• cifutuG2 formV3 first explorations


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified September 3, 2013

Version 10

by facilitfsm, modified September 3, 2013


  • inserted
  • deleted


Here is aQuestion by Question, a quickcomment showing the diversity of views reflected in the aswers given by first 4 " explorers" -i-e persons " Exploring" their views of IC through the " ic exploration questionnaire"

This analysis is using the "explore output report" ( see lower in the page ) which is assembled automatically from the answers made when filling up the exploration questionnaire

The 15 questions cover a large part of the problematics of "future of IC" and the diversity of explorer"s sensitivities on each issue can be perceived through the different answers selected to a same questions in the various explore reports

  • Q1 IC & WSF SCOPE>> what is wsf process? what is IC area of action ?
    Explorer1 is not sure beyond "wsf event" - Explorer2 and Explorer4 include "all sf event" and "connections" Explorer3 is not sure
  • Q2 IC MISSIONS - >> what are the self defined missions of IC ?
    "Principles organizers strategy expansion" are highlighted by most everyone Explorer1 is more selective than Explorer2 and Explorer4 ( 2.00 average importance vs 2,75 and 2,4) and give lower priority to "participants" and "outreach" Explorer3 does not select the first items Explorer2 highlights "legitimacy" "participants" and "outputs" - Explorer2 and Explorer3 highlight "efficiency" Explorer1 and Explorer3 highlight "media"
  • Q3 VIEWFUTURE -–>> what is my feeling about the current situation of IC ?
    Explorer2 and Explorer3 mention "saviours!" - Explorer1 and Explorer3 mention "abandon" – Explorer1 and Explorer2 and Explorer4 mention "self reform" Explorer1 and Explorer4 mention "more contrib"
  • Q4 IC NAME – >> what is the name best fitted to what is IC ?
    Explorer1 does not answer , Explorer2 select "council of social movement" Explorer3 selects " wsf caring community" Explorer4 select "wsf caring initiative"
  • Q5 IC ACTION –>> how can IC play its role ?
    Explorer1 and Explorer2 could not answer as the question was created after their first revision - Explorer3 does not answer - Explorer4 selects nearly all points
  • Q6 IC TYPE- >> what type of entity is IC?
    Explorer3 selects "informal" but does not explain further - Explorer1 and Explorer2 and Explorer4 select "formal demanding and inclusive"
  • Q7 IC MEMBERS --> who are IC members if any?
    Explorer1 and Explorer2 are ok for "dual membership rep and indeps" ( Explorer1 says this in a comment not in an answer) - Explorer3 logically does not answer as he is for informality Explorer4 mention possibility of "transition to other criteria of inclusion based on contribution"
  • Q8 IC SIZE ->> what is the size of IC ?
    Explorer1 and Explorer2 see a "50 org ceiling" - Explorer3 and Explorer4 see "no ceiling" and a "change in composition"
  • Q9 IC DECISION –>> how does IC make decisions ?
    Explorer2 and Explorer3 and Explorer4 ok on "consensus" - Explorer4 mentions "extension"
  • Q10 IC ORGANIZATION – >> how is IC organized internally ?
    No answer by Explorer1 and Explorer2 and Explorer3 –- Explorer4 proposes "change" options
  • Q11 IC MEMBERS CONTRIBUTIONS ->> what is expected from IC members/ participants?
    Explorer1 Explorer2 Explorer4 are for "dualmembership" - Explorer2 is "not for fees" while Explorer1 and Explorer4 are considering them - Explorer2 Explorer3 and Explorer4 for "other duties" and "dispatch basic tasks" - Explorer3 and Explorer4 for "contribution review"
  • Q12 IC MEETING GOALS – >> which are the goals structuring the meetings of IC ?
    Explorer1 and Explorer2 highlight "debate" and "decision" - Explorer1 and Explorer4 highlight "extension" Explorer3 and Explorer4 highlight "contribution review" and "structural -groups" Explorer3 hilghts "protocols"
  • Q13 IC MEETING TIME FOR TOPICS –>> How much time is spent on which topic during IC meetings?
    Explorer1 highlights "context" "wsf event" "wsf process" Explorer3 highlight "method" Explorer2 Explorer3 and Explorer4 highlight "clarification and task report " Explorer3 and Explorer4 highlight "base operation"
  • Q14 IC MEETING TIME FOR SITUATIONS –>> How much time is spent in which situation during IC meetings?
    Explorer1 highlight "plenary discussion" - Explorer2 and Explorer4 hightligt "groupreports in plenary"– Explorer2 highlights "f-group/commission meetings" Explorer3 highlights "s-groups", "basic op" and "contributive groups"
  • Q15 DISCUSS & EXPLORE>> what do i intend to do now in this discusson about future of IC?
    Explorer1 and Explorer2 could not answer as the question was created after – Explorer3 is interested in "missions" - Explorer3 and Explorer4 in "SGroups" and "Contribgroups" Explorer4 in "contibreview"
  • Q16 IC EXPLORATION FORM EVALUATION –>> how do i evaluate the exploration form i just went through ?
    Explorer1 is generally critical fo the form - Explorer2 is generally appreciative of the form - Explorer3 is with mixed feelings critical of the editing and saying the "questions are ok" and "general concept ok and need minor adjustment"


Here is the “IC EXPLORE REPORT” that is assembled automatically from the answers made when filling up the exploration questionnaire

For each question Q1to Q16the list of selected answers appear, using a "short name for each answer" : example- Q3r4-selfreformmeans that in the Question Q3 VIEWFUTURE, the “explorer person”has selected asnwer4 which is summarized by “ self reform!” This format allows to read quickly the answers receive , compare them and comment /discuss them

You can guide yourself in the shortnames with the item list that is visible here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input-item-list

the-highlights in yellow and blue are consistent with theoverview / comparison made at the top of the page

if you want to produce your "explore report" ACCESS THE QUESTIONNAIRE HERE with 15 questions >> WSF IC/CI EXPLORATIONS

EXPLORE REPORT WILL BE SENT TO YOU along with the compound of comments you have made

  • NAME EXPLORER1- 22/6 - ( the 16 questions are separated in 16 paragraph for initial clarity )

Q1 -SCOPE( 1 : in2: out 3: semi4:notsure)- wsfevent1 - allevents4 - connections4 - actions4 - 4 answers/4 - 3,25 average ( low average = vast wsf area) -

Q2 -MISSIONS (0 : not important3: very important )- principles3 - vocabulary0 - organizers3 - participants1 - outputs1 - outreach1 - mapping2 - media3 - strategy3 - expansion3 - legitimacy - efficiency - 10 missions selected/12 - 2 average importance -

Q3-VIEWFUTURE ---- Q3r4-selfreform - Q3r5-morecontrib - Q3r6-abandon --

Q4-NAME --------

Q5-ACTION -----------

Q6-TYPE ------ Q6r6-formaldemanding&inclusive --

Q7-MEMBERS - Q7r1-reporgonly ----- --

Q8-SIZE - Q8r1-50orgs --------

Q9-DECISION --------

Q10-ORGANIZATION -------------

Q11-CONTRIBUTIONS - Q11r1-noneed -- Q11r3-dualmembership - Q11r4-memberfee - Q11r5-otherduties -----

Q12 -MEETING GOALS ( 1: not important -3: important)-- debate3 - contribreview - decisions3 - strucgroups - protocols - contribgroups - extension3 - interactions3 - 4 goals/8- 3 average weight -

Q13 -TIME BY TOPIC ( 1 to 8 hours) -- Context4h - wsfevent4h - wsfprocess4h - method2h - baseop2h - clarify2h - tasksreport2h - 7 Topics/7 - 20h total -

Q14 -TIME BY SITUATION -( 0to 10 hours) plenary10h - groupreports4h - strucgroups4h - funcgroups - contrigroups - otherh - 3 situations/6 - 18h total -

Q15-EXPLORING -----------

Q16-EVALUATION - Q160a-tedious --- Q161a-introOK --- Q162b-15questionsKO - Q163a-norequireOK --- Q164B-issuescoverKO --- Q165b-answersclearKO --- Q166b-answeragreeKO ----

answers shortnameslist here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input-item-list

  • NAME EXPLORER2- 26/6 - ( the 16 questions are separated in 16 paragraph for initial clarity )

Q1 -SCOPE( 1 : in2: out 3: semi4:notsure)- wsfevent1 - allevents1 - connections1 - actions - 3 answers/4 - 1 average ( low average = vast wsf area) -

Q2 -MISSIONS (0 : not important3: very important )- principles3 - vocabulary2 - organizers3 - participants3 - outputs3 - outreach2 - mapping3 - media2 - strategy3 - expansion3 - legitimacy3 - efficiency3 - 12 missions selected/12 - 2,75 average importance -

Q3-VIEWFUTURE --- Q3r3-saviours - Q3r4-selfreform ----

Q4-NAME - Q4r1-socmov -------

Q5-ACTION -----------

Q6-TYPE ------ Q6r6-formaldemanding&inclusive --

Q7-MEMBERS ------ Q7r4-rep&indep --

Q8-SIZE - Q8r1-50orgs --------

Q9-DECISION - Q9r1-consensus -------

Q10-ORGANIZATION -------------

Q11-CONTRIBUTIONS --- Q11r3-dualmembership -- Q11r5-otherduties -- Q11r7-mixedcontribgroups - Q11r8-dispatchbasictasks -

Q12 -MEETING GOALS ( 1: not important -3: important)-- debate3 - contribreview2 - decisions3 - strucgroups3 - protocols2 - contribgroups2 - extension2 - interactions3 - 8 goals/8- 2,5 average weight -

Q13 -TIME BY TOPIC ( 1 to 8 hours) -- Contexth - wsfevent2h - wsfprocess2h - method2h - baseop2h - clarify3h - tasksreport3h - 6 Topics/7 - 14h total -

Q14 -TIME BY SITUATION ( 0 to 10 hours) - plenaryh - groupreports6h - strucgroups4h - funcgroups6 - contrigroups4 - other2h - 5 situations/6 - 22h total -

Q15-EXPLORING -----------

Q16-EVALUATION -- Q160b-interesting -- Q161a-introOK -- Q162a-15QuestionsOK ---- Q164a-issuescoverOK -----------

answers shortnameslist here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input-item-list

  • NAME EXPLORER3- 28/6 - ( the 16 questions are listed in one paragraph without line break)

Q1 -SCOPE( 1 : in2: out 3: semi4:notsure)- wsfevent4 - allevents4 - connections4 - actions4 - 4 answers/4 - 4 average ( low average = vast wsf area) -Q2 -MISSIONS (0 : not important3: very important )- principles - vocabulary - organizers - participants - outputs - outreach - mapping2 - media3 - strategy3 - expansion3 - legitimacy0 - efficiency3 - 6 missions selected/12 - 2,33 average importance -Q3-VIEWFUTURE --- Q3r3-saviours --- Q3r6-abandon --Q4-NAME ---- Q4r4-community ----Q5-ACTION ----------- Q6-TYPE --- Q6r3-informal -----Q7-MEMBERS --- Q7r3-repmandatebyorg ----- Q8-SIZE --- Q8r3-noceiling - Q8r4-out&outreach -----Q9-DECISION - Q9r1-consensus ------- Q10-ORGANIZATION -------------Q11-CONTRIBUTIONS ----- Q11r5-otherduties - Q11r6-contribreview -- Q11r8-dispatchbasictasks -Q12 -MEETING GOALS ( 1: not important -3: important)-- debate2 - contribreview3 - decisions3 - strucgroups3 - protocols3 - contribgroups2 - extension1 - interactions1 - 8 goals/8- 2,25 average weight -Q13 -TIME BY TOPIC -( 1 to 8 hours) - Context2h - wsfevent2h - wsfprocess2h - method4h - baseop4h - clarify4h - tasksreport4h - 7 Topics/7 - 22h total -Q14 -TIME BY SITUATION ( 0 to 10 hours) - plenaryh - groupreports2h - strucgroups6h - funcgroups4 - contrigroups10 - otherh - 4 situations/6 - 22h total -Q15-EXPLORING -- Q15r2-contribG2G3 - Q15r4-contriblater - Q15r4-explmissions -- Q15r6-explSgroups --- Q15r9-explcontribgroups --Q16-EVALUATION - Q160a-tedious ---- Q161b-intoKO - Q162a-15QuestionsOK -- Q163a-norequireOK --- Q164B-issuescoverKO - Q164c-issuesOTHER -- Q165b-answersclearKO --- Q166b-answeragreeKO -- Q167b-contentadjust --

answers shortnameslist here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input-item-list

  • NAME EXPLORER4- 30/6 - ( the 16 questions are listed in one paragraph without line break)

Q1 -SCOPE( 1 : in2: out 3: semi4:notsure)- wsfevent1 - allevents1 - connections1 - actions3 - 4 answers/4 - 1,5 average ( low average = vast wsf area) -Q2 -MISSIONS (0 : not important3: very important )- principles3 - vocabulary2 - organizers3 - participants2 - outputs2 - outreach3 - mapping2 - media2 - strategy3 - expansion3 - legitimacy2 - efficiency2 - 12 missions selected/12 - 2,42 average importance -Q3-VIEWFUTURE ---- Q3r4-selfreform - Q3r5-morecontrib ---Q4-NAME ------ Q4r6-initiative --Q5-ACTION - Q5r1-showflat - Q5r2-politagree -- Q5r4-energyreports - Q5r5-inviteparticip - Q5r6-showwsffacilit - Q5r7-invitecontrib - Q5r8-activinname - Q5r9-activselforg -- Q6-TYPE ------ Q6r6-formaldemanding&inclusive --Q7-MEMBERS --- Q7r3-repmandatebyorg - Q7r4-rep&indep - Q7r5-indepmandatefix - Q7r6-transitocontributors -- Q8-SIZE --- Q8r3-noceiling - Q8r4-out&outreach - Q8r5-bringindeps - Q8r6-proportion - Q8r7-balances --Q9-DECISION - Q9r1-consensus -- Q9r3-org&indep --- Q9r6-extendedtoo -- Q10-ORGANIZATION -- Q10P2-dispatch --- Q10F2-facilitby-fgroups --- Q10B2-basicbysgroups --- Q10G2-opencontributive ---Q11-CONTRIBUTIONS --- Q11r3-dualmembership - Q11r4-memberfee -- Q11r6-contribreview - Q11r7-mixedcontribgroups - Q11r8-dispatchbasictasks -Q12 -MEETING GOALS ( 1: not important -3: important)-- debate2 - contribreview3 - decisions2 - strucgroups3 - protocols2 - contribgroups2 - extension3 - interactions2 - 8 goals/8- 2,375 average weight -Q13 -TIME BY TOPIC ( 1 to 8 hours) -- Context3h - wsfevent3h - wsfprocess3h - method2h - baseop4h - clarify3h - tasksreport4h - 7 Topics/7 - 22h total -Q14 -TIME BY SITUATION ( 0 to 10 hours) - plenary4h - groupreports6h - strucgroups4h - funcgroups4 - contrigroups4 - otherh - 5 situations/6 - 22h total -Q15-EXPLORING -- Q15r2-contribG2G3 ---- Q15r6-explSgroups -- Q15r8-explcontribrev - Q15r9-explcontribgroups --Q16-EVALUATION ---------------------

answers shortnameslist here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input-item-list