• cifuturG2 exploration2a statistics

last modified November 27, 2013 by facilitfsm

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Statistics on "IC/WSF exporation2A Exploration 2A "28 responses  november 25th


Your name

samah Rita Michel cecilia Rogate Leo Judith Pierre Liege Damien Norma Francisco Janneth Mireille Raffaela Maren Diane Ana Hugo Vittoria Eric Amit Pedro Ivo Fatma Gustavo Antonio Sheila Moema

Your email adress

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Your organization(s)

Focuspuller collective of media activist ,Focuspuller.We are observer from 2004 and Communication Commission members from same year. we facilitate wsftv.net from 2008 Ciranda EED babels stop the wall HIC Attac Crid CADTM FDIM Flare (2012) I has been inside from beginning like Italian movement, after outside from 2004 – I was MEP- and after member again for FLARE Abong zanzibar film festival Union Of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) PNGO Attac People Heath Movement Caritas Internationalis Ibase Rede Ecossocialista Internacional ARCI CTA AIC Panos Instituto paulo freire Euromarches World council of Churches ORGANIZACION: REPEM - Red de Educación Popular entre Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe ICAE Fondation Franz fanon

1. Have you participated in IC meetings in the past?

a. Yes,As a member 26 87%
b. Yes As an observer 2 7%
c. No 0 0%
Other 2 7%

1. How many IC meetings have you personally attended?

A casi todas quasi todas Eric Toussaint a participé aux réunions du CI comme membre de la délégation du CADTM depuis la première réunion en 2001 jusqu'à la réunion du CI de juin 2007 tenue à Berlin. Ensuite Eric Toussaint a participé à la réunion du CI de janvier 2009 à Belém tenue après le FSM. - Eric T has participated to the IC meetings as part of CADTM delegation since the first meeting in 2001 in Sao Paulo until thte IC meeting in Berlin June 2007. Eric T particpated to the IC meeting in Belem January 2009 Too many to be able to count…. Todas desde o processo de Belém, quando comecei a representar a FDIM no CI Five meetings since 2007 5 8 1. I didn’t represent my organization in any of the IC meeting . I have been the international coordinator of WSF – Free Palestine 2012 21 I don't remember No recuerdo el numero. Desde el 2008 en casi todas las reuniones. En años anteriores en forma alternada No recuerdo muy bien, pero entre el 2009 y 2011 4 reuniones. De años atrás la REPEM participó con otras compañeras como Fanny Gomez y otras O Instituto Paulo Freire esteve representado em todas as reuniões citadas abaixo. Not sure - my first IC meeting was in June 2005 in Barcelona. I would imagine it to be a dozen I have attended nearly every IC since the beginning of the WSF process - there were perhaps four or five I could not attend mainly because of financial problems (European representatives do not get financial support). Many times since 2004…. Many meetings, more than twenty, Since 2007 so about 4 or 5 cannot remember exactly I don't remember, many -almost all the meetings from my first one in Parma, 2006 All meetings of the meetings since the Miami one except 4 7 (desde 2010) + 2 de parte del CI (Porto Alegre / FSMT e Rio / Cúpula dos Povos) Uma reunião Most IC meetings since the one in Bangkok in 2002. Would have missed 3 or 4 since then 1. I represent Ibase in the IC since 2004. Since then I attended almost all IC meetings, but I can not say exactly how many. I'm started in the 2004 in Trasimeno Italy , honestly I don’t remember.

1b. How many IC meetings has your organisation attended?

As number 1 LE CADTM a participé à toutes les réunions du CI (sauf peut-être 2 réunions) depuis la création du CI du FSM (voir le registre des présences). CADTM international network (present in 30 countries on 4 continents) has participated to all IC meetings (behalve perhaps 2 meetings) since teh creation of the IC WSF (check on the register of participants) Same answer…almost all With a gap in 2009/10 (due to heavy repression of STW by Israeli occupation forces) we tried to be present at almost all meetings around 10 or 12 Depuis le début, Attac a participé à presque toutes les réunions Après 2005, le CRID a participé à presque toutes les réunions 8 Almost all the meetings from (if I remember well) 2002 At least 10-12 approx- 12 TWO, Flare is member from 2012 We've attended Dakar 2011 Atila 2012 and brazil 2012 Most meetings we were present since the beginning the IC as founding member The European marches always have been represented either by Christophe Aguiton or by me. veja resposta precedente Todas (las primeras conjuntamente com otra organización formal, y como organización observadora y desde Belém como organización formal nel CI 27 as per http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-age-and-presence-in-ic same as 1 Todas desde la fundación del FSM Habitat International Coalition (HIC) attended almost all the IC meetings since 2003. We've attended almost all meetings. Candido and Atila represented Ibase at the IC since the beguiling. Atila left in 2004. Since then Candido and I have been Ibase's representatives Todas desde a fundação do FSM até março de 2010. Depois disso, participamos daquelas às quais fomos informados sobre local e data. Initially repesented WSF India in the IC (WSF India representatives were observers). Subsequently the Peoples Health Movement was inducted into the IC in 2008. As indicated above, have attended most IC meetings since 2002, first represenring WSF India and then PHM 3 (três) No recuerdo el numero pero a la mayoría, casi todas

1c. When was the first meeting attended by your organisation?

2006 2007 Reunião realizada por ocasião da fundação do FSM. La primera I don't remember, probably from 2002. Ibase, with other 8 Brasilien organization invited for the first IC. So, we''ve been present even before the first IC meeting UAWC has been part of the IC since 2004 through PNGO, since then each year a representative of the network attends the IC meeting . 2000 pour Attac 2005 pour le CRID June 2005 in Barcelona No recuerdo, pero creo que desde las primeras. LE CADTM a participé au CI dès la première réunion tenue à Sao Paulo en 2001. CADTM has particpated to the first meeting of the IC in Sao Paulo in 2001. in 2012 Foi quando fomos aceitos para participar do CI, mas não me recordo a data CI de Nairobi (Janv 2007) En el primer FSM de Porto Alegre, 2001 In Porto Alegre January, 2001 2001 Sao paulo 2001 En el 2001 Miami, 2003. Desde sua inclusão no CI As representative of WSF India in 2002 As PHM in 2008 Lake Trasimeno in Italy, observer and first partecipation to Communication Commission I presume that the first of the IC meetings was 2001 1a reunión, en la fundación Florence ESF, which is when Babels was created

1d. When was the last meeting attended by your organisation?

LE CADTM a participé à la dernière réunion du CI qui s'est tenue à Tunis en mars 2013 après le FSM CADTM has participated to the last IC meeting in Tunis March 2013 A Tunis, en 2013 In Tunis March 2013 Tunez FSM 2013 2013 2010/11 en el 2011 - no recuerdo, en dónde fué CI de Tunis (Mars/Avril 2013) In Tunis, March, 2013 Tunis, 2013 Officially Tunis march 2013, in Tunis HIC representatiove, Lorena attended the IC meetings in Tunis 2013 July 2012. monastir Túnis (abril 2013) después del FSM 2013 Tunis 2013 Reunião realizada no Aterro do Flamengo, na Cúpula dos Povos, em junho de 2012. Foi a reunião que preparou o Forum da Tunísia. Brazil 2012. En 2013 en Tunez durante el Foro La de Túnez, 2013

2. What best would represent according to you the mandate/tasks of the IC?

a. (*)Decide on place, format, and date of WSF events 21 8%
b. Practical preparation of WSF event (together with local organizing committee) 17 7%
c. Political preparation of WSF event (together with local organizing committee) 24 9%
d. (Co-)organizing activities on occasion of WSF events (next to self-organized activities) 6 2%
e. Discussion of global political situation in order to improve the political relevance of WSF events 21 8%
f. Facilitating connection between activities in various successive SF events 13 5%
g. Factilitaiting relationships between activities in WSF event and those in SF events at national level or with thematic SF events 13 5%
h. Facilitating the agglutination/convergence processes in social forum events - 19 7%
i. (**) Discussing strategy of IC or of IC members for facilitating WSF process ( *) 2 1%
j. Developing communication strategy in about and around IC 22 9%
k. Discussion methodology of WSF process and event(s) 20 8%
l. Providing resources for WSF event and process 16 6%
m. Monitoring financial resources for WSF process and event 19 7%
n. Promoting the geographical expansion of WSF process and events 20 8%
Other 22 9%

3. What would you consider to best represent the values, attitudes and behaviours of the IC members? (choose as many as you prefer)

a. Commitment to WSF Charter 25 36%
b. Commitment to WSF process 23 33%
c. Financial contribution to the IC process 7 10%
d. Financial contribution to IC meetings 4 6%
Other 10 14%

4. How could the IC tasks be fulfilled? (choose as many as you prefer)

a. (*) with resorting to a central coordinating group : By nominating members to a smaller working group(s) for work linked to the IC process (former ‘liaison’ group, organizing meetings, making agenda, etc) 7 13%
b. (*) without resorting to a central coordinating group : By participation of all members of IC to IC operation through a series of basic IC operation working groups, 5 9%
c. (*) By setting up several "review groups" reviewing each a specific aspect of WSF, and making recommendations to the IC , and by each member participating in at least one of them 11 21%
d. (*) By setting up working groups engaging non IC members and aiming at supporting /developing the WSF process, and by each member participating in at least one of them 10 19%
Other 20 38%

5. What are your thoughts about the IC membership?

a. It should remain as it is 2 4%
b. It should be expanded further 17 33%
c. it should be limited to active members 9 18%
d. It should include mechanisms of rotation of its members 9 18%
Other 14 27%

6. How could the IC memberships be expanded?

a. (*) keep including only organisatons according to current guidelines : Representatives of organizations 4 10%
b.. include Individuals in personal capacity complying with certain criteria 1 2%
c.. Include organizers of previous WSF events in personal capacity 5 12%
d.. A mix of the above 10 24%
e (**)institute a new possibility : individuals can be included as temporary members if they are sponsored by a certain number of ic member organizations 1 2%
Other 21 50%

7. How should the IC take its decisions

a. Consensus in all cases 14 40%
b. (*) Majority voting “one member one vote, only in case of deadlock situation (and if there is consensus to vote ?) 7 20%
Other 14 40%

8. As IC member (or assuming you would be) which tasks would you preferably commit yourself to?

a. Work in IC working groups during IC meetings (drafting documents , manipulating data. , extending the meeting, .) 25 32%
b. Work in IC working groups on line between meetings ( all range of tasks that can be done on line) 22 28%
c. (**) Work in IC defined group with other WSF participants on line between meetings 1 1%
d. Contribution to general discussions during IC plenay discussions 23 29%
e. (**) Written Contribution on IC mailing list to general reflection between meetings 1 1%
Other 6 8%