• Tunis Group 2 - CI futur Consult & +

IC future consultation - Material available for review

de parte de Pierre George en 09/08/2013 10:43
Dear All

After a first version of "wsf and ic exploration", which was circulated one
month ago in the G2 group list, we continued to exchange with Francine and
Sergio and  this resulted in crafting  3 other versions,  taking into
account feedbacks, and trying (with different order of priorities among us
)  to be
-lighter (no links),
-less "IC member centered",
-closer to main underlying terms of IC discussion in Tunis on IC future(*)
(perceived  through individual contributions in the discussions as no
explicit discussion took place yet)

Here is the rough accumulated outcome of this activity with 4 versions.of
"wsf and ic exploration",

 Members of the G2 group are welcome to review this released material
which is available for

-  "seeing by doing"  if/how  the various "IC & WSF exploration"
questionnaires help them to explore their views about iC future (selecting
answers in some of the questionnaires proposed (**))

- exerting one's critical and contributive sense ( using the "comments "
and "other" answers possiblities) on how the  various questionnaires are
crafted  (questions and answers) and  help or not  to widen, deepen, and
prepare  an online and face to face discussion on IC future,

- proposing alternative to questionnaire if there might be (as Giuseppe
just did)

These contributions may result in a fruitful discussion among the G2 group.

Other initiatives (around this material , or independent from it ) are
welcome of course

Warm regards

(*) http://openfsm.net/projects/wsfic_fsmci/wsfic-tunis-march-2013-summary

(**) when questions are answered or commented , they tend to express the
nuances of opinons and senstivities among the explorers regarding IC
future, as can be felt here, and this material can be a useful help in the
discussions on IC future

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