• comprocess-policy-space-tool-table

Wiki modificadas recientemente November 6, 2009 por jnardi


 proceso-FSM-10-anos.JPGoverview of dialogic space   

see some charts  about com processes

 proceso-fsm-10-processos-com.JPGmap  of 10 communicacional processes

This table below is connecting two ideas :

list of communication processes mentionned in guideline draft (particularly point 2.1)  

AND    the idea of policy - space - tool emerged in the last chat



  complan porposal2

Inputs on the columns and lines meaning and on the cell content welcome !

Guidelines 2009-10 communication process - objective – policy – target – spaces – facilitators – tools !

10 Communication process ( list can be discussed but that seems are relevant number )

Political / methodological objective

Policies to get there

openspace for who ? Where

Facilitated by who ? - comcom groups

Tools used / promoted and Ways of working


Advice conveying visions convey a vision (objective+ policy+ practices ( how to - faq) +tools)

Have an inclusive and efficient comcom

Bringing support to event In 2010 context

Bringing suppor tto wsf 2011 ( different),

Promoting WSF ethics and legitimacy policies in facilitation

Keep clear the role of comcom of facilitator of communication processes and not labelling or imposing

Contact space comcom / organizing committee

Target event organizers

Comcom space in openfsm

Comcom Newcomer lounge ?

Com respondent spaces?

All comcom groups

Openfsm space and experience about creating on line communities

Inclusion protocol- legitimacy building

Comcom guidelines

1-DIALOGICAL PRACTICES in the activities of the forum space (the same situation in the activties, the heart of the dialogic process of the WSF - how people communicate between them during the activities)

Design activities that foster participation and ownership of the process , and foster desire to contribute /facilitate it

Valuing participation, empowering participant autonomous speech

active activities”initiative

target : activity organizers and reactive participants

Participation group –

Participatory techniques coming from  ( assembly education for transformation 

and others

2 / mobilizing/ logistical practices and PARTICIPATION IN EVENTS / activities WSF calendar (there are large-organization committee that mobilizes people to come to, or join as volunteers))

Be efficient in communicating wsf process and fostering desire to get closer to it , and convey the proposed methodology of each event ( understanding the political meaning of proposed protocols )

Supporting events through bulletim, and global communication

Developing a network of news contributors for wsf bulletin with non editorializing ; scale management equity critera

Event site as space

process site and virtual media center

target event organizers

Participation group –participation on line group


Alternate media group

Practical info group

WSF Bulletim

Event site as tool

Other website openfsm for activity preparation and follow up

3 / practice of DECENTRALIZED PARTICIPATION and local connections (the field of local self-organization outside of a big event forum))

Dissociate idea of activity of idea of big event , activate forum facilitators where they live

Promoting decentralized expansion of process, using bigger events as stimulators of smaller scale events /activities

Changing the view of event organizers

Sfex group

Target event organizers they expand their mobilization process

Participation group –Intercommunication group

Participation on line group

Skype and free software variants

Openfsm for local space building

Event site  to be incluseive to expanded activities

4 / PARTICIPATORY PRACTICES IN PUBLIC ACTIONs calendar (the forum process beyond forum space)

Similar to 1 in the action field beyond the dialogical activities – find participatory mode of action

Deploy notion of sf process, include but separate action and activities , end the action /activities tension,

Target event organizers and area process faclitators

All comcom

Event site expanded to showing public action and being permanent in an area,

media coverage sites (wsftv, ciranda etc...) 

methodology about maintaining clear difference between openspace and process

5 / Practices of REPORT MEMORY OF ACTIVITIES AND ACTIONS (Joint production of actors)

Getting x% of activities of an event described by their organisers

Empower participants to create content

Target event organizers
target specific memory initiatives ( as activities in the process)

Memory group Participation group

Agegator tools

Event site indexes, with reports and outcome publishing indexing

Openfsm for reporsitories

experience in past events

6 / Process movement / cubertura / SHARED COMMUNICATION AROUND ACTIVITIES and (Role of alternative media to circulate information among participants and also out of the process)

Considering alternate media as organisation participating in the process, and not just covering it ,

Have alternate media work on their role and differentiate their practice from mainstream

Have organisation develop their communication activities and promote wsf collaterally

Promote notion of shared communication

Virtual media center in main site

wsftv.net group

Same in event /process sites

Alternate media group
Altenate media group

Mainstream press group

Wsf portal site

Defining media coverage activities in the process and in the events

7 / Practices of WSF IMAGE BUILDING in the commercial media - (relationship with the press)

Help mainstream journalist capture the forum innovant character and convey positive view on it

Seduce journalists

Space of mainstream journalists covering WSF process,

network of WSF friendly journalists

Mainstream press group


Alternate media group

alternate media group


8 / WSF SOCIALIZATION PROCESSES - identification at a distance with WSF - of understanding and mobilization to expand the energy (fuel appropriation process)

Create a buzz about wsf

Transform wsf participants in communication vectors

give visibility to individual inside a frame of Clear distinction between individuals and collectives and

For the time being event organizers , then ?

WSF Volunteer lounge ?

Participation group –

Participation on line group

Alternate media group


Event site personalization allowing personal inputs and reports , distinct from those of collective/organisation

9 / COMMUNICATION PRACTICES, OF INITIATIVES GROUPS in the process(Relationship with groups within the process communicating on their initiative)

Accommodating with self organizers initiative groups, about their communication action

Develop self organisations

Maintain clarity of ways of doing avoid ambiguities In who is speaking in the name of who

Have a contact space for each categories of initiative appearing – as they would be event organizers ?

All groups depending the self organized intiaitive focus


Wf methodology

Comcom guidelines

10 / GETTING TO KNOW WSF PROCESS seeking to know the information-search process to understand the WSF process and participate in the sense - to receive information via friends)

Make easier for people interested by WSF ot understand what it is and hwo it works

Develop among wsf participants perception of WSF as process beyond event

Propagate clear cut documents and links ( editing material ) bout political and methodological understanding of dialogic space and action process

( to be discussed )

All comcom groups

Relation with other commissions

Wsf bulletim

Wsf portal

Openfsm site

Wsf actions site