• ᅡᆳCommunications Proposal for WSF 2013

Wiki modificadas recientemente November 9, 2011 por jnardi

[1st draft by: Mallory Knodel and Thais Chita]

We intend that this proposal be presented at the WSF IC meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh in November 2011 for discussion, modification, and subsequent adoption to inform a collective plan towards the 2013 forum. Contributors to this proposal are the WSF Communications Secretariat in Sao Paulo and a representative of the IC Communications Commission. The larger Communications Commission was thoroughly consulted and a consensus reached. It was then adopted and further modified by the local organizing committee for 2013 that it should be presented to the IC for the 2013 forum.

There are several axes along which to define the work of communications. Relevant to the forum process and activity, there exist various media such as radio, Internet, and independent journalism to consider. Also, there are the ways in which forum organizers, participants, and observers will use communications. We have elected to structure our proposal along the axis of use, rather than medium. We will discuss media within the three sections presented below, which represent the three aspects of communications work for the World Social Forum. The aspects of the implementation of communications are for internal organization, mobilization, and participation.

Mitigating Gaps in Communication

Additionally, based on experience we have identified usual gaps in communication between forum organizers at various levels and give recommendations for mitigating these towards the 2013 forum. Below is a list of general recommendations that explicitly address historical gaps in forum communications. The level of detail is uncharacteristic of such a general proposal, yet we feel they must be mentioned explicitly due to the historical difficulty local organizing committees have faced in regards to the listed items:

  • Publish clearly a statement of online content, privacy policy, and terms of service.

  • Prioritize communications infrastructure such as Internet well in advance with proper testing and necessary funding for large, secure capacity.

  • Secure workshop rooms with Internet for expanded and also to let self-organized activity organizers know of logistics.

  • Build a dynamic website collectively between local organizers, IC committee representatives, and the WSF communications coordinator.

  • Create an emergency response team for communication and press needs during the forum.

  • Display dynamic content on main forum site during the forum for updates.

  • Use other media platforms for updates during the forum.

  • Aggregate various participant media being produced at the WSF.

Communications for Internal Organization

The structure and specific needs of communications tools for the organization of the forum depend on the adopted methodology proposal. However, it is possible to comment on the possibilities and recommendations for communications tools. Additionally, we propose a committee or small group of individuals to take on the task of actually centralizing, organizing, translating, and publishing information related to important dates, decisions, and logistics.

Regular Coordination Mechanisms

There are a few technologies which could be utilized by local, regional, and international organizers to improve communication. These are:

  • Shared online calendar,

  • Conference calls,

  • Utilization of email lists,

  • Production of periodic reports, and

  • Circulation and shared documentation of meeting notes.

Documentation Committee

This is a proposal to create a documentation committee to handle notes, calendar, decision points, FAQs, contact information and publishing to an online wiki. This committee would satisfy the need for implementing and gathering information from email lists, meetings, and committee chairs. An evolving FAQ could centralize known information for use on the website and in the program. Working languages for the wiki could be unrestricted since readers could use machine translation. However, formal translation for publication on official website could be done as needed.

Communications for Mobilization


Local communications organizers will be involved in the following:

  • Mobilizing, receiving, and training of volunteers,

  • Investigating and making available logistical information to be published about local businesses,

  • Organizing support from university campus employees, students, and administration

  • Creating advertising and organizing with local radio stations,

  • Creating a press kit for local journalists,

  • Securing early articles for publication in local media,

  • Using social media to mobilize locally,

  • Creating and posting posters, and

  • Mobilizing local press.

  • Coordinating regionally and internationally with other communications organizers on the website,

  • Developing with local and international communication organizers common messages,


  • Mobilizing regional caravans,

  • Using social media to mobilize regionally,

  • Producing and circulating regionally-specific newsletters and reports to regional organizations,

  • Developing with local and international communication organizers common messages,

  • Coordinating locally and internationally with other communications organizers on the website,


  • Directly incorporating the communications projects of the forum: AMARC, WSF TV, Ciranda, E-Joussour, TerraViva, Flamme d'Afrique, Carta Maior,

  • Sending a monthly (always), weekly (3 months prior), then daily (during event) newsletter,

  • Creating a decentralized website, fully-controlled by a local and international group of organizers,

  • Integrating social media platforms,

  • Mobilizing early for expanded and solidarity activities,

  • Producing an evolving, online FAQ to centralize known logistical information, and

  • Developing common messages on stickers and posters to be made available for download.

Communications as Participation

Language Access

  • Translation of main website into all languages,

  • Translation of program into all languages,

  • Mutualized funding for interpretation,

  • Early organization of on-the-ground logistics and equipment procurement,

  • Presentation of advanced copy of the program for scheduling and complete communication of errata for improvising needs last-minute, and

  • Organization of and funding for a group of international and local coordinators from Babels of around 10 people was successful.

Forum Activities


  • Utilization of past online registration mechanisms,

  • Creation of an online registration process to gather contact information,

  • Centralization of contact data, and

  • Creation of off-line registration process that can be integrated with the online solution.


  • Make available, sortable and search-able, an online program with errata,

  • Immediate exposure of activity proposals as they are made online,

  • Creation of printed program well in advance with full logistical content, and

  • Translation only of key information into all official languages.

Opening March, Opening Ceremony

  • Development of a platform for live video streaming of the opening ceremony,

  • Outreach to the local community to gather large attendance for the march, and

  • Development with local and international communication organizers common messages.

Self-organized Activities

  • Display these events on the website as they are submitted and scheduled,

  • Provide contact information, longer descriptions, instructions for online interaction, or outcomes online, and

  • Ensure clear documentation in program of campus so activities may be well attended.

Solidarity Events

  • Make available information on expanded activities, and

  • Make visible on main website with links to live video streams.


  • Live video stream presentation of assembly documents, and

  • Make available clear directions for organizing assemblies and submitting documents.

Cultural Events

  • Full integration of cultural events into the program of events,

  • Investment funding for projects that might become grassroots fundraisers for the forum, such as CDs, t-shirts, etc.,

  • Wide publicity for cultural events in the local community and online, and

  • Live video streaming of cultural events.

Media Production

Press Conferences & Press Releases

Press conferences will be held in the area of the Media Center, but in a space with sound-proof rooms and audio equipment such as a table, microphone, and speakers. Similar to the Media Center this space will not be open only to official media. Preferably in the morning, a press conference will be held each day during the forum. Additionally, it's important that conferences be organized one day before and one day after the forum event. During the days of the forum, the space can be used for thematic press conferences by movements, groups, and networks that participate in the forum.

Press releases will be made available online, as well as a schedule of conferences. A team of organizers will be dedicated to daily PR work. It will also be possible to live video stream the daily conferences.

Media Center

  • Must be made open to all participants, and

  • Securing fast, dedicated internet for content transfers and expanded events only.

Online Media Center

  • Generation of dynamic logistical announcements,

  • Dissemination of media as it is produced on the main event website,

  • Aggregation and display of content from various sources, and

  • Prioritization of the display of alternative media over mainstream media coverage.