• cifuturG2 exploration2b summar responses


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified September 15, 2013

Initial Version

by facilitfsm, modified September 3, 2013


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see the exploration 2b questions and answersLink: /projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-exploration2b-en

CHRIS - 30-août-2013 - exploration 2B

Q1 -MY WSF EXPERIENCE- . Q1 my experience of SF events : between 6 and 10 - . Q1 My experience of organizing activities in the events : between 2 and 5 - . Q1 My experience in Organzing committees of events : None - . Q1 My experience in international council meetings : None -comment 187 - 4 answers/4-

Q2 -MY RELATION TO WSF-- Q2r2-am trying to get the promises of wsf ---- Q2r6-i am willing to contribute - comment 512 - -

Q3-MY OPINIONS ON WSF - UNIQUENESS-- Q3u2-I think WSF has a unique potential -- QUALITY Q3q1-We need to improve activity quality --- Q3q4-convergence expect -- OWNERSHIP- Q3o2-there is wide normal gap between organizers and participants - Q3o3-there is not enough focus on facilitation - Q3o4-we need to improve inclusive buildup -- DYNAMICS- Q3d2- in a given place there is not muchcontinuing aftera first wave of event - Q3d3-wsf can be readapted --- IMPULSION Q3i1-wsf needs central impulsion ----- comment 319 --

Q4-MY CONTRIBUTIONS TO WSF-- Q4r2-develop activities - Q4r3-facilitate convergences ---- Q4r7-present wsf in new places - Q4r8-contribute in working groups --- comment 330 -

Q5-TIME & FUNDS FOR WSF - Q5r1-from mysalaried time, i could dedicate : 0 - Q5r2-from my volunteer time, i could dedicate :20% - Q5r3-for event participation expenses, my org could dedicate from its yearly budget : 1% - Q5r4-for supporting wsf, my organization could dedicate from its yearly funds : 0% - Q5r5-from my personal income, i could crowdfund/donate to valuable initiatives : 0%- comment 0-

Q6-MY VIEW ON SCOPE OF ICGENERAL SCOPE -- Q6g2-list of IC tasks presented is reasonnable - Q6g3-having no IC terms of reference document is not a problem --- Q6g6-I have clear vision --CENTRAL GROUP Q6l1-WSF process needs a single central group ----- INSPIRING GROUP--- POLICY IMPULSING Q6e1-IC has to focus on general policies --- comment 679

-Q6BIS Do you want to REVIEW IN DETAIL IC tasks? No

Q7-MY RECOMENDATIONS FOR IC - ON IC ROLE- Q7r2-draft strategy of IC for clariying fuzzy points --- Q7r5-review IC membership composition ------ON ICI ORGANIZATION Q7o1-manage self sustainable operation of IC --- Q7o4-explicit how IC meetings are extended ---ON IC CONTRIBUTIONS TO WSF --- Q7c4-explain how IC help to prepare wsf event with OC -- Q7c6-assess own IC facilitation action - Q7c7-describe website & mailing list policies in WSF/IC- Q7c8-update directoryof WSF service /facilitation initiaitives -- comment 0 -

Q8-MY VISION OF ICMEMBERS -- Q8r2-mix of representatives & independents -- Q8r4-members in limited number -- Q8r6-no small permanent leading group - Q8r7-members inspire by their orgnzaitons contributions --- comment 0 -

Q9-ABOUT MY PARTICIPATION IN ICNON FORMAL MEMBER VIEWPOINT----- Q9n5-I need enlargement of ic meeting to participate - Q9n6-interested by other groups of friends of wsf-- FORMAL MEMBER VIEW POINT ------- comment0 -

Q10-FEEDBACK ----- comment 4 -

comments CHRIS - 30-août-2013

Q1 WSF EXPERIENCE- All participation so far has been in Extended modeLink: /projects/sfexintercom/project-home , because of:

- remoteness/time differences in Australia

- working with others to improve links with Asia (eg Yoshihide, MaryAnn Manahan)

- Q2 RELATION to WSF - I distributed the WSF Charter of Principles at a gathering of 'Civil Society of the G20' summit in Moscow in June 2013Link: /projects/espacios-oe/event2013-counterg20-st-petersburgh and was enthused by the response. The Russian hosts immediately saw the need, either to subscribe to WSF Principles, or to develop a similar charter (?)

Whilst there will be opportunities for WSF events in Australia (as host country for the G20) during 2014 because of the gathering of civil society groups, it remains unclear whether these groups see themselves as 'inside/outside the tent'.

- Q3 OPINION ABOUT WSF- Impulsion of WSF process answer (Q3 I1)Link: /projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-exploration2b-en sits uncomfortably, but resulted from considerable reflexion.

I3 was a temptation, but the risks from accelerating technologies and single-issue groups could derail WSF IC from a longer-term, broad, political agenda. Others may see these risks as manageable, and I could be swayed

- Q4 CONTRIBUTION TO WSF - I thank Annette for stimulating the Asian dialogueLink: /projects/asian-discussion-forum/project-home . Over the longer term, I remain committed to developing equal air-time across a broader range of Asian countries including (but not limited to) Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia where I have current contacts. I think Yoshihide (Japan)Link: /people/attacjpkit/profile shares a similar outlook.


- Q6 SCOPE OF IC- For Legitimacy. I am prevented from answering Q6 L1+L4Link: /projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-exploration2b-en because:

- political unity (L1) is a comfortable place for IC, but 'political cohesion' or 'politically-focussed' may still be permissable. Beyond 'Another World is Possible' lies the implementation phase where some opportunism and pragmatism may be called for, but resisted by those who are 'politically united'.

- Contributive IC (L4) but selectively so. I doubt Rita or Chico would 'stay with general discussionLink: /projects/cifutur/tunisg3-contribution2-en '. They are contributive and models for others. They ought not be cajoled into 'implementation of policies' per se. I applaud RitaLink: /people/Rita/profile for continuing to drive alternative/independent media through ties with CirandaLink: /people/Rita/profile .



- Q8 SIZE -



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