• comcom icmeeting sheet paris 1

Wiki modificadas recientemente May 3, 2011 por facilitfsm


may24th meeting home page

This is an a  input by Pierre at this point V0  based on

LG document sheet

1. Summary of the main goals of this Commission

>> this is all explained In the comcom plan here- which is a good introduction to  "Comcom for newcomers"


see the one page digest of the comcom plan ?

see the highlighted version ready for udpate here

>> Comcom will have a open working meeting on may 24th to prepare may 25thcommission time  and ic participation


2. Proposal of agenda for the Commission meeting during the IC in Paris,

1-review the comcom plan ,  share assesmment  and comment it so we read on the same page ?  ( may 24th )

2-review the 2011-12 calendar-(including the media forum in 2012 )  and see how the working groups /intiaitives are going to relate to it – in the past there has been claims that not enough policy making and not enough cooperation was existing between them, shareing of contact etc .. define possible cooperation points  ( may 24th and 25th)

3-derive from there initiaitive on how to concretely involve more IC members organisations ?   remember (rabat questionnaire !) and apply them directly on may 25thand 26th during the IC  (may 25th)

4. exchange ambassadors with the various other commissions- as was done in mexico but in a reciprocal way   each commission sends ambassadors to others and receive theirs - and the topic is what are our relationships with other commissions ( may 25th) 


Mentioning specifically the following:

a. Points to be developed

>> Mutual perception  inside Comcom on  the 8 "facilitating projects" working plans ( 8 projects mentionned in Comcom plan), Critieria for assessment of facilitation in various working groups, and of outcome of those,

>> What is the potential policy making/sitmulation component of comcom in those projects

>> What are pending points , problem points ,itchy points,   when reviewing the plan in the light of what actually happened

>> Cooperation with LG/saopaulo office : 2010 record  and perspective

>> Intercommission communication : one year after Mexico – What are the outcomes ? what are the current issues with respective commissions? are we ready for a second one- who is ambassador for which commission

>> Explicit and stimulate IC member organizations willingness  in contributing to both Communication commission "policy making" and "facilitating projects" progress- what can be proposed ?

>> What is the status on "extended office" ?involvement of more IC members

>> What is the potential input of comcom participants in the assembly of commmunication in dakar and event  2012 preparation?

>> Develop perception in IC of how Comcom policies and Comcom "facilitating projects" working groups /tools interact

>> Definition of common Comcom agenda  ( seminars, policies,  presentations) 

b. Questions to be answered

>> Are there significant WSF context elements requiring evolution in comcom working groups  scopes or faciltation scheme  and comcom plan 2011-12 drafted in 2010? which are the implications?

>> How to tackle current budget uncertainty , what are the consequences ? next steps ?  modalities guidelines for autonomous fundraising by each projects ?

>> Are there points to define or change in comcom  working modalities ? 

>> Are there points to define  as Comcom Common calendar beyond mutual info  in current working scheme

>> What can be the concrete cooperation perspective/agenda  with other commissions, and with LG/sao paulo office ? 

c. Decisions to be taken

>> Defining comcom profile in next ic  plenary

Validation of  facilitating projects working plans /"potential" IC budgets dimensions ( already defined)  In the various  Comcom working groups

>> Validation by IC of comcom plan with mention of Updates to be finalized

3. Other elements you find useful