• cifuturG2 possible working groups to care about wsf process

last modified December 3, 2013 by admin

this is a list of about 100 group scopes , mixing  past experience in IC , present groups,  and possible initiatives , trying to cense imagine which could useful or even necessary  for progress of wsf process 

list106 comment1



  • this list can be used as a exploration list when making announcement of  contribution to wsf process  in the frame of a  semestrial  "review of contributions" that is proposed for a possible  "wsf process caring body" , whatever its name
  • this list can be alimented by the functionnal group reviews in ic meeting , proposing creation of wsf contributive groups with as only condition the presence of 2/3 IC members in them and open to any orgnaization supporting wsf charter and having some kind of experience in the process or interest for this progress
  • this list has echo with some   groupwork in paris 2011  
  • this list can also be used as a back up information /suggestion  in the consultation process about future ic by group G2



  • A - four main goals :  1 / sustain communication between event and initiatives organizers  -   2/ communicate wsf to non participants  - 3/ help participants in improving quality of dialogue and output  - 4/ expand a sustainable and united process
  • B - keywords of group scopes  : possible wsf process caring groups keyword list
  • C  a number to identify scopes easily ( 1 to 104)
  • D scope description  (you can search any word using the "search in page " feature of your inernet browser)
  • E - which are the issue on the table of the group?
  • F implementation level  0/ was mentionned in IC meetings 1/something was started  2/some thing was done but can be improved   3/ established practice  working groups goals x implementation x openness+
  • G link to various documentation of in online spaces related to commissions and working groups  , mostly in www.openfsm.net
  • H who could start it
  •  I    "distance" to a central caring body/community  (now this body is named IC)  0 = inside the body  /inner groups  1 = with significant 50% proportion of body members - mixed groups ( "contributive groups by IC "  -  2 with low 10% proportion  / opengroups
  • J when the group was could be started
  • K how could it work
  • L which would be the current IC commission involved


  • new scopes can be added  ( a form can be prepared for this) 


0-A - main goal(s) B -main keyword(s) C-nb D-scope of possible ad hoc group /task for caring about wsf process E - issues on the table of the group  F-implementation level  G-relevant link H -who could start it? -distance to a central caring body I distance J-when the group was/could be started K-how it (could) work L -which commission of current ic - future caring body
1- sustain communication between organizers  meeting / agenda 1 Group to prepare agenda  and form  of caring bodymeetings imposing better than suboptimal agendas    2  
agenda proposed by outsiders? 1 was done without creativity  by liaison group then now is informal laison group drowned itself in self centered formalism liaison group
content com
1- sustain communication between organizers  meeting / quality 2 Group to improve form of caring body meetings be a collective approach     1  
intiative group with  experienced actors inside caring body and stressing collective approach 2 was attempted in 2005 but not in a working group form - proposals of marti - dan - cooptation of secretariat - not a collecive approach develop group work time- stimulate on line preparation etc.. liaison group
content com
1- sustain communication between organizers caring body / decision 3 Group to discuss criteria for getting in a "consensus decision perimeter "  eg IC  ( 2004)  the inclusion mechanism is not working    1   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuturecontribution-16  group with experienced participants both in and out of current ic 1 this discussion is started because of current IC crisis - otherwise was documented in 2004
general ad hoc group cifuturG2
1- sustain communication between organizers caring body / liaison group 4 plenary session to discuss and evaluate  liaison group ( mexico 2010) avoid repeating this error    1   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/lg-tor-mexico-2010 ad hoc group with insiders and outsides of liaison group 1 renewal of liaison group why was this new liaison group not effective - lack of vision  - lack of work capability - too narrow focus ? caring body ad hoc group
1- sustain communication between organizers caring body / tasks 5 develop vision of resources for caring body (i-e IC) tasks and how caring body members are currently involved in them effective contribution of caring body
this table ! metaorganizing level  0 when a solidarity operation isn envisionned and not a talk shop only
resouce com
1- sustain communication between organizers communication 6 comcom seminar in florence 2007 there are various views  about communication - and they need to be combined  and brought to an action plan shared between many actors   1  
common vision and ownership about communicaiton is still weak after ten years 1 was an attempt to mature the issue of commnication seminar at time of terra futura communication com
1- sustain communication between organizers communication 7 organize communication seminar with ic members ( mexico 2010) develop ownership - imagine concrete actions   1   http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/report-of-mexico-city-ic-meeting-may.10  could be done in events but there will be competition of priority 1 when there is a proposing group and a wider group during a presential meeting - on occation of an event communication com
1- sustain communication between organizers dialog / convergence 8 maintain a space for exchange on practices between convergence assemblies organizers great diversity of practices - facilitate convergences without imposing them
http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/resultats-fsm2013-assembstatus  OE  working group with connection with caring body 1 recomendable for process progress - lasting one cycle between 2 wsf events implies a common curiosity about  convergence processes -it is difficult to have on line only - the final moment of wsf could be a good starting point - a meeting of organizers could take place after the final moment  methodology com
1- sustain communication between organizers dialog /online space 9 sustain & design websites where to give views and infos such as openfsm.net ( from 2008). fragmentation and competition between sites - failure to arrange a common portal   1   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfssc originally comcom, can be moved to collective(s) supporting  initiative(s) and maintaining some level of intercommunication 1 linked to a permanent wsf initiative  decentralized co-funding  OE space group
non cooperation between OC office and comcom
1- sustain communication between organizers event / evaluation 10 group to evaluate wsf2011 ( paris 2011) 
  2   http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/wsf11-evaluation-synthesis
any group can evaluate - what are the practical outcomes ?  - what is difficult to have is legitimacy or relevancy 1 crisis feeling after dakar that  problems in logisitics was underminig the wsf and making ic irrelevant
ad hoc groups from plenaries
1- sustain communication between organizers event / evaluation 11 group to organize evaluation of events by participants  (paris 2011)
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias-versao2011-en/#_Toc304497697 OE centered group is enough 1 was never done so far, although discussed after dakar
communication com
1- sustain communication between organizers event / extension 12 develop trans event communication  between organizers and participants to stay connected 
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-intercomentreeventos  OE centered group wiht participation of big organization willing to test extended participation 1 when there is enough shared desire among partiicpants and orgnizers  to connect events inside wsf process using OE space calendar /OE group
1- sustain communication between organizers event / extension 13 working group on relation  between extended events ( 2011) requires a OE community - give sense to the "process"   1   http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-intercomentreeventos  OE working group 1 this was effect of higher sense of mutli event process in 2010
methodology com
1- sustain communication between organizers event / interpretation 14 group to discuss how to organize interpretation in a wsf  ( nairobi 2007) ( prebelem 2008) the issue was not solved through open discussions    0   http://openfsm.net/projects/translation/summary
interpretation was problematic for various reasons in 2004 2005 2007 2009
ad hoc group 
1- sustain communication between organizers event / joined  preparation 15 group to ensure cooperation between international contributors and local OC commissions inernational -local cooperation is a key point - formal open vs informal closed  processes of cooperation - contradictions - waiting for the oc     1  
ad hoc group created in plenaries  based on motivation 0 ad hoc in the build up of any important event - if when there is willingness establishing a practice of public online space is key - empowering  also international contributors ,  beyond people sent beforehand in Ocs, no satisfactory on line experiencedespite announcements
1- sustain communication between organizers event / organizing 16 group on balancingin a wsf event organizing  overall openspace services and thematic  space initiatives  combine common space overall rules services - logistical realism -  thematic space subsidiarity

requires legitimacy experience at guiding principle level - but recomendations might not be followed 0 when there are intiaitive thematic groups willing to subfacilitate thematic areas of the event
OE space group
1- sustain communication between organizers event / simulation 17 propose simulation of wsf event organizing 
  1   http://openfsm.net/projects/hmf OE centered group 1 idea appears when a presentation of wsf to young activists is asked
methodology com
1- sustain communication between organizers event / software 18 internet spaces for exchange wsf related software developpers -share skills ideas experience about event website and impact on methodology 
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfssc
OE centered group 1 this would imply common motivation  and comparable situation between events  - 
communicaiton  com
methodology com
caring body ad hoc group
1- sustain communication between organizers event / weaknesses 19 group  to identify weak points in the organisation of recent events and try to stimulate them fragmentation if various  groups documentation is not linked

OE centered group is enough 1 when there is enough shared motivation  and  feeling of community between organizers  taking preceding groups into account methodology com
1- sustain communication between organizers events / economy 20 sustain working group for systematization of organization of solidarity economy around an sf event

http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias-soleco OE group  1 ad hoc group for one event  be cautious to take into account the local context, and keep record of preceeding groups ad hoc groups from plenaries
1- sustain communication between organizers funding 21 group to coordinate centralized funding (for what?)
  3   http://openfsm.net/projects/ressources group needs to have legitimacy for the  donors ?? 0 this is standard commission -now needing to avoid  competition between events
resource com
1- sustain communication between organizers meeting /extension 22 group to develop remote participation in caring body ( eg IC) meetings lower soliddarity fund -allow wider number of observers, better undertsanding, avoid poorly attended Ics   2   http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-extended initiative group better if with participant in the said body 2 when there is share motivation to do so in a large enough scale - needs permanence
communication com
caring body ad hoc group
1- sustain communication between organizers organizing / communication 23 propose communication actions to involved organisations (  comcom contacts in rabat  with ic members- 2009)
  1   http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/troikas-de-contacto  initiative group with participation  of important organisations  1 when trying to take comcom out of individual projects and adress the challenge of 2010 year of action
communication com
1- sustain communication between organizers organizing / context 24 group to review overall situation and make recommendation on which type of event and initatives are more adapted to the context
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-strategies mix betwen OE centered group and participant in caring body 1 when there is shared perception of a gap 
current cifuturG3
content com
strategy com
1- sustain communication between organizers organizing / experience 25 maintain an openspace for exchange of experience about event and initaiive organizing  ( OE space) -stimulate and support those that endeavour to organize social forum event or initiative ( discussed 2011) capacity to have OE space groups with accumulation of experience  - transevent cooperation - local contexts - global problematics   1   http://openfsm.net/projects/espacios-oe insitute OE space next to caring body - requires guiding principles level legitimacy  0 this idea appeared in 2011 in the evaluation group -and was included in the terms of reference of calendar group-  this is a mid term committment
discussed between few participants in evaluation group 2011
1- sustain communication between organizers organizing / inclusion 26 group to support new event organizers about  their inclusion in the global process welcoming new organizers and making accumualed exprience available   0   http://openfsm.net/projects/espacios-oe could be done as a standard initiative but the focus on organizers is better if centrally owned  1 necessary - last two year betwen 2 wsf in connection with inclusion in calendar and OE space currently a small trans commission group
1- sustain communication between organizers organizing / innovation 27 define and practice mechanisms to support  innovations in wsf process consensus decision is not fostering innovation -  local innovation in smaller event maybe easier - innovation must not jeopardize process

initiative group better if with participant in the said body 1 when wsf process is deemed  "conservative"

caring body ad hoc group
1- sustain communication between organizers organizing / practices 28 set up groups that comment on best organizing practices in events and intiatives - review how principles are implemented

OE centered group with participation of caring body members 1 this would  imply that the process is already well contributed by caring body
caring body ad hoc group
1- sustain communication between organizers participants / strategy 29 group to cense visions and strategies of significant participants inside the process ambiguity of the term stategy and the role of ic   1   http://openfsm.net/projects/strategy anyone can start  2 when there is enough shared motivation
strategy com
1- sustain communication between organizers process / calendar 30 Give a  wsf  calendar view ( from Dhaka) and  start OE space ( discussed in 2011)  visibility of the process to participants and orgnaizers   2   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsf2012-support there can be several calendar groups - thecollective  accumulated wsf experience - and quality relevancy of information will be "customer" criteria 1 necessary - last two year betwen 2 wsf
first considered a wsf office attribute, excluing contributions
1- sustain communication between organizers process / contribution 31 Group about vocabulary, criteria, peer to peer evaluation ,mechanism, decentralized use,  valuing contribution  to wsf process by participants beyond "caring body members" ( eg IC members) who has the power to give legitimacy to certain  meetings  - risk of fragmentation depending the event considered

a group inspiring confidence to enough people  - group can be  one shot - along widely enough agreed lines- can be during significant meetings 0 this discussion has never taken place  so far, as contribution to the process is not enough in focus  peer to peer acknowledgement is a viable option - needs continuity - needs visibility was never in focus
1- sustain communication between organizers process / contribution 32 Review group to organize review of contributions to wfs process facilitation "inside IC/ caring body" protocol includes self comment on coherence with principles   0   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuturecontribution-3    it can be started by anygroup - issue it to have access to main process players contributors  1 when IC is focused on developing contribution - ad hoc group at each significant meeting/gathering  online preparation - face to face conclusion,  taking preceding groups into account could be a trans commisison group
resource com
1- sustain communication between organizers process / newsletters 33 set up group to prepare collectively  wsf related newsletter(s) (montreal 2009) what can be a relevant  production process for the newsletter   1  
mix betwen OE centered group and participant in caring body 1 newsletter produced by wsf office is deemed  not relevant  enough  by certain participants  structure content  choice of topics  process initiatives  view - calendar of event  wsf office
communication  com
caring body ad hoc group
1- sustain communication between organizers process / problem solving  34 ad hoc groups to tackle legitimately  tricky issues  ( presence of head of state,   compatibility of some organizations ideology with wsf charter how to give legitimacy to those decisions   2  
srtonger with only one caring group for wsfprocess 0 when there is enough shared motivation on a problem whenever there is a meeting oportunity ,  taking preceding groups into account ad hoc groups from plenaries
1- sustain communication between organizers process / weaknesses 35 group to  identify weak points in the process - actors -themes - region and try to stimulate them eg -disappearance of greenpeace from wsf    0   http://openfsm.net/projects/wg-expansion-asia/summary mix betwen OE centered group and caring body 1 when there is enough shared motivation
expansion com
content com
2-communicate wsf to  non participants aa                    
2-communicate wsf to  non participants academia  / contribution 36 group to promote ways to contribute usefully to  wsf in academia  ( theses about wsf, conferences ..)  and include  academia in some initiative

intiative group with  experienced actors stressing collective approach 2 when a discussion on expansion would go in depth enough so that the idea can be discussed  included in an outreach action plan it would be a creative way to mutualize inforation and ressrouce and have a collective  caring body ad hoc group
2-communicate wsf to  non participants communication / initiatives 37 group to share creative  communication initiatives about wsf  (mexico 2010) - group to develop on line and  face to face  tools and contents for communication tools around idea of wsf at large example of  shallow and quick discussion breed weak ownership and prevent online work after meeting   0   http://openfsm.net/projects/practicomfsm initaitive group with caring body member giving importance to the issue 2 idea appeared during communication semainar in mexico ( 1 hour group work) too short discussion - no way to create committement communication com
content com
2-communicate wsf to  non participants dialogue / video 38 group to maintain a video collection website  wsftv.net initiative ( from 2008)
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/wwwwsftvnet-tunis-2013/summary  initiative group aiming at genericity 2 this initiative started in 2007  number of contributors could grow more communication com
2-communicate wsf to  non participants journalists 39 groups to promote wsf  in media, among friendly journalists
initiative group with some proximity to prominent actors to be credibl for journalists 1 this idea appeared in 2005 - but was never implemented  mainstream media facilitation was done in belem 2009  and less in dakar and tunis communication com
2-communicate wsf to  non participants journalists 40 group  to organize shared communication by alternative media   issue of genericity and institutionalisation - diversity in comcom   2  
initiative group -aiming at genericity - is it a service to participants  or is it a self organized space between media 2 this idea appeared in 2002 - and ciranda was created  - also forum of radios, of tvs  in 2005   got more institutionalized -with time  and was included as ic member in 2009 - whereas the concept can be duplicated  communication com
2-communicate wsf to  non participants outreach / conferences 41 coopt speakers available for giving conferences on wsf as a volunteer ressources 

initiative group supported by experienced organizers - link with expansion actions 2 above group could take the initiative
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resource com
2-communicate wsf to  non participants outreach / contacts 42 groups to approach organizations and movements that are not in wsf process - stimulate going and explain wsf process where it is not well known /understood  this working group of 2008 was apparently  not  active  -     http://openfsm.net/projects/wg-expansion-asia/summary initiative group with experienced organizers for credibility- link with expansion actions 2 when expansion commission meets and make an outreach action plan
expansion com
caring body ad hoc group
2-communicate wsf to  non participants outreach / situations 43 collect  and spread practices  for developping moments of dialogue with non wsf participants (mexico 2010)
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/practicomfsm initiative group with participation of important organisations 2 when the concern about  communication with 98% out of wsf  gets stronger
communicaiton  com
content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs aa                    
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs actions / practices 44 group to stimulate exchange  between participants about practices in campaigns actions (different from dialogic activities in wsf process)

initiative group supported by experienced organizers 2 when there is enough shared motivation
content com - ad hoc group
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs activity / dialogue 45 group to cense and  comment on best dialogic  practices

initiative group supported by experienced organizers 2 this would come after the other groups on participation
communication com
content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs activity / dialogue 46 groups for  proposing usage of collective dialogue/participation techniques for activities thematic space facilitation /keeping contact with other themes fluid
http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias-versao2011-en/#_Toc304497694 initiative group supported by experienced organizers 2 when there is enough interested resource to support dialogic  process
communication com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs activity / dialogue / culture 47 group to promote inclusion of cultural dimension  in dialogues held in activities  going from wishful thinking to concrete   0   http://openfsm.net/projects/culture-education initiative group supported by experienced organizers- appearance and disappearance of dan baron  2 whenever a mixed group between cultural activists and big organizations can emerge bottom up approach is probably better - top down approach was tested in IC with little success content com
communication com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs activity / online 48 stimulate participants to early interaction before events using practively  event websites quality of agglutination and convergence and extended participation

any group with motivation helped by a certain presence of experience OE 2 whenever there is cooperation with local OC 
communication com
content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs activity / online / follow up 49 group for showingwsf parcticpants on line  how to use  internet particpate and cooperate on line  thematic space facilitation /keeping contact with other themes fluid

any group with motivation helped by a certain presence of experience OE 2 when there is enough interested resource to support cooperation process
communication com
content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs activity /debates 50 stimulate and organize debates on key contentious issues mapped  in order to accelerate debate organizing debate does not mean producing the debate and leading it

proposed by francine - corresponding to desire to have discusion about world situation in IC - but can be made during wsf events etc 1 whenever an issue is felt contentious and hindering agglutinations  the academia people could help here  content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs alternatives / visibility 51 group to cense  and present alternatives initiatives  campaigns  inside wsf process - socialforumpedia ( discussed 2010)  how to combine positively short term interest motivation of actors and mid term progress of process - tame academia

initiative group 2 whenever a thematic focused group of actors  wants to map the theme could start with an inintiative of developing articles in wikipedia content com - com com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs commission / workplan 52 comcom seminar about workplan paris 2011
  2   http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/comcom-meeting-may24th-home  past commission  record - meeting time appended to caring body meeting  1 was felt a necessity -  a method was tested -not too bad - needed more time to be owned communication com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs contribution / volunteers 53 maintain a welcome online openspace for wsf volunteers give concrete possibilities of contribution to people interested to contribute 

OE centered group 1  it could make sense if   OE exchange space is lively enough and extension practices also requires enough on line activities and  motivated volunteers resource com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs debate / buen vivir 54 seminar about buen vivir ( project 2010?)
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/wg-indigenas/summary  initiative group 2 was not meant as a generic initiative - did it really happen?
content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs event  / extension 55 sustain  sfex extended social forum initiative ( from Belem)  take as basic issue the quality of itnernet in the events -and extension as a mobilizaiton issue   2   http://openfsm.net/projects/sfexintercom initiative group supported by experienced organizers - OE group requires ownership by organizers 1 when the notion of process gets more in focus - make events present to many more people than those who go to the center of the event intimate inclusion of extension in the organizing  process communication com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs event / closure 56 group to implement final moment of wsf2013 (2013) ownership of IC membersabout the overall methodology   2   http://openfsm.net/projects/memotunex/memotunex-momentfinal
requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 the group emerged last minute from meeting 27th march and was very small
methodolgy com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs event / convergence 57 group to discuss convegence assemblies ( copenhaguen 2008) keeping the openspace horizontal   2  
requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 during copenhaguen IC 2008 -  a political-methodological discussion methodolgy com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs event / documentation 58 ad hoc group by event stimulating documentation by participants of their activities and outputs 

http://openfsm.net/projects/memotunex/ OE centered group 1 was done in esf paris 2003 and attempted in nairobi 2007 dakar 2011
content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs event / interpretation 59 set up  guiding rules for service project for interpretation in a social forum event  ( babels & al)

OE centered group 1 when there is a willingness to make the best of available interpretation resources possiblity to pool some organizations interpreters with generic interpreters to check  interpretation coverage OE space group
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs event / participation 60 prepare/coordinate proactive participation of important networks to wsf events with invited persons  thematic space facilitation /keeping contact with other themes fluid
done  initiative group supported by experienced organizers 2 this can be done with a spirit of cooperation with organizers and other participants  ( thematic space facilitation )  maybe it is done informally - it is a way to implement debates in relation with  content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs participation / area 61 group to propose geographical online space loosely gathering organisations from a same area having participated in sf events elsewhere
  1   http://openfsm.net/projects/pakistan/project-home anyone can start this - proximity to experienced participants helps 2 in connexion with expansion working groups
expansion com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs participation / mapping 62 map movements, and facilitate connexion between them (sao paulo 2013)
  1   http://openfsm.net/projects/cartografias-movimentos-do-seculo-21/project-home initiative group supported by experienced organizers 2 when there is enough shared motivation to start the process ad hoc group content com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs process / documentation 63 develop specific memory initiatives using wsf documentation material it is a way for academia to be contributive
( frustrated discussion in rio about porto alegre project?)  a thematic interst group willing to grow  2 when there is a group with motivation specific groups non generic initiatives content com - ad hoc group
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs process / information 64 wsf process  info relay initiative  - com respondents ( discussed 2009) 
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfcomrespondents initiative group supported by experienced organizers 1 issue of  decentralized office after propsoal  in belem IC 
wsf office
communication  com
caring body ad hoc group
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs process / software 65 comcom seminar about websites paris 2010 difficulty to have a cooperation dialogue  international group and local empowered group    1   http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias-versao2011-en/#_Toc304497699  ic mandate could have been   given to  wsf office  - local oc  -communication com never was  1 the wsf portal has been a projet which never started for lack of cooperation between office and comcom 
communication com
3-help participants in improving quality of dialogue and  outputs process / theming  66 group to give guidelines  on theming ( paris 2011) there is an overall 10 theme historic grid that can evolve - threre are bottom up thematic spaces   2   http://openfsm.net/projects/thematic-axes
requires legitimacy at guiding principle level - but recomendations might not be followed 0 when preparting for the next wsf  theming for agglutination help - theming for location  content com
4-expand a sustainable and united process aa                    
4-expand a sustainable and united process caring body / commonvisions 67 group to clarify discussion on stategy ( strategy of who for what?)  strategies  in wsf   or strategy of ic as a facilitating body    0   http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-strategies
requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when there is serenity and clarity about what the process needs 
strategy com
4-expand a sustainable and united process caring body / commonvisions 68 strategy debate in abuja  2008 remember?   2  
required legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when there was a necessity to start afresh many online contribution+ 1hour group+ 2 hour plenary meeting  strategy com
4-expand a sustainable and united process caring body / commonvisions 69 working group on evolution of wsf and ic (tunis 2013)
  0   http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur actors havingsome  interest and experience about wsf process - was said to be not restricted to ic members 1 when there is perplexity about IC dysfunctionning 
4-expand a sustainable and united process caring body / dysfunctionning 70 group to anlyse reasons for  dysfunctionning of commisisons and liaison group - ownership versus delegation  why ic is producing too little contribution to the process - why so much willingness to delegate work beyond talk in plenary
http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/lg-tor-mexico-2010 actors having knowledge about process and record of contribution to wsf process in various ways 1 when there is enough collective reflexivity  and  with relation to a wsf process caring body target reference ownership -empowerment  vs delegation to office to liaison group caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process caring body / onlinegroupwork 71 maintain open space website(s) for group workinside caring body  (eg openfsm) not separate process participation groups and process caring groups   3   http://www.openfsm.net the open space website is judged by its users 1 when it is clear that successive working groups are interlinked and need accumulation and cross reference horzontal website with independant spaces for each groups  - cloud of groups - open space image commiunication com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process caring body / scope 72 context *group to remind the caring body that is is not the process but a service of the process- and that the process is only a tool inside a global situation expansion of the process  - strategy of the caring body is not strategy of the process 
http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifutur-strategies requires legitimacy at wsf charter level - but recommendations how are they considered 0 now in cifutur group - periodically as a health exercice
strategy com
4-expand a sustainable and united process caring body / tasks ressources 73 gather inside and outside caring body among the most involved participants the energy and funding necesary for basic tasks  and tool 

more OEI centered  1 when serenity is back allowing to develop practical approach of the topic orienting  contributions towards events and iniatives resource com
4-expand a sustainable and united process caring body / vision 74 working groups on IC future (Monastir 2012) 
  1   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuture-home actors havingsome  interest and experience about wsf process 1 when there is perplexity about IC dysfunctionning 
4-expand a sustainable and united process event / extension 75 group sitmulating service teams for  supporting extended participation  in events   online mobilisaiton require orgnaizers mobilisaiton and certainty about internet quality

much better with ownership of centrally involved organisations 2 when the extension is considered seriously by event organizers
OE working group
communication com
4-expand a sustainable and united process event / funding 76 group to share experience about raising the self funding ratio of  sf events by participants and raising in kind contribution 

more OE centered  1 when central funding gets scarce
OE ad hoc group
resource com
4-expand a sustainable and united process event / location 77 group to decide consensually where the next worldwide wsf is located among several proposals by local groups
  3   http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/cifuturg1-decision2015  it needs to be a legitimate decision process 0 every two years so far 
strategy com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process events / organizating 78 group to draft guiding principles for organizing events ( nairobi 2007- copenhaguen 2008) charter of pricniples is not enough - organizing knowledge about sf event and sf process initiaive is key   3   http://openfsm.net/projects/organizingwsfevents/guiding-principles-wip-en requires legitimacy at wsf charter level 0 when mutliplication of social focum events showed there was little practical guidance 
methodology com
4-expand a sustainable and united process events / organizating 79 group to update guiding principles for organizing events  ( paris 2011)
  2   http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/metcom-principiosguias  requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when three more years of experience makes anounced yearly  update  relevant
methodology com
4-expand a sustainable and united process events / thematic 80 group to propose ways to maintain or stregnthen  coherence in /with other thematic social forum processes compatibility of practicies and positionning 
can be a peripheral action group as processes are independent 2 when there are enough actors willing to maintain this coherence
4-expand a sustainable and united process expansion / arab world 81 expansion com seminar in morroco  (2010) output documentation and workplan is not known    1  
expansion com 0 took place before dakar ?
expansion com
4-expand a sustainable and united process expansion / asia 82 group to make expansion actions in asia (2008)  beyond  mono organization initiatives   0   http://openfsm.net/projects/wg-expansion-asia/summary actors having knowledge about process and experience of organizing, and connexions in asia 1 when there is energy and actors willing to collectively tackle the issue
expansion com
4-expand a sustainable and united process expansion / russia 83 group to make expansion actions in russia (2008)  beyond  mono organization initiatives   0   http://openfsm.net/projects/wg-expansion-russia/summary actors having knowledge about process and experience of organizing, and connexions in russia 1 when there is energy and actors willing to collectively tackle the issue
expansion com
4-expand a sustainable and united process individuals / collective 84 group to assess the option of collective participation  vs indiviudal participation charter of principles is focused on organizations  - individual may be active - organisations may be lasting and may have constituencies and  resources

 nework of individual based activisme comparing to network of collective based activism 1 when the issue comes in focus culture of ic is mainly representativity based  would be relev ant in cifuturG2
4-expand a sustainable and united process initiatives / funding 85 group to stimulate usage of  decentralized funding of initiatives  by participants  through internet a huge potential is untapped
crowdfunding websites group with vision of other conributing groups that would benefit form this plus experience of crowdfounding  1 when the centralized funding model is not enough those who need funds and have good ideas  resource com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process initiatives / organizing 86 group to draft guiding principles for organizing initaitives so far only events are valued
http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuturecontribution-3/#_Toc334095571 requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when this notion of wsf process initiative emerges as a relevant tool for wsf process progress draft  guiding principles methodology com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process initiatives / organizing 87 group to cense and propose wsf process initiatives -with contribution in and out of caring body

http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-icfuturecontribution-3-questionnaire actors having knowledge about process and experience of organizing  1 when this notion of wsf process initiative emerges as a relevant tool for wsf process progress
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process meeting/decision 88 group to define criteria for assessing if a meeting is legitimate about making wsf process decision is it possible to proceduralize this?

actors having knowledge about process and experience of organizing  1 this is a practical problem encountered in some ics
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process next meeting/ location 89 group to decide where to have the next legitimate meeting 

decision requires representativeness although not necesarily caring body membership 1 in every meeting  - meeting can help expansion
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process next meeting/funding  90 group to develop a sustainable funding system for  a streamlined  "caring body " operation streamlined cost of central body operation 

successive local meeting organizers  1 could be funding by meeting participants ( was done)  if the wsf offcaring bodye is linked to organizing next wsf event  -the caring body operation cost is rotatinb between  meeting organizers caring body ad hoc group
resource com
4-expand a sustainable and united process process / internet 91 group to elaborate practically on usage of  internet in wsf process sf proces a dialogic process - how much can be performed remotely
http://openfsm.net/projects/fsmwsf-internet/summary  actors having knowledge about process and experience of organizing, and experience in internet - might lead to new form of events? 1 when perception of subusage of internet and online practices becomes strong 
content com 
4-expand a sustainable and united process process /mailing lists 92 group to merge diffusion mailing list of successive wsf  each wsf OC has its own lists   0   http://openfsm.net/projects/cifutur/mandat-ci-lists-docs-results-2013  group with mandate 0 when one actor dissolves
4-expand a sustainable and united process process openness / behaviour 93 group to issue statements about  practices not tolerated in openspace rape , violence to women , but also trampling of flags   2   http://openfsm.net/projects/monastir-extension/monastirextension-violence requires legitimacy at wsf charter level 0 when focusing of quality of partifcipation and dialogue inside process what is the added value of communicating only with convinced and breed incommunication content com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process openness /ideology 94 expansion com debate about political islam  (2009) level of flexibility that it is possible to have in implementing control of coherence of the open space inclusiveness with values in charter of principles

does not need to be centrally organized 2 there was no further discussion since then - and private intiatives in wsf2013 this debate is  a concrete one when wsf grows  into predominantly muslim areas expansion com
strategy com
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing 95 define and practice mechanisms to accumulate and value experience in wsf process development is this experience giving any "precedence"?

requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when there is enough shared motivation and concern  peer to peer acknowledgement is a viable option - needs continuity - needs visibility ressource com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / accumulation 96 group to asses how successive or parallel  groups dealing with a same issue can maintain some coherence  horizontality - adhoc groups - minimal bureaucracy

requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when  permanence of commissions is questionned  if groups are not permanent then they should be censed and their work documented properly methodology com
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / caring body 97 group on" which tasks are required for a viable wsf process" and "which tasks could be better performed by a specific caring body"  a reliably and legitimate consensus perimeter is the main issue

requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when ic  views itself as a caring body that is not caring enough this requires understanding how it could care more cifuturG2
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / contribution 98 group to map the various  working groups related to wsf process , to make accessible collecitve  self reflection in the process and understand how to participate in them horizontality - adhoc groups - minimal bureaucracy

requires good information 1 when the caring body reali
methodology com
resource com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / definition 99 group on what is "wsf process" 

http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic-wg2010/wsf-in-2010-lg actors having knowledge about process and experience of organizing  1 when the notion of process gets more in focus as what IC was created to care about
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / horizontality 100 group to develop criterias for horizontal expansion and peer to peer regulation ( use of wsf label etc) _  ways to maintain horizontality in the facilitation of the process with due consideration of  representativeness, experience , contribution record, etc horizontality - adhoc groups - minimal bureaucracy

requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when there is focus ona possible common  strategy of expansion of wsf process  by a caring body 
methodology com
strategy com
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / local 101 define guidelines for relation between  smaller scale  social forum processes - local participation to wsf process  throuhg extension
  1   http://openfsm.net/projects/facili-tation-de-fsl/tunis-etendu-en-France actors having experience of local and global processes  1 when ic stops looking only at next wsf event
methodology com
strategy com
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / unity 102 group to formulate  guiding meta principles for expansion of wsf -  allow variations and avoid fragmentation of the process - horizontality - adhoc groups - minimal bureaucracy

requires legitimacy at guiding principle level 0 when ic  views itself as a caring body that is not caring enough
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / vocabulary 103 group to assess ways to define legitimately  new formulations  and concepts  along development of the wsf process since 2008  convergence assemblies and extension are there new concepts   2   http://openfsm.net/projects/ic-methodology/wsf11-evalreco~xa0disseminate-lexicon requires legitimacy at wsf charter level 0 when this question comes in focus what is wsf process ? methodology com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process organizing / web portal 104 define wsf portal - with a diversity of generic websites  mid term view - diversity    1   http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfssc/wsfportal requires common vision about wsf process 1 when a more mature dialogue is possible , based on frustrating ten years of experience
communication com
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process ownership 105 group to develop  level of ownership of caring body tasks caring body tasks are infrastructure tasks

actors having knowledge about process and experience of organizing  1 when the caring role is fully endorsed and needs to be strenghtened
caring body ad hoc group
4-expand a sustainable and united process process ownership 106 group to recommend ways  for keeping wsf  ownership simple and value contributions to the process out of caring body  unleash energies - empower participants with wise advise

group with participation of new participans 2 when serenity is back allowing to develop practical approach of the topic
caring body ad hoc group
0-A - main goal(s) B -main keyword(s) C-nb D-scope of possible ad hoc group /task for caring about wsf process E - issues on the table of the group  F-implementation level  G-relevant link H -who could start it? -distance to a central caring body I distance J-when the group was/could be started K-how it (could) work L -which commission of current ic - future caring body