• cifsm2021 articulacion insumo2 en

last modified March 7, 2020 by facilitfsm


EN - ES - FR - PT


version 1 mauri 16/02 - version 2 Rosa Pierre 5/03



The International Council met as scheduled on January 25 and 26, 2010 in Porto Alegre, with the participation of 35 people, representing 22 organizations and observers of the IC. The report of the problems discussed and the decisions taken will be the subject of a report that will be sent in due time. This informative note only refers to decisions regarding the holding of the next World Social Forum, since, if the other members of the IC accept it, they will require concrete actions in the shortest possible time. Through this Note, the participants of the IC meeting of January 2020, therefore, consult the other members of the Council on the guidelines indicated therein and on their willingness to participate in the actions indicated .

I - Based on the report of the Mexican organizations on the work they have done so far to prepare for the next WSF, the following consensus was formed at the meeting:
1. that the next WSF take place in Mexico; This character of FSM implies, for the entities that make up the Mexican facilitating collective, a triple commitment ackowledgin the following WSF frame : A/ to build the WSF 2021 process with an explicit reference to the Charter of Principles, as provided in the  preamble  of the Charter, B/ to make decisions in consensus / consent, andC/ in co-responsibility with the International Council, which initiates several commissions to contribute to the WSF2021 process
    @ NOTE1 This added phrase recalls a practice established in the WSF event facilitating groups, which is so obvious that no one at the  Poro alegre meeting thought about making it explicit, as a result of the decision to entrust the WSF2021 to the Mexican facilitating group. Making this Explicit, seems particularly relevant because of repeated signs from within the facilitating group or some IC members, talking about changing the Charterin the process of preparation FSM2021, or simply "respecting it" as a routine for the event, without asking members of the facilitator group to express their agreement with the charter , belittling its reference role in the construction of the process itself .  
2. The month and year in which the 20th Anniversary of the WSF will be celebrated will be celebrated in January 2021;
3. that the date of the WSF coincides with the date of the Davos Forum of that year, thus highlighting its character as an alternative and antagonistic forum of the World Economic Forum;
4. That the date needs the beginning and the end of the WSF to take into account the celebration, at the end of January 2021, of a great March of the Workers in Mexico City.

It was also agreed to consider that this edition of the WSF is of special importance, not only because it coincides with its twentieth anniversary, but also because it may represent a resumption of the strength of the world events of the WSF process, since it will take place at a time when that the world faces particularly serious challenges that must be urgently faced. Among these challenges, such as climate, feminicides, that of growing inequality and that of wars, and the advance of fascism with which capitalism is trying to guarantee its dominance has a special place, relying on the mass dissemination of information liar through its media , and networks created by the technological advancement of intercommunication, which put democracy itself at risk by delegitimizing its electoral processes.

In this context, the participants of the IC meeting considered that the preparation of the WSF edition in Mexico should be seen as a process in which not only CI members but all civil society organizations and movements that share our vision in the future participate. So:

1. We would elaborate upon leaving the expanded IC meeting, which must be convened with a specific document *, a call to participate for proposals , as strong as the current moment requires , that place the WSF 2021 process-event as a time to connect with the bases , that is focused on the care of life, that contributes to the construction of a world political subject, * 2A *   taking the form of networks of self-organized coalitions that define , that define concrete actions against wild capitalism and issue of the advance of fascism in the world * 2B ** , although the WSF is always   that it be an open space for all the issues of struggle of social movements; This call would be drafted and announced at an event/extended CI meeting (define its name) that will be held preferably in Mexico City, in April or May of this year , and may also take advantage of the Thematic Forums that are being put in place (FOSPA Colombia, FSMET in Barcelona ...) .
( @ 2 NOTE * the urgent task of the articulation commission, if I understood correctly, is to write a "call for an expanded IC meeting", in which the invitation to WSF 2021 would be written and signed by a list of organizations from the IC and others participating in this extended meeting -
     This call would require a full title, something like "invitation to an extended WSF IC meeting, calling to participate in the FSM2021 process"
     The question remains as to whether 1 / the call is presented as a draft of the finalized text to be produced at the extended IC meeting, or 2 / if it is something different - it seems to me that this was not defined in the discussion. The term " draft call" in Mauri's text seems to opt for option 1 /.
     This would need a discussion  -I took  the other option 2
Now an important element to consider also to write the convening of this extended IC  meeting would be "what does the WSF-IC proposes to convince organizations to come to this extended IC meeting"? -
     1 / there is an option to opt for methodological innovation in the framework of the Charttr of principles to face the methodological challenge that some interventions in the discussion of the 25th day in Porto Alegre- and
     2 / there is the option of "lowering the formal reference to the charter of principles", which opens in the unknown and leaves the WSF 2021 process without clear reference, and seems incompatible with the fact of announcing a "WSF" 2021, that is to say something built with the charter of principles)
     These are two very different options and require a discussion in this artiuclacion group and also maybe in the CI
@Note 2A ** - the notion of "construction of a global subject" I do not see that it has been adopted as part of the CI consensus in the discussion of Porto Alegre and it is not mentioned in Mauri's formulations - This would require a discussion in the IC chat
@note 2B *** - the particular valuation of a single specific topic, (of the fascimo) does not seem to me to have been discussed and agreed in the discussion of Porto Alegre  
2. From here until May, we would be   we must get in touch with all the organizations and movements that were already part of the IC, as well as with the other movements and civil society organizations that work to build the other possible world, to discuss the call for proposals , finalize it and sign a that results from this discussion.

3. We invite the subscribers of this call to hold, as a special preparation for participation in this extended IC meeting and beyond in the WSF of 2021, at least one national or regional meeting that contributes to lift the debates, proposal and actions assumed by determined networks and participating entities from each of their territories, with a view to articulating in a self-organized way these various initiatives in the WSF 2021 process- event, seeking to organize a diversity of powerful decentralized action dates, supported by a large number of participating entities. facing the agenda that is defined collectively .   on the progress of fascism in the reality of their countries and   As well as about the different forms of resistance that take place in them.




 Information and Consultation Note The International Council met as scheduled on 25 and 26 January 2010 in Porto Alegre, with the participation of 35 people, representing 22 CI organizations and observers. The report of the issues discussed and the decisions taken will be the subject of a report that will be sent to you in due course. This Information Note only refers to decisions regarding the holding of the next World Social Forum, since, if accepted by the other members of the IC, they will require concrete actions in the shortest possible time,

Through this Note, the participants of the January 2020 IC meeting therefore consult the other members of the Council on the guidelines indicated therein and on their willingness to engage in the actions it indicates

. I - Based on the Mexican organizations' report on the work they have done so far to prepare for the next WSF, the following consensus was formed at the meeting:

1. that the next WSF takes place in Mexico;

2. to be held in January 2021, the month and year in which the 20th will be celebrated. WSF anniversary;

3. that the date of the WSF be held to coincide with the date of the Davos Forum that year, thus highlighting its character as an alternative and antagonistic forum to the World Economic Forum;

4. that the date needs the beginning and end of the WSF to take into account the holding, at the end of January 2021, of a large Workers' March in Mexico City. 

It was also consensual to consider that this edition of the WSF is of special importance, not only because it coincides with its 20th anniversary but also because it may represent a resumption of the strength of the world events of the WSF process, since it will take place at a time when the world is facing particularly serious challenges to be urgently faced.

Among these challenges, such as the climatic, that of increasing inequality and that of wars, the advancement of fascism with which capitalism is seeking to ensure its domination has a special place, relying on the massive dissemination of lying information through its media. and the networks created by the technological advance of intercommunication, which put democracy itself at risk by delegitimizing its electoral processes. In this context, the participants of the CI meeting considered that the preparation of the edition of the WSF in Mexico should be seen as a process, in which not only the members of the CI but all civil society organizations and movements that share our vision of future.

Like this:

1. We would elaborate a call for proposals, strong as the moment demands, centered on the issue of the advancement of fascism in the world - although the WSF is always an open space to all the themes of struggle of social movements; this call would be announced at an event to be held preferably in Mexico City, in April or May this year.

2. From here until May, we would be in contact with all organizations and movements that were already part of the IC, as well as with the other movements and civil society organizations that work to build the other possible world, to discuss the call for proposals and sign one that results from this discussion.

3. We would invite the subscribers of the call to hold, as a special preparation for participation in the WSF of 2021, at least one national or regional meeting on the advance of fascism in the reality of their countries and on the forms of resistance that take place in them.