• comcom report in ic plenary 24th

Wiki modificadas recientemente September 28, 2008 por facilitfsm

C - Report of communication commission in Copenhagen ic 24th 

(notes taken after report made by Roberto - to be modified after systematization of this report)

In Parma , then in Berlin – IC did approve a plan of communication  -  

Towards  financial autonomy  

it is to be noted  that a structured action plan was drafted inside the communication commission before  the funding came, and this allowed convincing communication  inside the process about the ability and willingness of the commission to work effectively  

having an autonomous budget  made it was easier to structure and fine tune the implementation of the action plan  work in various  decentralized groups  

at the same time this autonomy allowed to be pragmatIC and flexible in allocating  funds to concrete tasks appearing very meaningful although they had not been foreseen in a first moment( such as assembling a global report)     

now the  commission has applied for process funding  for its core action  and  is also considering  creative schemes to expand its action  and make it sustainable 

Outcome of GDA experience :


  • parallel decentralized functioning of 10 working groups
  • 24 press conferences held in the preceding week inJanuary with a common  core message
  • 50 interconnections on internet
  • one  website for global action day showing  800 actions in 80 countries and allowing  global report 800 pages about them : www.wsf2008.net
  • one website for repository of video  with 100 documents uploaded : www.wsftv.net
  • one  website for general intercommunication on line inside open space of WSF  on line  to prepare for WSF 2009 : www.openfsm.net

Negative points so-far 

Three months before Belém no funds for the process


For a centralized event we go back to the usual affair that IC  thinks that some professional communicators  take charge

When we ask you to give us your media contacts

How many of you have done something ?


Our  commission contributions to  Belém process


A/ supporting other commissions to use spaces in openfsm such as

-a space for discussion around Guiding principles for organising a WSF event  ( methodology)

-a space for preparation of GDA2010 ( communication – expansion)

-11 spaces for facilitation of contacts between activities aiming in a same objective  ( methodology)

- 2 spaces for preparation of second day in Belém ( methodology)  

B /  setting up 5 projects preBelém – ciranda – foro de radio amazonico – forum of tv  - laboratorio de conhecimento livre – espacio de interconnexoes

- a space for networking between those that produce coverage and  communication and those that want some information about WSF 2009 

C/ Paying  attention to the tools

  • Idea to Set up something for  learning  ot use openfsm.net during the wsf2009 – communication flow  during Belém  - permanent process
  • Invite IC organisations  to use more www.wsftv.net 
  • Warning ! there are currently  no funds for development and  hosting  beyond Belém

D/ communicating  about IC inviting All the activities in WSF to include an action of communication before or after Belém, and   we as commission will support this

Virtuous circle  between mobilization  and  communication : mobilize for communication then communicate for wider mobilisation

Connect the voices and proposals coming from the basis

No way to change event into the process without  accompaniment in communication

Our requests towards IC


E/ In the next IC – have a space to debate on communication – as a   political tool - Communication debate in Belém 

F/ set up a process for  preparing next GDA 

@ Space  GDA 2010 preparation 

G/ that media do not pay to enter in Belém space  

Permanent participation to global WSF open space  

In order to expand permanent participation to the world social forum process, it is necessary to facilitate access to virtual open space such as  openfsm.net to as many organisations as possible.

It is also necessary to be partially funding in a sustainable way  free software communities politically articulated with WSF  

This digital expansion of the process can be performed through a diversity of  local “WSF permanent participation ” projects,  that may interest donors, with a standard proportion of the fund raised being channelled to free software project providing those strategic intercommunication tools 

Communication commission will circulate a draft project to foster training to use WSF websites, and suggest how to organize them. IC organisations are invited  consider using it for local expansion and fundraising initiatives keeping in contact with the commission  


Intercommunication beyond distance in an expanding WSF process 

A working group of the Commission is supporting development of horizontal inter-communication amongst all those who participate in the WSF process 

The aim of this effort is to help participants develop in a self organised way links between themselves regardless of distance and sustain intercommunication in the context of a permanent and decentralized process

Moments of inter-communication through video-conferences, internet-chats and phone calls can be prepared in virtual spaces of openfsm.net, just like you prepare a meeting if you want it to be fruitful.  

The decentralized modality of participation to WSF 2009 which is called “Belém expanded” is an occasion to develop these practices, linking activities in Belém with activities anywhere in around the world, and allowing organized groups to exchange ideas and proposals regardless if they travel to Belém or not 

Communication  commission invites organisations in IC to transmit this information to organizations and activists from our different countries and cultures that may want to participate to Belém expanded and to the development of forum social space  

They are welcomed in the space of www.openfsm.net  they can access the space called “ Belém expanded”  the working group for supporting interconnections with belem and the intercommunication workgroup  

Invitation by IC to WSF 2009  expanded – “Belém expanded” 

The Global action day of 2008 started a dynamics of activities of various type towards “another possible world” in all the regions of the world, expanding the forum proposal. 

From this experience, it was assessed that in 2009 decentralized activities linked to the forum event held in Amazonia could also be stimulated. 
This has the advantage to impulse the mobilization towards Belém, and, at the same time :

    - promote decentralized participation in Belém activities

    - give a higher profile to debates and proposals stemming from these activities

    - favour the assimilation and adaptation of these proposals by organisations and citizens of the world,

    - multiply initiatives of participation in the forum process, at local, national, regional, and thematic levels. 

Decentralized activities may or may not create direct connections with activities in the forum in Belém  

The International Council invites organizations that want to participate in this decentralized way in world social forum 2009 to register themselves in the webpage www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br and indicate there their decision

(in the organisation registration form there is an ítem  “ Belém expanded”)  

These organisations can then enter in the open space openfsm  (www.openfsm.net) and:

  • Make visible their activities, (also giving links to videos in www.wsftv.net)
  • Interchange, 
  • Make contacts before, during, and after the event 2009 with activities located in Belém or in other parts of the world
  • Interchange about methods and tools for connection  
    (Space “Belém expanded” in openfsm )

Invitacion del CI al FSM 2009 expandido – “Belém expandida” 

El día de acción global de 2008 desató una dinámica de actividades de distintos tipos hacia “otro mundo posible” en todas la regiones del mundo, expandiendo la propuesta del foro. 

A partir de esta experiencia, se ha pensado que en 2009 se puede también estimular actividades descentralizadas vinculadas al foro que se realiza en Amazonia.  

Esto tiene la ventaja de impulsar la movilización hacia Belém, y, al mismo tiempo:

  • promover la participación descentralizada en las actividades de Belém,
  • dar más relieve y difusión a los debates y propuestas surgidas de estas actividades,
  • favorecer la apropiación e adaptación de estas propuestas por organizaciones y ciudadanos del mundo, 
  • multiplicar iniciativas de participación en el proceso del foro, a nivel local, nacional, regional, y temático.

Las actividades descentralizadas podrán o no crear conexiones directas con  actividades en el foro en Belém. 

El consejo Internacional invita a las organizaciones que quieren participar de manera descentralizada en el foro social mundial 2009  a inscribirse en la pagina (www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br) para indicar ahí su decisión

(en la ficha de inscripción de organización hay un ítem  “ Belém expandida”)  

Estas organizaciones podrán entrar en el espacio abierto openfsm (www.openfsm.net) para 

  • hacer visibles sus actividades, (también dar enlaces a videos en www.wsftv.net)
  • intercambiar, y
  • contactarse antes, durante, y después del evento 2009, con actividades ubicadas en Belém u otras parte del mundo,
  • intercambiar sobre métodos e instrumentos de conexión.   
    (Espacio “Belém expanded” en openfsm )


Invitation du CI au FSM 2009 étendu – “Belém étendue” 

La journée d’action globale de 2008 a déclenché une dynamique d’activités de différents types vers “un autre monde possible”  dans toutes les régions du monde , étendant ainsi la proposition du forum. 

A partir de cette expérience, il apparait qu’en 2009 il est possible de stimuler des activités decentralisées reliées au forum qui se réalise en Amazonie.  

Ceci a l’avantage d’impulser la mobilisation vers Belém  et en même temps de :

  • promouvoir la participatión decentralisée aux activités de Belém,
  • donner plus de relief et de diffusion aux débats et propositions sortis de ces activités 
  • favoriser l’appropriation et l’adaptation de ces propositions par les organisations et les citoyens du monde, 
  • mutliplier les initiatives de participation dans le  processus du forum, au niveau local, national, regional, et thematique.

Les activités decentralisées pourront ou pas créer des connexions  directes avec des activités dans le  forum de Belém. 

Le conseil International invite les organisations qui veulent  participer de manière décentralisée au forum social mondial 2009 à s’inscrire sur la page (www.fsm2009amazonia.org.br) pour y indiquer leur décision

(dans la fiche d’inscription d’organisation voir le point “ Belém expandida”)  

Ces organisations peuvent entrer dans l’espace ouvert openfsm (www.openfsm.net) pour :

  • rendre visibles leurs activités ( et donner des liens vers des videos sur www.wsftv.net)
  • échanger et
  • se contacter avant pendant et après l’évènement 2009 , avec des activités situées a Belém ou dans d’autres parties du monde 
  • échanger sur les méthodes et les instruments de connexion.   
    (Espace  “Belém expanded” dans  openfsm )