        This talk will present tools that allow safer use of Internet software for common tasks, such as web browsing, email and chat (desktop & mobile). Participants will learn more about existing tools and how to use them. We'll show how to perform common tasks w/ tools that promote greater privacy. We'll distribute a small guide that lists the... [EN Program shows this as Theme 5. Earth, not Theme 2. Communication]. Program page #22.

        457 (7)

        Campaign to establish a Canadian Department of Peace

        conflict transformation by peaceful means    

        contact as of now  our public skype account   "canadop.extension"  to get included in the conversation room

        pmaillet (en) magma.ca    http://www.departmentofpeace.ca/    Towards a Canadian Department of Peace 

        Live video channel

        not yet
        •   Friday Aug 22, 2:45PM - 4:15 PM  (1 WORKSHOP SLOT)  ESTBâtiment Fauteux -salle 136 [NOTE: Subject to Program Change]

        This workshop seeks to promote peace through a framework of presence, impartiality, non-violence, and dialogue in domestic and international affairs. CPI has a bill in parliament to create such a department through a first reading. The workshop will consider: What is a department of peace?  What would a department of peace advise the government about topical issues?       10. International    English / Anglais. Program page #27.

        [Note: Program shows an earlier timeslot, Friday, August 22, 10:45AM - 12:15; Room FTX136. To be resolved/advised]

        183 (8)


        Construire un monde de paix et de justice : retour sur le FSM-Paix de Sarajevo (juin 2014)

            Collectif de la société civile québécoise au Forum social mondial sur les initiatives de paix de Sarajevo (juin 2014)

        contact as of now  our public skype account   "cssqfsm.extension"  to get included in the conversation room

        canet.raphael (en) gmail.com 

        - UNIAlter et Les YMCA du Québec  

        Live video channel

        not yet
        •   Friday Aug 22, 1:00PM - 2:45PM  (Social Sciences FSS1005)

        La problématique des enfants soldats, la militarisation du Canada, les luttes autochtones, Initiative Humanité unie, l'éducation à la paix, Écoles vertes Brundtland... Venez échanger sur les alternatives de paix avec des membres du collectif de la société civile québécoise présents à Sarajevo en juin 2014 pour l'événement international sur la paix de l'année 2014.    10. International    Français / French  Program page # 30.

        psf alt media assembly  (9)

         Alternative Media Movement Assembly at the
        Organisations participantes :
        rabble.ca; Media Action Research Group; CWA Canada Associate Members; Upping the Anti: A Journal of Theory and Action; Talking Radical; Organizing For Justice; EquitableEducation.ca  & more


         contact us  by email : PSFmediaMA (at) organizingforjustice.ca 

        Join the Facebook group for simultaneous live chat:

        Live video channel

        • Sat Aug 23, 1-4pm EST    WHERE: Arts 257 - University of Ottawa (directions)

        The Alternative Media Movement Assembly will bring together journalists and activists organizing in alternative/grassroots media to create shared, unified, political projects on a broad range of issues around building media and communication infrastructure. The Assembly has been called to address the following themes determined by a survey circulated by organizers 


        70 (10)


        L'économie sociale et solidaire avec perspective genre

        Quartier du Monde  

        contacts our public skype account   "qdm.extension"  to get included in the conversation room 

        ethelcote (en) bell.net http://www.quartiersdumonde.org

        Live video channel


        • Thurs Aug 21, 9h-10h30pm EST  Tabaret 325  (55) 

        Des femmes de tous les pays choisissent une forme d’entrepreneuriat collectif soit coopératif soit associatif. Leurs activités solidaires favorisent l'empowerment, les emplois décents et la création de richesse collective.  Même si les femmes sont majoritaires au sein de l'économie sociale et solidaire, en intégrant l'approche avec perspective genre, l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes est possible. 7. Gender / Genre Français / French 

        99 (11) 

        Why proportional representation is integral to moving forward on issues that matter

        kelly.carmichael (en) fairvote.ca http://www.fairvote.ca

        waiting for a public skype account 

        contacts our public skype account   "xxxxxxxxxxx"  to get included in the conversation room 

        Live video channel

        not yet
        • Thurs Aug 21, 10h45h-12h15 pm EST  / MORISSET MRT 212 (115)   

        Fair Vote Canada's executive Director will present this workshop.Whether you are new to the concept of Proportional Representation or a veteran democratic reformer, this workshop will provide you with the nuts and bolts of PR and will illustrate how Countries that elect politicians with equal, effective votes do better on environmental measures, income inequality, representation for women & minorities and have stable economies. It's a measure of democracy! 8. Governance and democracy / Gouvernance et démocratie Bilingual

        63 (12)

        Projet HUMANITÉ: Vers une communauté de l'humanité

        -Alexandre Warnet Coordonnateur général d'Humanité Unie General Coordinator of United Humanity 18

        contacts our public skype account   "humaniteunie.extension"  to get included in the conversation room http://www.humanite-unie.org alexandre.warnet (en) humaniteunie.org

        Live video channel

        not yet
        • Friday  Aug22,1PM - 2:30 PM / Morisset MRT 256 (68))

        Project HUMANITY: Towards a community of humanity Humanité Unie - United Humanity Le Projet: HUMANITÉ vise la convergence des forces vives de la société civile dans une vaste campagne d'actions de diffusion du sentiment d'appartenance à l'humanité. Venez y prendre part!  Project: HUMANITY aims at the convergence of civil society actors in a vast campaign for the diffusion of a sense of belonging to humanity. Be a part of it! 13. Movements / Mouvements Bilingual Workshop / Atelier. Program page #31.

        293 (13)


        Collectif de la société civile au Forum social mondial 2015 en Tunisier

                   Les YMCA du Québec et UNIAlter   
        contacts our public skype account   "unialter.extension"  to get included in the conversation room caterina.milani (en) ymcaquebec.org    http://www.ymcaquebec.org

        Live video channel

        not yet

        • Friday Aug 22 4h30 6hpm / FSS 4012 (30))
         Le prochain Forum social mondial (FSM) aura lieu en Tunisie en mars 2015. Vous souhaitez y participez ? Venez découvrir le collectif coordonné par les YMCA du Québec et UNIAlter. Guatemala, Brésil, Sénégal, Tunisie, Bosnie... Plus de 350 personnes ont participé à ces collectifs depuis 6 ans. Joignez la mouvance!   Un autre monde est nécessaire. Avec vous, il devient possible.     10. International    Français / French    Workshop / Atelier    August 22ndEvening / Soirée    90 Atelier. Program page #38.

        84 (14)


        Started from Idle No More, Now We're Here: The Story of a Spiritual Awakening from a Youth Perspective


        contacts our public skype account   "gabrielle.victoria.fayant"  to get included in the conversation room 

        gfayant.a7g at dotrust.org

        Live video channel

        not yet
        • Thursday 21st 10:45 pm FTX 147 A))

        To discuss traditional interpretations into youth skills and perspectives. How young people see their role in today's society while honouring sacred teachings. This workshop will focus on the story of A7G (Assembly of Se7en Generations) and how this group of Indigenous youth are using their skills for the betterment of their peers.[Not listed in EN Program]

        454  (15)

        Stop Line 9 & the Right to Water

        contacts our public skype account   "tcoc.extension"  to get included in the conversation room 

        torontochapter  at  gmail.com

        Live video channel

        not yet
        • Friday August 22, 16:30-18:00 MNT 207
        Presentation & discussion on Enbridge's Line 9 pipeline and how a diluted bitumen spill from this aging pipeline would threaten the Human Right to Water for millions of residents along its route, including Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River. Program page #37.


