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Wiki modificadas recientemente September 17, 2013 por facilitfsm

WSF& IC Exploration 2C- Combined

You are about to participate to a “survey” “future of the WSF/IC, that is the International Council of the World Social Forum process”. This survey was proposed by a working group created in IC Tunis meeting in March 2013. The target of this survey is to learn how people think about the IC and how it might possibly be reformed for the future. This IC clearly cannot be looked at in total independence from the WSF process, but this survey is only meant to orient the future debates about the existence and the tasks of the IC.

This survey consists of two parts:

a) The first part are the questions to which we as “future of IC” group, would like minimally to have an answer for. It is focused on IC only . It will not take you more than 10 minutes to go through it.

If you are not at ease answering them upfront before thinking about WSF at large, you can go first to the second part first which considers first WSF and then IC (*)

b) The second part will take something like 30 minutes and concerns more detailed questions about your vision of WSF process and then your vision of the IC

In any case , We kindly ask you to answer all the questions of the first part, and if possible take a look at the second part and answer the questions you want to.

This survey is important to raise the awareness and to enhance our collective ownership of the WSF process and of the International Council accompanying it.

We thank you a lot in advance.

Your name *


Your email adress *


Your organization(s) *


Choose how you start ! *

o    I Start directly with part I ( 10 questions focused on IC)

o    I Start with part III ( 5 questions on wsf process), then i will go to part I

WSF& IC Exploration 2- Combined – part I focused on IC

(10 minutes – exclusively focused on IC- please answer minimally this part - but you can start with part III which is focused on wsf process)

1. Have you participated in IC meetings in the past? *

if you have not participated in an IC meeting we sugggest you go to part III first ( click on "back" at the bottom of the page)

o    a. Yes,As a member

o    b. Yes As an observer

o    c. Other

o    d. No

2. What should the mandate/tasks of an ideal IC be? *

Choose the various options relevant for you. This is according your vision of what is "ideal" IC

o    a. Decide on place and date of WSF events

o    b. Practical preparation of WSF event (together with local organizing committee)

o    c. Political preparation of WSF event (together with local organizing committee)

o    d. (Co-)organizing activities on occasion of WSF events (next to self-organized activities)

o    e. Discussion of global political situation in order to improve the political relevance of WSF events (

o    f. Stimulating connection between activities in various successive SF events

o    g. Stimulating relationships between activities in WSF event and those in SF events at national level or with thematic SF events

o    h. Facilitating the agglutination/convergence processes in (W)SF events -

o    i. Discussing strategy of IC for WSF process

o    j. Developing communication strategy in and around the group of IC members

o    k. Discussion methodology of WSF process and event(s)

o    l. Providing resources for WSF event and process

o    m. Monitoring financial resources for WSF process and event

o    n. Promoting the geographical expansion of WSF process and events

o    Autre :

3. What should be the tasks/mandate of ideal IC members? *

(question 7 is also focused on task of I members)

o    a. Political commitment to WSF Charter

o    b. Practical and political commitment to WSF process

o    c. Financial contribution as member of IC

o    d. Financial contribution for attending meeting

o    e. Facilitating solidarity fund

o    f. Nominate a smaller group for the daily practical work linked to WSF and IC process (former ‘liaison’ group, organizing meetings, making agenda, etc.)

o    h. Participate in at least one among a series of basic IC operation groups (to be defined) that allow IC to operate without resorting to a smaller central group

o    i. Participate in at least one functional review group that review situation of WSF process along one particular aspect/functions and make recommendation of contributive groups

o    j. Participate in at least one contributive groups with clearcut tasks involving non IC members and aiming at supporting /developing WSF process

o    Autre :

4. What could the ideal size of an IC meeting be? *

Assuming there is formal membership in IC and the floor is given (by default) only to IC members

o    a. 50 members

o    b. 100 members

o    c. 150 members

o    d. 200 members

o    e. Illimited members

o    Autre :

5. How should the IC take its decisions *

Decisions about things that are within the scope outlined by you in question 2

o    a. Consensus in all cases

o    b. Consensus inasmuch possible and voting “one member one vote, only in case of deadlock situation and if there is consensus to vote

o    Autre :

6. Who can be members of an ideal IC? *

o    a. Representatives of organizations

o    b. Individuals presented by at least 3 organizations, but not affiliated to those

o    c. Individuals complying with certain criteria

o    d. Core organizers of previous WSF events in personal capacity

o    e. A mix of the above

o    Autre :


7. Assuming your are ic member, Would you be personally willing to commit yourself to the tasks of an ideal IC members: *

these are tasks besides financial commitments mentionned in question 3 - if you are or have been an IC member, (as per you asnwer in question 1 )this is a requested question

o    a. Work in IC working groups during IC meetings (drafting documents , manipulating data. , extending the meeting, .)

o    b. Work in IC working groups on line between meetings ( all range of tasks that can be done on line)

o    c. Work in IC defined group with other WSF participants on line between meetings

o    d. Verbal Contribution to general Reflection during IC plenay discussions

o    e. Written Contribution on IC mailing list to general reflection between meetings

o    Autre :

Next steps after Part I *

o    Go back to beginning of survey

o    Go to part II complementary questions on IC (15mn)

o    Go to part III part on WSF process (15mn)

o    Go to end of the survey

WSF& IC Exploration 2- Combined part II

Part II - Complementary questions on IC - How can WSF process be supported ? – what is the role of WSF IC ?

Counting 3 minutes per question - exploring this part can take around 15 minutes

 INTRODUCTION CONSIDERING A GENERIC LIST OF TASKS A generic conceptual list of tasks can be made when a group is thinking about supporting impulsing WSF process, Here below is one list among many possible formulations ( there is high level of commonality between the tasks described in question 2 of the quick survey and this list)

>> Task group IDENTITY AND QUALITY of WSF process

Share views on the relevancy to continue with WSF process and what is the strategy of the group for developing it Maintain a reduced set of reference documents expressing the nature and culture of WSF process, and the relation between logistics and politics (requires some central legitimacy) Promote best practices of building up events and organizing initiatives Stimulate sustain service initiatives to the events and process on interpretation , extension , creative activity format Issue statement inviting participation in WSF event and WSF process Stimulate communication from participants to non participants Articulate action with other impulsion groups to maintain unity of the process Maintain mutual visibility on the sf events taking place and sustain initiative to extend and connect activities in different events some connecting initiatives

>> Task group WSF EVENTs SF events and Initiatives

Decide the shape and location of a biennial WSF event based on proposals made by initiative groups (requires some central legitimacy) Support the initiative groups for this WSF event build up in all possible ways and Take charge of certain aspects of organizing WSF event that are not local Monitor the funding of WSF event Maintain mutual visibility on the SF events taking place and sustain initiative to extend and connect activities in different events some connecting initiatives Stimulate exchanges between SF organizers and help Connect activities between SF events Impulse and support event initiative groups in regions where WSF process is not known or developed

>> Task group WSF tool “OUTPUTS

Stimulate content and actors mapping initiatives using as primary material activities held in social forum events Promote best practices for facilitating convergences Sustain initiative to curb mainstream media bias on social forums and to develop citizen documentation and coverage of activities

Part II - A Your vision of IC as central facilitating body for WSF process

PII - Q1 : What is the scope of tasks of IC in supporting / impulsing WSF process? T

Answers are arranged by topics, directly taken from the list above. Select at least one answer by topic. G answers about your general views on the list, then L answers about legitimacy of IC, then I answers on IC as Inspiring group, then E answers on IC as Efficient impulsion group – select what is most relevant for you – If certain answers invite you to develop a comment, please do so. If you select “other answer”, please comment

o    >> G = ABOUT THE GENERAL LIST of tasks ------------------------------------

o    G1-This list of task is INCOMPLETE. I comment below to explain why

o    G2 -This list of task EXPRESS REASONABLY WELL THINGS TO BE DONE and each group of “friends of WSF process” can make its own list

o    G3 – Current absence of “reference document” explaining how IC works and what are its tasks IS NOT A PROBLEM

o    G4 – Current Absence of reference document explaining how IC works and what are its task IS A PROBLEM

o    G5 - I have NOT A CLEAR VISION about if and how IC is implementing those tasks

o    G6 - I have a RATHER CLEAR VISION about if and how IC is implementing those tasks


o    >> L = About IC as CENTRAL LEGITIMATE GROUP in WSF ------------------------------------

o    L1 --There is still NEED FOR A CENTRAL LEGITIMATE GROUP WITH A LIMITED PROFILE of tasks/scope ( reference documents and next WSF event preparation) and political unity around developing WSF process as a “common tool”, and IC is this group

o    L2 -There is NO MORE NEED FOR A CENTRAL LEGITIMATE GROUP- the fundamental work was done by IC, and the decision about a central WSF event can be made differently or the notion of central event can be questioned

o    L3 –A MINIMALLYCONTRIBUTIVE IC is realistic (reference documents and next WSF event preparation) and it is legitimate inasmuch big stake holders of the WSF are inside IC

o    L4 -A MORE CONTRIBUTIVE IC is necessary and attainable. WSF process dynamics would benefit from higher contribution level for from IC members and from IC not staying with general discussion and getting more involved into implementation of policies


o    >> I = About IC as PROMOTER of INSPIRING CONTRIBUTIONS AND GOOD PRACTICES in WSF ------------------------------------

o    I1- As a first and central “WSF impulsion group” IC HAS ALSO TO FOCUS on development and promotion of “good practices” and inspiring contributions by its members. It is an attainable way to be more useful to the process and to develop collective legitimacy.

o    I2 -Good practices and inspiring contributions in WSF process will get better known through diffusion by certain “WSF impulsion groups” in a kind of decentralized darwinian way, and IC DOES NOT NEED to stimulate and promote them


o    >>E = About IC as an EFFICIENT POLICY IMPULSING GROUP in WSF ------------------------------------

o    E1 - In order to enhance participation and ownership in WSF process, IC HAS ALSO TO BE defining and impulsing implementation of some general policies ( for instance on communicating WSF). It is an attainable way to be more useful to the process and to develop collective legitimacy.

o    E2- In order to enhance participation and ownership in WSF process, IC JUST HAS TO DEFINE SOME POLICIES (for instance on communicating WSF), and call for a DIVERSITY OF SELF INSTITUTED “FRIENDS OF WSF PROCESS”GROUPS to implement these policies with “their” WSF participants

o    E3 -In order to enhance participation and ownership in WSF process IC CAN JUST BE ULTIMATE ARTICULATION SPACE between a DIVERSITY OF SELF INSTITUTED “FRIENDS OF WSF PROCESS”GROUPS defining and implementing “their” policies with “their” WSF participants( for instance on communicating WSF). These groups would develop relationships between themselves


Your comments on your answers to PII-Q1

Comments welcome, especially if you have selected G7 L5 I3 or E4 = "other answer"

Do you want to review item by item this generic list of 20 potential wsf impulsion tasks presented in Part II above? *

* For each item you can assess the role of IC regarding this task, thinking also of other posible impusion groups than IC - This question allow to situate role of IC compared to role of other possibly emerging “ friends of WSF groups”

o    Yes, i want to review the list

o    No, i skip


WSF& IC Exploration 2- Combined – part II A review of tasks in IC

Indications Considering “how the tasks can be implemented” can guide the reflection on IC role - Some tasks like writing reference documents can be performed by a relatively SMALL GROUP with some LEGITIMACY ( e.g. guiding principles for organizing social forum event ) - Some tasks can be implemented based on “SHOWING BY DOING” and be INSPIRING EXAMPLES (e.g. developing preparation of activities, sustaining convergence processes,-and sustaining WSF service initiatives) - Some tasks imply formulating POLICIES and impulsing active participation of a large number of WSF participants to IMPLEMENT them - This requires an EFFICIENT PLANING AND IMPULSING GROUP able to propose inclusive and attractive ways of participation ( e.g. communicating about WSF) So there is a VIRTUOUS CIRCLE that any group of “friends of WSF” can practice: political agreement to sustain WSF tool –inspiration- Efficiency - legitimacy- This question allow to situate role of IC compared to role of other possible “ friends of WSF" groups

Part II-Q1bis What is the relevant role IC on each of the 20 WSF faclitation /impulsion tasks proposed?

Those tasks are mentionned in the generic list presented at the beginning of part 4

IC MUST take this task which Is SPECIFIC TO IC as a central impulsing body

IC as a central impulsing body is well placed to EVOLVE A POLICY about this task and propose it to other “friends of wsf”group (who are yet to be developed), and REVIEW what they do

IC SHOULD TAKE THIS TASK in its agenda, as any other self instituted “friends of wsf”group (who are yet to be developed), HOW WILL IT BE EFFICIENT in dealing with it ?

IC has NO PRIORITY to consider this task, and it WONT BE EFFICIENT, other group (who are yet to be developed), could do it better (SUBSI DIARITY)

IC has NO RELEVANT ROLE to play about this task


IQ1 -SHARE VIEWS on the relevancy to continue with WSF process and what is the strategy of the group for developing it

IQ2 -Maintain a reduced SET OF REFERENCE DOCUMENTS expressing the nature and culture of WSF process, and the relation between logistics and politics (may requires some central legitimacy)

IQ3 -Propose discussions/activities during WSF events to HIGHLIGHT CERTAIN ISSUES in the open space

IQ4 -PROMOTE BEST PRACTICES of building up events and organizing initiatives

IQ5 –STIMULATE AND SUPPORT SELF ORGANIZED “WSF SERVICE INITIATIVES” to the events and process on interpretation, extension, creative activity format, citizen memory documentation, wsf promotion through lectures, wsf promotion in mainstream and alternative media etc..


IQ7 -Stimulate COMMUNICATION TO NON participants from wsf participants

IQ8 – stimulate EMERGENCE OF OTHER “FRIENDS OF WSF IMPULSION GROUPS”to decentralize the process

IQ9 -ARTICULATE ITS ACTION with other “friends of wsf impulsion groups” to maintain unity of the process

>> E = WSF EVENTs, SF EVENTS, & WSF INITIATIVES ----------------------------------------

EI1-Decide the SHAPE AND LOCATION OF A BIENNIAL WSF EVENT based on proposals made by initiative groups (requires some central legitimacy)

EI2-SUPPORT THE ORGANIZING GROUP for the WSF event build up in all relevant ways

EI3-TAKE DIRECT CHARGE OF CERTAIN ASPECTS of organizing WSF event that are not local


EI5-MAINTAIN MUTUAL VISIBILITY on the SF events taking place and sustain initiative to extend and connect activities in different events some connecting initiatives


EI7- help CONNECT ACTIVITIES between SF events

EI8-Impulse and support event initiative groups in REGIONS WHERE WSF PROCESS IS NOT DEVELOPED

>> O = OUTPUTS OF“WSF tool “------------------------

O1 -Stimulate MAPPING INITIATIVES on content and actors using as primary material activities held in social forum events

O2 -Promote best practices for FACILITATING CONVERGENCES

O3 -Promote best practices for PUBLICISING OUTPUTS of activities and convergence assemblies

Your comments on your answers in PII-Q1bis

WSF& IC Exploration 2- Combined Part II - B : Your recomendations for IC

Based on your experience of wsf and your view of this process and on IC , you can formulate a few recommendations to be considered by G2 and submitted to IC

PII - Q2 : Which recommendation would you support regarding IC for the coming period?

Answers are grouped by Topics : R answers on role and membership, then O answers on organisation, then C answers on contribution – Select at least one answer by topic . If you select “other answer”, please comment

o    >> R = ROLE AND MEMBERSHIP of IC ------------------------------------------------

o    R1-IC to draft a reference DOCUMENT ON WSF PROCESS FACILITATION/IMPULSION, considering IC specific role and role of other groups of “Friends of WSF”, to be completing the charter of principles and the guiding principles for organizing WSF events

o    R2-IC to publish regularly a DOCUMENT ON JOINT COLLABORATIVE STRATEGY OF IC MEMBERS TO DEVELOP WSF PROCESS, including visions of contexts in which “WSF common tool” is used, and their impact on the form of the WSF process



o    R5-IC to REVIEW CURRENT MEMBERSHIP COMPOSITION of organization, based on effective contribution and presence

o    R6-IC to find a way to INCLUDE PERSONS linked to “non organisation based” citizen movements ,and to persons having a proven high capacity of contribution

o    R7-IC to EXPLICIT CRITERIA IN AND OUT of IC membership,

o    R7 – IC to EXPLICIT THE CRITERIA FOR SIZE of membership

o    R8- IC to DISSOLVE AND PROPOSE A NEW FRAME for impulsing WSF process


o    >> O = ORGANIZATION of IC------------------------------------------------

o    O1-IC to organize its own operation in a SELF-SUSTAINABLE way,-minimally depending on exterior funding, (eg. funding by members, support staff by members) and to describe the mechanism for funding and finding support staff

o    O2-IC to organize its own operation in a way that is inspiring for WSF process participants – dispatching operational task to groups where all members are included, AVOIDING DELEGATION and power building mechanism inside IC, and INCLUDING A WIDER CIRCLE of non members contributors, and to describe its MAIN PROCEDURES OF OPERATION

o    O3-IC to draft a DOCUMENT ON ITS INTERNAL ORGANISATION in broad accountable terms, and on IC DECISION PROCESS,

o    O4-IC to explicit HOW IC MEETINGS WILL BE EXTENDED i-e made available on internet for members participation and non members information,

o    O5-IC to explicit HOW IC OPERATES ON LINE between meetings


o    >> C = CONTRIBUTION of IC to impulsion/facilitation of WSF process ------------------------------------------------

o    C1-IC to explicit what are the DUTIES OF IC MEMBERS

o    C2-IC to publish regularly a REVIEW OF CONTRIBUTION FROM ITS MEMBERS to WSF process

o    C3-IC to publish regularly a LIST OF CONTRIBUTIVE GROUPS open to active WSF participants ( criteria to be defined

o    C4-IC to explicit guidelines based on good and bad experience on how IC and WSF event organizing committee will ORGANIZE TO JOINTLY PREPARE WSF EVENT

o    C5-IC to update its LIST OF POLICIES AND INDICATION OF HOW THEY ARE IMPLEMENTED directly by IC and conributive groups, or through groups of “friends of WSF process”)

o    C6-IC to ASSESS REGULARLY ITS ACTION how is it inclusive and inspiring to non members

o    C7-IC to DESCRIBE ITS WEBSITE(S) AND MAILING LIST POLICIES and how they are implemented

o    C8-IC to update a DIRECTORY OF “SERVICE INITIATIVE IN WSF PROCESS” (example WSF calendar and OE group) and how each is organized/sustained by contributive groups



Your comments on your answers to PII-Q2

Comments welcome, especially if you have selected R9 O6 or C9 "other answer"


Part II -C : Your vision about participation in IC

After having considered IC more as a collective, it is time to consider the persons that are or could be "in" it or "around" ic

PII - Q3 : From a general view point, how do you see “ideal" IC members/participants?

(This question is complementary with part I - question 6) These are ideal qualities/persons. People can behave according to how they are “inspired” by the context and IC organization they agreed to - Select what is most relevant for you If you select “other answer”, please comment

o    R1- they are REPRESENTATIVES of organization with political and practical commitment to WSF process, concretely proven


o    R3-they are a FORMAL MEMBERSHIP to make accountable decisions,

o    R4-they are a LIMITED NUMBER, in order to have workable meetings

o    R5-they SELF SUSTAIN THE IC OPERATION by their contribution in kind and in funds

o    R6-they find a sustainable way to share the responsibility and contribute to IC operation and NOT DELEGATE CRITICAL TASKS TO A PERMANENT SMALLER LEADING GROUP, and this can set example for organizing committees and other facilitating groups

o    R7-they inspire and stimulate other WSF participants by the CONTRIBUTIONS OF THEIR RESPECTIVE ORGANIZATIONS to WSF process including ones not aligned to their direct interests, this can show good practices

o    R8-they stimulate contribution of many other WSF participants through inviting them in CONTRIBUTIVE WORKING GROUPS and are inspiring in collaborating with them, this can help significantly WSF process go forward and expand

o    R9-they are ACTIVE IN OTHER "FRIENDS OF WSF IMPULSION GROUPS", and “represent” them inside IC and thus maintain, in an horizontal way, the unity of the WSF process keeping IC a main body between many others


Cette question est obligatoire.

Your comments on your answers to PII-Q3

Comments welcome, especially if you have selected R10 other answer

PII - Q4 : How do you see your possible personal participation in or around IC ?

(This question is complementary with Part I- question 7) - First 6 answers are more for NON FORMAL IC MEMBER next 6 are more for FORMAL IC MEMBERS. Select at least one answer. if you select “other answer”, please comment

o    >> NON FORMAL IC MEMBER VIEW POINT-------------------------------------------

o    N1 - I m not interested to participating in IC activities. I am trusting IC member organisations to make their reasonable possible for the WSF process, and use the results of this survey I AM INTERESTED TO BE INFORMED about how IC operates and evolves because this has an impact of WSF process dynamics at large

o    N2 - I m not interested to participating in IC activities, but I might be interested to PARTICIPATE IN CONTRIBUTIVE GROUPS PROPOSED BY IC or another impulsion group if IC does not take this tasks -I expect from IC a clear frame of operation and proposed initiatives where I can include my contribution to WSF process

o    N3_I would want to get included in a facilitating body for WSF that is SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT than what is IC now (explicit the changes in the comment zone)

o    N4 - Am more INTERESTED TO DEVELOP CONCRETE SOCIAL FORUM ONLINE INITIATIVES OR EVENTS in places /themes that matter to me and my organizations, and I do not need permission from IC, as long as we abide by charter of principles

o    N5 - I could be participating in IC IF EXTENSION OF IC MEETING IS DEVELOPED the focus on face to face meetings in IC is questionable and much more focus should be put on on line interaction between members

o    N6 - Am more interested to CREATE/PARTICIPATE IN OTHER “GROUPS OF FRIENDS OF WSF” in our own way


o    >> FORMAL IC MEMBER VIEW POINT-------------------------------------------

o    M1-I am a formal member of IC with limited time and It is ENOUGH FOR ME TO ATTEND IC MEETINGS AS THEY ARE with a LOW IC PROFILE, representing my network’s views and delegating initiative an operating responsibility on a smaller group

o    M2- I am a formal member of IC, and WILLING TO CONTRIBUTE MORE in a HIGHER PROFILE IC or in other impulsing groups. I consider than contribution of my “IC member network/organisation” to WSF needs to BE INSPIRING to other participants

o    M3 -I am a formal member of IC, and willing that a FLAT OPERATION SCHEME BE INSTITUTED of sharing basic tasks among groups involving all members and associating non members to contributive tasks

o    M4 - I am a formal member of IC, and ready to BE AN INSPIRING IC MEMBER IN A CONTRIBUTIVE GROUPS open to non IC members

o    M5 -I am a formal member of IC, and ACTIVE IN OTHER WSF IMPULSION GROUPS and willing to connect them

o    M6 - I’m a formal member of IC, and I HAVE specific CHANGE PROPOSAL to present in IC (please comment)


Your comments on your answers to PII-Q4

Comments welcome, especially if you have selected N7 or M7 other answer


Next steps after Part II *

o    Return to part I – 10 quick question on IC – to be answered (10 min)

o    Go to part III part on WSF process (15mn)

o    Go to end of the survey

Part III - 5 Questions on your vision of WSF process

Counting 3 minutes per question - exploring this part can take around 15 minutes

Part III-A : Your experience in WSF process

PIII - Q1 - What is your factual experience in WSF process *

For each line select the appropriate answer - none - 1 - 2 to 5 – more than 5



between 2 and 5

between 6 and 10

more than 10

1-In how many significant social forum events have you participated (more than 500 persons attending )

2-How many activities have you organized in those social forum events

3-In how many organizing committees of social forum events have you participated

4-In how many of 31 IC meetings held to date have you participated as member or observer

PIII - Q1 Comment your answers above as you wish

Comments welcome


Part III-B : Your vision of WSF process

PIII - Q2 : How would you describe yourself regarding “WSF process”

Note: “WSF process” can be described roughly as the development across the world of practice of social forum events, general or thematic, and the practice of self organized activities in those events

o    R1- I do not still quite understand what is WSF process, I m INTERESTED TO LEARN and practice more

o    R2- I am an active WSF process participant, trying to get for my organizations or movements what WSF process “PROMISES” : contacts, connections, convergences, visibility of issues we work on

o    R3- I have POSITIVE experiences about WSF which breed in me the conviction that this WSF process needs to go on and am part of it, and co owning it

o    R4- I am more FRUSTRATED than satisfied so far by my WSF experience: for various reasons this process is not yielding what I expected it to yield

o    R5- I am active when there is a social forum event close to where I live, otherwise this process is DISTANT and ABSTRACT for me

o    R6- I am also interested to CONTRIBUTE TO IMPULSION: expansion and deepening of this WSF process at large, spreading practice of organizing social forum events and quality activities in them, and make it happen for others at home and abroad


Your Comment on your answers to PIII - Q2

Comments welcome, especially if you have selected R7 = other answer


PIII - Q3 : Select some opinions close to yours regarding WSF process

The proposed answers are ordered along five topics- select at least one answer by topic U = Uniqueness of WSF process, Q= quality of WSF process, O=ownership of WSF process, D=dynamics of WSF process, I= impulsion of WSF process if you select “other answer”, please comment

o    >> U = UNIQUENESS of WSF process ---------------------------------------------------

o    U1-WSF process is an international process of spreading the practice of social forum events. It exists alongside some other international processes PGA UN for NGOs international thematic networks emerging, and I have NO SPECIAL PREFERENCE for it

o    U2-WSF process is for me a broad innovative process with a UNIQUE POTENTIAL of inclusivity, to face challenges of humanity, it is very useful to connect visions struggles alternatives and it needs to go forward and develop, despite current limitations


o    >> Q = QUALITY of WSF process

o    Q1-Average QUALITY OF ACTIVITIES self organized inside WSF open spaces created in social forum events, along with their preparation and follow up, are reflecting the level of understanding and ownership of WSF “tool” by organizations and persons, and there are probably many ways to improve it

o    Q2-The way things are concretely done by organizers or participants is often UNCONSISTENT with the proclaimed principles and values and I do not think this can be changed

o    Q3-As a “cold/scheduled” process of interaction between participants, WSF process is expected to bring valuable experience to activists engaged in “warm” struggles, alternative practices and mobilization in concrete country contexts- this LINK BETWEEN “PUBLIC Q1-ACTION” AND “PUBLIC REFLECTION” is central to the quality and relevancy of WSF process

o    Q4-CONVERGENCE PROCESS inside open spaces, which is a main expectation for many WSF participants cannot be forced and it can be hindered or accelerated by their facilitators promoters, according to the practices they develop


o    >> O = OWNERSHIP of WSF process ---------------------------------------------------

o    O1-The quality of this process is reflecting the COLLECTIVE CAPACITY OF ITS PARTICIPANTS to own it use it and facilitate it and this capacity needs to be improved. it is important that OWNERSHIP of the process be shared and developed among as many participants as possible

o    O2-WSF process essentially relies on initiative of small groups willing to organize certain open space events, and the other wider groups are using that open space, between organizers and consumers of forums this GAP IS WIDE AND UNAVOIDABLE

o    O3-WSF process a give and take process, where you give facilitation time and participation time an d you get contacts and convergences with others on issues that matter to you. NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE GIVE FACILITATION TIME and that may be why there is less to take than expected

o    O4-The capacity to start INCLUSIVE BUILD UP PROCESS when organizing events is key to quality and ownership of participants


o    >> D = DYNAMICS of WSF process ---------------------------------------------------

o    D1-WSF process as it is with its limitation is sustainable and a GROWING NUMBER of people is identifying as participants in it

o    D2-WSF process spreads like a wave and AFTER THE WAVE there is generally not a strong willingness/ability to organize regular attractive events and this needs to be further commented ( example continue in brazil – continue in Europe - continue in india )

o    D3-WSF process was started in 2001 and its current form is NOT SO ADAPTED to the present context but can be adapted

o    D4-WSF process is NOT A USEFUL TOOL for a growing number of movements organizations. It is a process in crisis that cannot be creatively reformed and will inevitably decline


o    >> I = IMPULSION of WSF process ---------------------------------------------------

o    I1-This WSF process needs to be CENTRALLY IMPULSED, using principles and values that are promoted in the social forum open space: horizontality – inclusiveness,- shared ownership – co responsibility –volunteer contributions etc – that is what IC has tried to do for more than 10 years now, with mixed results

o    I2-This WSF process is widespread enough and is principles are assimilated enough so it needs NO CENTRAL IMPULSION and risks of fragmentation, shifts of practices between a possible variety of impulsion groups are minimal

o    I3-WSF process should get rid eventually of central impulsion but not now : some CENTRAL IMPULSION COULD FOCUS on how to impulse wider participation in WSF process and show how a variety of WSF impulsing groups could organize and interrelate in a united frame


Your comments on your answers to PIII - Q3

Comments welcome, especially if you have selected U3 Q5 O5 D5 or I4 = other answer


Part III-C - Your contribution(s) in this WSF process

Inasmuch WSF process is a "common good - common tool" for its participants, the question of ownership responsibilty and contribution is raised ....

PIII - Q4 : What have been/could be your significant contributions to WSF process?

Select the answers that match your views. If you select “other answer”, please comment

o    R1- COMMUNICATE about WSF in and around my organizations constituencies”, and include efficiently WSF in the strategy of my organizations

o    R2-Develop quality and inclusive ACTIVITIES in next social forum events that can be inspiring examples, where organisations can be present directly or through extended participation

o    R3-Facilitate a CONVERGENCE process/space/assembly in a topic that my organization is active on without “leading”

o    R4-Sustain a permanent SERVICE INITIATIVE to WSF process in interpretation or on extension in intercommunication websites, or on quality of activities, or WSF calendar

o    R5-Take charge of certain aspect of ORGANIZATION/FACILITATION of a social forum event making them possible and inclusive and inspiring to many activities and to many direct or remote participants

o    R6-Be Involved in a group drafting some REFERENCE DOCUMENT

o    R7-PRESENT WSF in places where it is not developed

o    R8-Contribute in WORKING GROUPS proposed by attractive “friends of WSF process “ impulsion group

o    R9-Be part of a “FRIENDS OF WSF PROCESS GROUP decentralized and impulsing some tasks

o    R10-Be part of , or around a REVITALIZED IC to centrally impulse WSF process



Your comments on your answers to PIII - Q4

Comments welcome, especially if you have selected R11 other answer

Q5 : What time and funds would you and your organization POTENTIALLY be ready to contribute to support the process

This question is assuming the WSF context is inspiring for you and corresponding to your expectations. This is not a commitment of course, just an indication


5% of time - 0,5% of budget - income

10% of time - 1% of budget - income

20% of time - 2% of budget - income

50% of time - 5% of budget - income

more than 50% of time - 10% of budget

20% of budget

more than 20% of budget

My salaried TIME base 40h/week

My volunteer TIME base 20h/week

My organization external expenses BUDGET for our travel /accommodation in ICmeeting / SF events

My organization external expenses BUDGET for contributing wsf initiatives and general expenses

My personal monthly INCOME, through online donations for WSF initiatives

Your comments on your answers to PIII - Q5

You may want to qualify what are the conditions that would be inspiring you to contribute the full "potential" mentioned above


Next Steps after Part III *

o    Go to part I – 10 quick question on IC – to be answered

o    Go to part II complementary questions on IC

o    Go to end of the survey


End of Exploration 2 - combined

if you select “other answer”, please comment

o    R1-Filling this “wsf & ic exploration 1 Combined ” survey has been INTERESTING ( please comment)

o    R2-filling this “wsf & ic exploration 1 Combined” survey has been NOT SO INTERESTING , (please comment)

o    R3-(DESIGNED FOR IC MEMBERS, AND THOSE INTERESTED BY WSF IMPULSION GROUPS) - I am willing to explore further my vision of IC and spend around 45 minutes for “WSF & IC EXPLORATION 2”, with 15 questions about IC – scope – membership-organization - meetings- http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input1-invitationg2 . I am informed that there are some "IC change proposals" reflected in some answers proposed in the survey , and this is for provoking discussion. I can very well criticize these answers, or make alternative proposals


Comments welcome, especially if you have selected R4 other answer

