• cifutur survey menu questions en

last modified August 22, 2013 by facilitfsm

EXPLORATION 1 ( drafted last)

Your name and email Your organisation(s) Have you participated in IC meetings

Q1- Is WSF process our "common good" ?, and should we, participants in this process, actively care about it ?

Q2 - As WSF participant, do you feel motivated enough to support this WSF process by means that are within your reach?

Q3 - As WSF participant, do you feel that WSF world events are a useful "tool" in current context?

Q4 - Do you feel that a "central body" servicing/facilitating/impulsing WSF process is a necessity ?

Q5 – if you answered rather yes in question 4, what are the relevant minimal missions of such a central body ?

Q6 - What role has played IC in the past 5 years ?

Q7 - What is your perception of desire and motivation in IC members and potential members to change IC ?

Q8 - Is it possible/desirable to create a dynamics inside IC aiming at "delivering" more than IC has been delivering in the last 5 years?

Q9 - What are current IC main assets / strengths?

Q10 - What are IC main problems / weaknesses?

Q11 - In which directions should a change in IC be worked out, if needed?

Q12 - Is there enough “political / methodological “ consensus inside IC to move somewhere, or is IC stalled ?

Q13 - is it possible /relevant that IC dissolves and proposes another frame of facilitation/service for WSF process, without jeopardizing WSF process

Q14 - is it possible/useful/wise to keep a "minimal" IC afloat at minimal cost ?

Q15 – Is it be possible/relevant/wise to develop other servicing/facilitating/impulsing groups with different contributive capacity/profile?

Q16 - How can a common vision of "what to do ?" be build in and around IC ?





Your name Your email address Your organization(s)

Choose how you start ! PI or PIII

PI - 1. Have you participated in IC meetings in the past?

PI - 2. What should the mandate/tasks of an ideal IC be?

PI - 3. What should be the tasks/mandate of ideal IC members?

PI - 4. What could the ideal size of an IC meeting be?

PI - 5. How should the IC take its decisions

PI - 6. Who can be members of an ideal IC?

PI - 7. Assuming your are ic member, Would you be personally willing to commit yourself to the tasks of an ideal IC members:

PII - Q1 : What is the scope of tasks of IC in supporting / impulsing WSF process?

Do you want to review item by item this generic list of 20 potential WSF impulsion tasks presented in Part II above?

PII-Q1bis (optional) What is the relevant role IC on each of the 20 WSF faclitation /impulsion tasks proposed?

PII - Q2 : Which recommendation would you support regarding IC for the coming period?

PII - Q3 : From a general view point, how do you see “ideal" IC members/participants?

PII - Q4 : How do you see your possible personal participation in or around IC ?

PIII - Q1 - What is your experience in WSF process

PIII - Q2 : How would you describe yourself regarding “WSF process”

PIII - Q3 : Select some opinions close to yours regarding WSF process

PIII - Q4 : What have been/could be your significant contributions to WSF process?

PIII - Q5 : What time and funds would you and your organization POTENTIALLY be ready to contribute to support the WSF process






Your name Your email address Your organization(s)

Q1 - What is your experience in WSF process

Q2 : How would you describe yourself regarding “WSF process”

Q3 : Select some opinions close to yours regarding WSF process

Q4 : What have been/could be your significant contributions to WSF process?

Q5 : What time and funds would you and your organization POTENTIALLY be ready to contribute to support the process

Q6 : What is the scope of tasks of IC in supporting / impulsing WSF process?

Q6bis (optional) What is the relevant role IC on each of the 20 WSF faclitation /impulsion tasks proposed

Q7 : Which recommendation would you support regarding IC for the coming period?

Q8 : From a general view point, how do you see “ideal" IC members/participants?

Q9 : How do you see your possible personal participation in or around IC ?

Q10 : How about an "exploration 3" , focused on IC missions, IC internal operation, and IC meetings agenda ?





EXPLORATION 3 ( drafted first)

your overall time available for consultation- your contacts - your organizations - your sf / WSF ic experience - your time available for WSF IC/CI consultation

Q1 - WSF process area and scope of action WSF IC/CI

Q2 - self defined missions of WSF IC/CI body related to WSF process

Q3 - your view on securing a future for WSF IC/CI

Q4 - name of WSF IC/CI body

Q5 outwards action of WSF IC/CI entity

Q6 - type of body

Q7 - who can be members/initiators/stimulators in this WSF ci/ic (whatever their names)?

Q8 - size & composition of WSF IC/CI body

Q9 - consensus decision modalities

Q10 - principles and options about organizing and working groups

Q11 - stimulating contribution of WSF IC/CI members

Q12 - towards which outputs are WSF IC/CI meetings organized?

Q13 - "time for topic" table in ic meetings

Q14 "time for situation" table in IC meetings

Q15 refining alternatives/changes