• comcom icmeeting sheet paris


Current Version

by facilitfsm, modified May 3, 2011

Version 6

by facilitfsm, modified May 1, 2011


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may24th meeting home page

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input by Pierre at this point V0
Link: /projects/communication-commission/comcom-icmeeting-sheet-paris-1

LG document sheet

1. Summary of the main goals of this Commission

>> Inputs this is all explained In the comcom plan here- which is a good introduction to "Comcom for newcomers"

http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/communication-commission-draft-plan-v.01 Link: /projects/communication-commission/communication-commission-draft-plan-v.01%20

see the highlighted version ready for udpate hereLink: /projects/communication-commission/comcom-2011-12-working-plan-updating

>> Comcom will have a open working meeting on may 24th to prepare may 25thcommission time and ic participation

2. Proposal of agenda for the Commission meeting during the IC in Paris,

>> Agenda content

1-review the comcom plan Link: /projects/communication-commission/comcom-2011-12-working-plan-updating , share assesmmentand comment it so we read on the same page ?

2-review the 2011-12 calendar-(including the media forum in 2012 )and see how the working groups /intiaitive are going to relate to it – in the past there has been claims that not enough cooperation was existing between them, shareing of contact etc .. define possible cooperation points

3-derive from there initiaitive on how to concretely involve more IC members organisaitons ?(rabat questionnaire !) and apply them directly on may 25thand 26th during the IC

mentioning specifically the following:

a. Points to be developed

>> Points Mutual perception inside Comcom onthe 8 "facilitating projects" working plans ( 8 projects mentionned in Comcom plan), Critieria for assessment of facilitation in various working groups, and of outcome of those,

>> what is the potential policy making/sitmulationn component of comcom in those projects

>> what are pending points , problem points when reviewing the plan in the light of what actually happened

>> Cooperation with LG/saopaulo office: 2010 recordand perspective

>> Intercommission communication : one year after Mexico – What are the outcome ? what are the current issues with respective commissions?

>> Explicitand stimulate IC member organizations willingnessin contributing to both Communication commission "policy making" and "facilitating projects" progress- what can be proposed ?

>> What is the statuson extended office ?involvement of more IC members

>> What is the potential input of comcom participants in the assembly of commmunication in dakar and event 2012 preparation?

>> Develop perception in IC of how Comcom policies and Comcom "facilitating projects" working groups /tools interact

>> Definition of common Comcom agenda( seminars, policies,presentations)

b. Questions to be answered

>> Questions Are there significant WSF context elements requiring evolution in comcom working groups scopes or faciltation scheme and comcom plan 2011-12 drafted in 2010? which are the implications?

>> How to tackle current budget uncertainty , what are the consequences ? next steps ? modalities guidelines for autonomous fundraising by each projects ?

>> Are there points to define or change in comcom working modalities

>> Are there points to define as Comcom Common calendar beyond mutual info in current working scheme

>> What can be the concrete cooperation perspective/agenda with other commissions, and with LG/sao paulo office

c. Decisions to be taken

>> Decisions defining comcom profile in next ic

>> Validation of facilitating projects working plans /"potential" IC budgets dimensions ( already defined)In the variousComcom working groups >> Validation by IC of comcom plan with mention of Updates to be finalized

3. Other elements you find useful

>> Elements