• comcom agenda by workgroups sept08


Current Version

by pierre4, modified October 15, 2008

Version 4

by pierre4, modified October 15, 2008


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Tentative Working linesby groups

emerging from Notes from Comcom Meeting 22nd september -and report to plenary on 24th IC copenhagen

items working groups ( see directory to access them)

numbers refer to the document below the table

0 -Comcom role and action related issues in wsf

main listdiscussion - see 0-A

budget group 0-B

transcom group 0-D ( contact with other processes)

1-sobre JAG gda 2010 see 1-A
report see 1-B

gda consultation

gda preparation

2 -Comunicacion de Belém e do proceso pierre

network of journalist see 2- A

com respondentssee 2 –B

banner>visualsee 2 – C

practical info newsletter see 2- D

3- Belém expandida – intercommunicationsee 3-A4

4 -Proyectos midia compartidos (informe forum de midia livre ) forum radio tvmidiasee 4 A B C D

5- Herramienta openfsm.net webteamsee 5 6A tutorial openFSM

6 - sitios Internet suportados por el grupo de comunication

wsf trainingsee 5 6 B

free software ¿

7 -Traduccion – para comunicacion translation 7

8 - Reforzar los grupos con dos personas de cada grupo weekly chat-temperature of each group

@ go to directory

Tentative Working lines by groups - emerging from Notes from Comcom Meeting 22nd september -and report to plenary on 24th IC copenhagen

( this is an extract reshufflled of notes of comcom 22 here )


  • 0- Main list and comcom role and action in wsf
  • 1- Pequeño reporte de evaluacion sobre JAG - grupos de trabajo
  • 2- Belém – comunicacio de Belém
  • 3- Belém expandida –
  • 4- Proyectos midia compartidos (informe forum de midia livre )
  • 5- Herramienta openfsm.net
  • 6- sitios Internet suportados por el grupo de comunication - instrumento estrategicos para comunicación del ci del processo
  • 7- Traduccion – para comunicacion
  • 8- Reforzar los grupos con dos personas de cada grupo

8 - Reforzar los grupos - weekly chat - temperature of each group

@ go to directory to access the groups

(new proposed groups are in block letters)

  • main list - see 0-A
  • budget group 0-B
  • transcom group 0-D
  • gda 2010 see 1-A
  • report see 1-B
  • network of journalist see 2- A
  • com respondents see 2 –B
  • promotion > visual see 2 – C
  • practical info newsletter see 2- D
  • intercommunication see 3-A 4
  • forum radio tv midia see 4 A B C D
  • free software ¿
  • webteam see 5 6 A
  • wsf training see 5 6 B
  • translation 7

0 – comcom role and action related issues

A - relation with IC and requests

Jason – facilitar o informar ¿ no esta resuelto
- nuestra debilidad – que no podemos transmeter un mensaje – pero punto de fuerza de hacer comunicación – crear una red – que trabaja por si misma
- necesidad de una fuerte politica

(@ propuesta de nutrir discussiones en la lista general sobre esto

@ E/ In the next IC – have a space to debate on communication – as a political tool - Communication debate in Belém

@/ that media do not pay to enter in Belém space

B - Budget group ( to be created )

(@ information dia 24 – no hay dinero only 35% of this money has been raised - LG will make cuts by 30% on process budget – michael Guerrero)

Three months before Belém no funds for the process

Antonio P – imad said that novib is the only donor and they want to have another one

There are no funds to support website beyond December so far

Towards financial autonomy

it is to be noted that a structured action plan was drafted inside the communication commission before the funding came, and this allowed convincing communication inside the process about the ability and willingness of the commission to work effectively

having an autonomous budget made it was easier to structure and fine tune the implementation of the action plan work in various decentralized groups

at the same time this autonomy allowed to be pragmatic and flexible in allocating funds to concrete tasks appearing very meaningful although they had not been foreseen in a first moment( such as assembling a global report)

now the commission has applied for process funding for its core action and is also considering creative schemes to expand its action and make it sustainable

see working group on wsf training

C - movilize for communication (Main list and com respondents working group 2-B )

Rita - Para que el consejo internacional utilisa como parte de metodología organisa - movilisar para que cada grupo , cada actividad faça su communicacion – e no simplemente comunicar para movilisar

D/ communicating about IC inviting All the activities in WSF to include an action of communication before or after Belém, and we as commission will support this
(@ver reporte en el ci punto D

Virtuous circle between mobilization and communication : mobilize for communication then communicate for wider mobilisation
Connect the voices and proposals coming from the basis
No way to change event into the process without accompaniment in communication

D – “transcom” relation with other continental – new working group towards cooperating on com issues with other processes

Uddhab – there are many processes to care for not only Belém – hindi speaking belt 3 forum
How can communication commission can help local processes ?
How to transfer experience and upload to get a space past a nepali article in a website

@ we have created a space for sharing experiences between fse fsa fsm in Spanish – could be a similar space in English between esf fsa asia WSF )

@ chat before fsa this friday

1 – GDA related issues

Outcome of GDA 2008 experience :

 parallel decentralized functioning of 10 working groups
 24 press conferences held in the preceding week inJanuary with a common core message
 50 interconnections on internet
 one website for global action day showing 800 actions in 80 countries and allowing global report 800 pages about them : www.wsf2008.net
 one website for repository of video with 100 documents uploaded : www.wsftv.net
 one website for general intercommunication on line inside open space of WSF on line to prepare for WSF 2009 : www.openfsm.net

A -GDA 2010 new group established ( comcom and expansion)

Jason – if we can decide in this IC and not leave it to last minute we can start working on it
We got the money in October 2007 for GDA 2008

(@ A point was made in IC during discussion on GDA2010 - a pre-organizing working group will be created in openfsm.net : GDA 2010 preparation wg ) – andrea nandita antonioP

Jason nos concentramos sobre eventos - poderiamos concentrarnos en hacer material de promocion permenente del proceso - y mantener un grupo entrenado listo para actuar en el GDA

(@el Belém expandida es como un pequeno GDA en terminos de communicacion -)

action site GDA 2010 - webteam
Antonio P– action site- everybody can open their website – we spend a lot of time and developed too many features

(@ action site will be worked upon in the frame of GDA2010 preparation group and webteam)

B - Report Group – make an assessment of GDA 2008

Martina – reports we had exceptional material – takes a lot of time to understand the links on the same action - do the analysis – a lot of content can come out of this –

Pierre – anticipar el papel de los actors en los reportes –e permitir que la estructura del sitio crea los lazos de los cuales habla martina

(@ punto a explicar mejor)

2 main communicacion about process and Belém

A - journalist network group – mass media group – starting for good?

Salete – trabajo con prensa mainstrem no era el trabajo de ips hacer eso ¿ - grupo de

(@information sobre este punto? Hacer un grupo de trabajo mas amplio)- andrea – nandita

Pierre –estoy insistiendo que mientras no hay personas que vienen en el nucleo de trabajo “ red de periodistas” y hagan cosas concretas sobre la red de periodistas por ejemplo nos quedamos hablando

@ Trabajo en los grupos hacia la prensa no estan desarrollado quien quiere iniciar esto con monica¿

Antonio M – esta cosa de heroismo deve pasar a miliones de personas – estamos aqui para planificar, y vienen gente asalariada para hacer el trabajo

Pierre – No concordo con esta vision separando los que piensan y los que hacen Necesitamos de todo : gente involucrada con trayectora en el proceso y capaz de trasmitir vision e explorar concretamente ideas, gente que solo planifica, e gente que esta asalariada
Sino entramos en burocracia y problemas relacion con midias alternativa

Que la asamblea del CI sostenga esta politica necesitamos trabajo continuo - definir los limites de este grupo - demande que el CI ¿

un grupo que invlucrar personas que focalizado con los mas media
@@Pedir a la officina una persona con cierto tiempo dedicado ( Carla ¿)

B - “Com respondents” new working group - Estructurar la demanda de material de cobertura –

Leo –Se habla de la oferta – pero como estructurar la demanda internacional de material de comunicacion ¿
Quienes son los grupos que tienen demanda de video – el 26 08 muchos de los grupo involucrado en el foro hacen cosas no tienen ganas de ver lo que exista por otra parte –
Seria necesario que desde antemanos – se haga comunicación con los que tiene receptividad - que quieren y quisieran hacer ¿

Andrea- Segregate our audience
Mainstream media ¿ convince them to come to Belém – people knew to get around in Nairobi – what infrastructure is available in Belém ¿ send us some footage – are we sexy enough? –
Npa – what is on – you pull this down and - we give you 40 mn on indigenous in English - community tc and radio in Australia - how to put the network together that - people just need a product
Those that come to Belém have to be engaged in a space
Three different things
For uddahb a journalist that speaks hindi
For radio you need a group

Leo- saying everybody gets together
openfsm.net good tool for people that are in the process
those that are not : nobody will translate to german amarc to

if uddhab was not there would not know about Belém
if people do not go to Belém, they are not interested about Belém
resource person that we have in every country already involved in the process
have to contact a list of resource persons that we have and ask them to make a sort f an analysis a form in my network I don’t need radio I need three minutes everyday - I would need something in water
there, there can be a match between demand and offer - and they get into a same openfsm.net
systematization of demand
mobilize to communicate

Azril - Who is listening ¿ problem set up by leo
We need to promote the demand
We have COICA that can be partners
Rita- es necesario provocar la demanda
4 nucleo gestores – estan todos en openfsm.net - es nécesario que cada quem escolado - ciranda – interciranda -
Otra experiencia que e iniciativa ciranda - actores distinctos cada vez
Concepto de trabalho collaborativo
Cirando tiene un sitio – acolhida -dos grupos MST e otro de universidad
Flamme d’afrique - dentro de la ciranda- periodistas africanos organisados por panos e enda – minga

These groups are facilitators other they can welcome other groups

Roberto ;
For a centralized event we go back to the usual affair that IC thinks that some professional communicators take charge
When we ask you to give us your media contacts
How many of you have done something ?

Pierre - this group could also take on « movilizar para communicar ?”

Hay actividad anticipada de radio e tv ¿?Que communicacion para mobilizar ?
@Movilizar para comunicar - ¿ cuales pasos ¿

@“Crear espacio “que quieren saber de Belém” en relacion con los nucleos de forum de radio de tv de midia ¿” y un grupo de trabajo “ en openfsm – leo Pia

C - outreach banner group : extended to Poster visual working groups

Uddhab- take a look at different situation
Or focus is on website
In Nepal and India hardly 1% have access to internet - 42 hours “load sharing” (no electricity) a week
Caste system untouchables
People try to be assertive now :They are for the social forum
Radio is popular, also Have to go back to posters
Belém social forum focus on tribal
@ Have a picture/poster to communicate Belém

Soros have a project for alternative media –
The people organized what

D - newsletter – practical info working group – starting for good

@ this group is for practical collective work around tutorials newsletter how tos

3 Belém expandida dynamics -

A - wg fsm2009 interconnexoes –

wg intercommunication

Rita – vamos discutir interconnexoes con otras comisiones

@ was done on afternoon 22 – debate then a call was drafted and approved in IC
this call ( see at the end of this document)

Jason - hay un espacio de trabajo sobre esto en openfsm.net
@ kamal, Haifa involved

@supporting towards belem expanded

B - need to address the question of belem expanded registration - webteam

we are left without anything right now
do by hand
do with a little form –
do with a little corner of esf 2008 site somewhere
clone esf plone site for expanded events - (towards a site capable of handling a centralized event ,and expanded events )

text in ic plenary - Intercommunication beyond distance in an expanding WSF process

A working group of the Commission is supporting development of horizontal inter-communication amongst all those who participate in the WSF process

The aim of this effort is to help participants develop in a self organised way links between themselves regardless of distance and sustain intercommunication in the context of a permanent and decentralized process
Moments of inter-communication through video-conferences, internet-chats and phone calls can be prepared in virtual spaces of openfsm.net, just like you prepare a meeting if you want it to be fruitful.

The decentralized modality of participation to WSF 2009 which is called “Belém expanded” is an occasion to develop these practices, linking activities in Belém with activities anywhere in around the world, and allowing organized groups to exchange ideas and proposals regardless if they travel to Belém or not

Communication commission invites organisations in IC to transmit this information to organizations and activists from our different countries and cultures that may want to participate to Belém expanded and to the development of forum social space

They are welcomed in the space of www.openfsm.net they can access the space called “ Belém expanded” and the intercommunication workgroup

4 - proyectos midia compartidos

A - radio forum WG : further than radio forum in belem - Connection by radio –

Radios locales
Espacço compartilhada de interconnexoes
Un grupo de Belém muy receptivo para dar acolhida
Construccion de redes comunitarias de para
Este grupo empieza - via andrea de pulsar brasil –
lista de forum de radio -

Pia – tema de Belém a diferencia del grupo
Las condiciones tecnica son muy importantes
Sino va ser todo lento y complicado
Hacer transmisión de cobertura por radio - se hacer una pequena red de radios - AMARC hace covertura en varios idiomas 4 o 5 seis horas –
Trabajamos con el foro de radios - y mantenemos nuestra independencia como AMARC
Por carencia de recursos
La production de contenido de Belém - rebotamos la production la cortamos y la mandamos a algunos medias – hay que tener la claridad political a hacer - la comunicaron es politica
Desconocimento en el consejo desconocida
Podemos armar 2x3 personas a Belém (menos que otros anos)
Estamos abocados a Belém – pedir que el estado brasileno nos preste el satelite
Es una oportunidad poltica Belém

Rita -Foro de radios - cubertura regional
Una radio sera abierta - programacaion de esta radio
Foro de radio internacional cubrindo foro de migratcion – luego guatemala -
Toda la historia del foro de radio trazido a Belém – eles se apropiaron - agregando conexión de radios de la floresta -

Uddhab- take a look at different situation
Or focus is on website
In Nepal and India hardly 1% have access to internet - 42 hours “load sharing” (no electricity) a week
Caste system untouchables
People try to be assertive now :They are for the social forum
Radio is popular, also Have to go back to posters
Belém social forum focus on tribal

@Creacio de nuveo sitio de foro de radios ( webteam?)

Pierre – hay Metas de inclusión en foro de radios y tv ¿
(@ multilinguismo en )
@Hay dos grupos o uno ?
@what is the scope of those group regarding diffusion out of belem and interconnexoe by radio ( not as a midia but as interactive tool

B - Tv forum –

try to give a space for video activists and give them a connection to distribute their material
A little group financed producing every day highlights 20mn eurovision put material on wsftv.net or ftp

Antonio P–foro de tv we need 10 people dedicated because we know that then the other “interested” people disappear
Ticket hospitality editor fee .. on a core team –the professional have the “time on air paranoia”
People can download every

C - Working group on written midia /ciranda

D - working group on outreach on occasion of forum de media livre ?

Foro de midia livre – dos dias antes – acolher
Rita- Foro de midia livre 1000 participantes bienvenidos

@ como popularizar openfsm para ellos – crear un espacio de acogida del foro de midia livre en openfsm?

E- software livre and com?
What is the relationship – no group in comcom about this ¿- webteam ¿

5 and 6 – webteam – sites - Openfsm.net

A - grupo webteam : support group

A/ supporting other commissions to use spaces in openfsm such as
-a space for discussion around Guiding principles for organising a WSF event ( methodology)
-a space for preparation of GDA2010 ( communication – expansion)
-11 spaces for facilitation of contacts between activities aiming in a same objective ( methodology)
- 2 spaces for preparation of second day in Belém ( methodology)

grupo webteam - towards a fsf plone wsf project
Para mejorar el sitio Necesitamos Grupo de software livre – con criterios politicos

grupo webteam - action site and other new perspectives
Jason hay proyectos de ferramentas - hay grupo de trabajo para definir estrategia de varios sitios

Sitio de comunicación del CI que copia e expande
Space TOPP and comcom

B - wsf training group - a new impetum!

Antonio : crear em Belém um conjunto de talleres de formacion a openfsm
El foro es donde tu vives los 365 dias del ano - venga en la red donde el foro

(@ antonioM: puedes tomar la responsabilidad de esta iniciativa ¿ - thiago esta trabajando tutoriales por otra parte, pero encontrar y formar volutarios e la logistica de trabajar en los cibre cafe e espacio software livre esto se tiene que preparar

Leo –Pita Dentro del foro hay oranisaciones importantes que tienen capacida de politica de comunicacion con comom

(@ propuesta de leo e jason sobre estructuracion de la demanda)

Antonio M– Brillante el paso adelante – Herramienta
1/ Perfeccionar el sitio –
2/ Difundirlo - pensar en 2010 – que openfsm debe ser popular tool - conocido por todos grande herramento de articulación
Como trabajar ¿ Conjunto de talleres para ensenar el openfsm durante Belém - para crear
Tenemo una herreameznte aprende a transformarse en participante los 365 dias
Que necesitamos de trabajo heroico
Foletos panfletos
Podemos crear oportinudad de la reunion

Pierre – El Problema de popularizar openfsm en belme no es resolvido mientras no hay grupo que se encarga de eso
importante anotar que openfsm es herramienta para gente que se ubica concientemente dentro del espacio del fsm, distinguir este del sitio para la JAG que es mas amplio aunque estimulado por organisaciones participantes en el proceso del fsm

Permanent participation to global WSF open space

In order to expand permanent participation to the world social forum process, it is necessary to facilitate access to virtual open space such as openfsm.net to as many organisations as possible.
It is also necessary to be partially funding in a sustainable way free software communities politically articulated with WSF

This digital expansion of the process can be performed through a diversity of local “WSF permanent participation ” projects, that may interest donors, with a standard proportion of the fund raised being channelled to free software project providing those strategic intercommunication tools

Communication commission will circulate a draft project to foster training to use WSF websites, and suggest how to organize them. IC organisations are invited consider using it for local expansion and fundraising initiatives keeping in contact with the commission

Grupos webteam and wsf training - looking for creative financing

Andrea - make a story “train 1000 indigenous people in Belém about openfsm.net”

Pierre – we can make a typical project distributed to organisations

Martina - we can make this typical project

(@has been announced in the IC - drafting is going on in xxxxxxxxxx)

7 - Translation working group - a concrete perspective !

Judtih- Any work within babels is a project – make an official request on our site
We need a dedicated team - which can be 10 12 doing one a week for three months

Gregoire - We are attempting fusionning cordi trad and transtrad
The interpreters have not signed a contract wtth babel

Gregoire judith – Respect the procedureTranslate and proofread

Pierre - They would be participating to the comcom list and would be part of a global project

Gregoire- Translate for some video – voice overs also ?
It depends on who is “we” we are not babels
Among the 15 people that reply the mailing list there are a lot of tensions regarding WSF
We are not talking here In the name of babels
The social forum in itself has an organisation transtrad
Carole bonvin jean François

scope of cooperation
Certain key
Emails mailing list
Chat meeting of commission
Audio meeting of the commission

@ invitation of Judith and gregoire on the working group translation