• cifuturG2 formV3 html view

last modified June 28, 2013 by facilitfsm

WSF CI/IC explorations V3 ( copy paste from on line form)

This is a proposal of form made as an input in the discussion on consultation started here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-consultation-discussion.

Before going through this "WSF CI/IC explorations" form below, the reader is advised to read some of the 23 contributions here http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuture-home . This will give elements on the context in which this wsfic/ci consultation is proposed

The form is a succession of 15 questions covering topics such as : scope , mission, name , actions, type of membership, size, decision process, expected meeting outputs, meeting time allocation, contribution stimulation, type of working groups, next steps

Many of the optional answers proposed to those 15 questions are reflecting 5 main possible new ways listed below
These serve as "mind provokers" when compared to current experience in IC/CI .

These 5 ideas are summarized in a diagram between existing and possible IC see here: http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-input1-alternatives

1/ Consider "DUAL MEMBERSHIP", to include "independents" persons ( eg 2011 movement activists) presented by member organisations

2/ Consider replacing "liaison group" by several "STRUCTURAL GROUPS", each with a limited scope, to spread collective ownership of CI/IC operation among all WSF IC/CI members ( MEMBERSHIP- AGENDA – EVALUATION – RESOURCES – EXTENSION - CONTRIBUTION REVIEW – FOLLOW UP)

3/ Consider replacing "commissions" by more "FUNCTIONAL REVIEW GROUPS" ( more because several groups are porposed on the communication scope), each focusing on updating a working plan entrusted to contributive groups (see point 5) EXPANSION STRATEGY RESOURCES METHODOLOGY CONTENT ORGANIZERS EXPERIENCE PARTICIPANT EXPERIENCE MEDIA EXPERIENCE NON PARTICIPANTS OUTREACH )

4/ Consider instituting a public peer to peer "WSF CONTRIBUTION REVIEW among IC/CI members", and give more IC/CI meeting time to value concrete contributive work

5/ Consider implementig the various functional working plans mentioned in 3/, through "CONTRIBUTION GROUPS", which are open also to sf event organizers and active wsf participants, in order to allow outreach and inmersion of IC/CI in a wider community ( more info http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-possible-working-groups-to-care-about-wsf-process)

More information about those 5 suggestions http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-consultation-inputs1

So, going through this "WSF CI/IC explorations" form is meant as a moment for exploring existing and possible ways in WSF CI/IC stimulating the reader to imagine further through the different answers proposed . Also, each question comes with a "COMMENT BOX" that allows to collect new ideas and comments.PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN REEDIT YOUR ANSWERS after clicking on "submit" at the bottom of the form there comes a web page with an indication of link to reedit

More questions have been prepared to get into more topics such as : relation with non members, legitimacy, role names, criteria for membership in and out, support to meeting participation, funding , expected contributions, characteristics of various types of groups linked to IC/C
these questions can be seen in plain text format here ( in the blue areas) http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input1-complements
Also some information on IC members and participation in past meetings is visible here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-cartography-ci

una version en espanol del texto del cuestionnario esta aqui http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input1-complements-es
une version en français du texte du questionnaire est ici :http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input1-complements-fr


This part is for identification and stimulating to some preliminary readings e.g. 23 contributions here http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuture-home . This will give elements on the context in which this wsfic/ci consultation is proposed

Part 2 - A WSF IC/CI Body to care about WSF process

This starting part is focusing on what isWSFprocess and what are the self instituted missions of a "body" called IC/CI, assuming a formal membership process The form of this body is examined in part 3 below . See some input views on wsf process here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-describing-wsf-process , and on IC/CI here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-wsf-process-caring-body-elements

WSF EVENT ONLY - WSF event preparation, holding, and follow up is the only area where IC/CI is legitimate to act
OTHER SF EVENTS - Proposing guidelines and /or cooperation to all social forum events processes declaring to be in accordance with charter of principle ( see http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support/wsf2013-calendar)
CONNECTIONS BETWEEN SF EVENTS - Developing ways to help self organized connections between events grow into a tangible notion of WSF process
SELF ORGANIZED PUBLIC ACTIONS decided and endorsed by wsf participants , i-e beyond ACTIVITIES held in SF events

PRINCIPLES - Comment and enrich update generic principles and implementation practices for participants and organizers in WSF process
VOCABULARY - Propose a vocabulary to describe the WSF process, SF event ,WSF participation, in accordance with general principles
ORGANIZERS PRACTICE - Help organizers of SF events intercommunicate around good practices
PARTICIPANTS PRACTICE - Help participants/organisations in WSF process improve /deepen their experience of dialogue and intercommunication in the process through well organized/prepared self organized activities
WSF WITH OUTPUTS - Help participants value and promote output of their participation in WSF process for their transformative action strategy
OUTREACH - Help WSF participants communicate what is WSF to their non participants acquaintances
MAPPING - Stimulate a diversity of “mapping initiatives” about actors, contents, and alternative proposals, produced in activities held inside WSF process
MEDIA - Develop a creative connection with journalists and media In general around SF events and process
STRATEGY FOR WSF DEVELOPMENT - Review coherence and relevancy of IC/CI collective strategy for WSF process development regarding its political context
EXPANSION - Expand a horizontal and sustainable WSF process worldwide, attracting contributions and interest from a wide array of actors around IC/CI
LEGITIMACY - Maintain own IC/CI legitimacy through perception of relevancy and efficiency of IC/CI action/contribution in WSF process and in other scale social forum processes
EFFICIENCY - Demonstrate a streamlined and efficient practical operation with high output of connections decisions contributions on WSF process for modest resources spending

Part 3 –Type of this WSF IC/CI body and Membership/Participation in it

This part focuses on formality and membership See inputs on dual membership here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-about-dualmembership More elaboration on in and out criteria for membership is outside the scope of this exploration but can be seen in the text version : http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input1-complements

Part 4 –Decision Making process inside WSF IC/CI

The use of consensus decision seems not really questionned in existing discussions. So, this part is focusing on whether, in a dual membership scenarion explored in part 3 above , the "consensus decision capacity " is equally given to all members, or not.

Part 5 - WSF CI/IC Views on operation : Organizing principles, and action through Working Groups

This chapter distinguishes organizing principles and three types of action inside IC/CI P/Organizing principles A/ ORIENTING IC COLLECTIVE EFFORT OF WSF FACILITATION – B -IMPLEMENTING THIS EFFORT C -ENSURING BASIC OPERATION OF IC Existing IC has a certain way of defining and perform those actions. Alternative IC may have another possible way http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-input1-alternatives , and there can be other alternatives ! Working groups are, next to plenary discussion, the vehicle for collective work inside and around WSF IC/CI at time of meeting and online between meetings;

Part 6 – Contributions from members to WSF process and to WSF IC/CI operation

WSF IC/CI is a self instituted body claiming to be a facilitator of WSF process, Thus the level of contribution of each of its members to WSF facilitation tasks, and the effective agregation of those contributions in a collective vision and strategy, are a key elements in the analysis of WSF IC/CI relevancy and legitimacy. A contribution review protocol has been sketched http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuturecontribution-3 (- More questions relating to those contributions are available in complements of part 6 here : http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-form-input1-complements

Part 7 - Preparation of WSF IC/CI Meetings

There is a ten year experience of IC meetings, see 31 meetings held to date http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-cartography-ci . Meetings are the most visible and intense part of the operation of WSF IC/CI - Their quality and output for gathering contributive energies is a key issue. Some ideas on structural groups, on typical meeting agenda , on contributive groups are visible here http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg2-consultation-inputs1

NECESSARY POLITICAL DEBATE is HELD - views were exchanged between members about the state of the world and what the WSF process should be –new ideas may emerge
CONTRIBUTION REVIEW is COMPLETED AND FUNCTIONAL WORKING PLANS are UPDATED – after discussions in functional review groups ( methodology, expansion, resource coordination, contents, organizers experience participants experience, media experience, outreach to non participants), , collective working plans (based on the contribution review content), are entrusted to inner or open contributive groups
INDISPENSABLE DECISIONS TAKEN – in the legitimate scope of IC/CI body – vocabulaly, methodology, location of events & meetings, internal protocols etc
STUCTURAL GROUPS are RENEWED and their TASKS are UNDER WAY ( membership, ic resource, evaluation, extension, contribution review, agenda/next meeting, meeting follow up) Quick renewal in those groups is to avoid power positions sedimenting inside some groups and to spreadownership and organizing skills about WSF caring initiative to as many interested members as possible
AGREED OPERATING PROTOCOLS are RESPECTED - ( e.g. protocols for Membership, for Contribution review etc.., implemeneted by structural and functional groups
RELEVANT INNER OR OPEN CONTRIBUTIVE WORKING GROUPS STARTED for until next meeting -( they have contributors, scope and online agenda, they may include more participants beyond those present in the IC where they are launched )
EXTENDED PARTICIPATION POSSIBILITY CONCRETELY GIVEN - both in plenary and working groups ( which can be several in parallel)
FACE TO FACE INTERACTIONS HELD –( informal meetings with fellow contributors on common issues, including progress of contributive groups

CONTEXT - Discussing political context of WSF process
WSF EVENT BUILD UP - Discussing the preparation of /mobilization effort of next WSF event shared between IC/CI members and WSF event(s) organizing committee(s)
SF EVENTS AND WSF PROCESS REVIEW - Reviewing and orienting the facilitation effort for the expansion and deepening of the WSF process
VOCABULARY METHODOLOGY PRACTICES - Discussing forms, words, and good practices about WSF event and initiatives
BASIC IC/CI OPERATION - Discussing and implementing ways of basic operation of IC/CI ( meeting Agenda- membership rules in and out, extension, resources) and protocols for commissions. structural/functional groups
CONTRIBUTIVE TASKS/GROUPS report definition and planning
DECISIONS TASKS & ONLINE WORK CLARIFICATION– preparing how to work on line until next meeting

REPORT FROM STRUCTURAL / FUNCTIONNAL REVIEW GROUPS & DISCUSSION IN PLENARY - each structural functional group is given a guaranteed limited time to report in plenary that agenda/next meeting group must respect
STRUCTURAL GROUPS MEETING ON BASIC IC/CI OPERATION (membership – contribution review -etc..)
FUNCTIONAL REVIEW GROUPS MEETING on update of facilitation plan based on material collected through contribution review
CONTRIBUTIVE WORKING GROUPS concluding or starting meeting

Part 8 Futher Inputs and Explorations

You have arrived at the end of this WSF IC/CI exploration - You may have selected the answer SELF REFORM! in question Q3, and declared yourself ready to contribute "around 10 days" in relation with the agenda of G2 G3 groups http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/project-home . This section is about what you could do as of now.

Q16 Your Evaluation of this Proposed CI/IC Exploration questionnaire

The questionnaire is aiming to bring in several options, as possible answers to a serie of challenges faced by IC , so it is possible to chose among them those reflecting most one's opinion, or even chose not to answer and make one's own answers in the comments. This is section is about collecting your general impression about the questionnaire you just went through,as participants in G2 group http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-consultations