• Extract of a possibleᅡᅠ letter

last modified December 2, 2009 by pierre

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4- Memory and documentation

This is a vast and important subject that we mean to address only in a specific and clear cut way that is as follows,

1/ stimulate collective documentation of their activities and actions by the very collectives that organized them

2/ display this memory in the cooperative spaces associated to the activities along the lines and views of the program of each event with good search and browse overall possibilities

As a facilitating body oriented toward fostering participation we think crucial to stimulate this self editing process giving history and accountability to what is published and who is publishing it and showing the heart of WSF dynamics from dialogic encounters in activities to action oriented coalitions

We are launching with Comcom transvesal group “Memory and documentation” as a participation to its agenda, an initiative space called “Activity Based WSF Memory”(9) stimulating this approach

@ We invite members from organisations of your committee interested by this approach of memory are invited to it visit join exchange idea about what is being done in their respective event 

@ We invite you as committee to consider setting up a memory and documentation team that will stimulate the collectives organizing activities in your event to document them.