• Communication commission discussion

Re: Communication plan (action needed!!!)

de la part de hitchman@... on 15/11/2009 11:48
Hello all,

Perhaps you could mention something about a commitment to communicating in the language of peoples' choice, and the native, local languages, that enable grassroots to access the WSF... And yes, culture is an important language...

I never participate in chats, as I am very nomadic & busy, never seem to be free or near a computer to access skype at the right time. But I do read all the correspondence!

In solidarity

Judith (for Babels)
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-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 2009 11:35:03 
To: <communication-commission-discussion@...>
Subject: Re: [Communication commission discussion] Communication plan (action 

Hi Dan,

thanks for this contribution of yours. It looks fine for me and if there are
no objections we can include it in the communication plan.

I think 'Cultivating participatory methods of communication' is much better
than "other languages", though it focuses more on participation than on the
cultural and artistic dimensions of communication.  In any case, I think it
would certainly be good if we could dedicate an online meeting of the comcom
to discusing your proposals.


2009/11/13 dan baron <danbaronmst@...>

>  Hi everyone
> Greetings from Johannesburg where I am engaged in an intimate working
> meeting of about 90 people from across Africa to help build a Pan-African
> cultural action for transformation network, working through applied arts.
> This network will be launched tomorrow and should be an excellent resource
> for the WSF 2011.
> I was able to chat with Pierre in Paris and Jason from Sao Paulo before
> flying, to focus a contribution by November 13th. This should give everyone
> time to look at this proposal about 'other languages' to develop
> participatory dialogic methods and structures of internal and external
> communication.
> I attach the contribution below with four concrete actions, based on these
> discussions and the momentum that led to and flowed from the Assembly for
> Culture and Education for Transformation, during the WSF 2009. I think the
> budget of 5000 Euros will be tight but possible, and essential for such a
> profound area!
> I think we might review the name of this section to something like:
> 'Cultivating participatory methods of communication', but I leave that for
> discussion.
> 3.3 - Other “languages” of communication
> Dimensions of the cultural programme in past WSFs and the conception of the
> WSF in Mumbai have demonstrated the potential of cultural expression and
> artistic languages as a means to stimulate creative and innovative strategic
> planning, political understanding, motivated participation and respect for
> cultural diversity. These ‘other languages’ have also been used within the
> planning and execution of elements of the political programme within the WSF
> process (seminars, workshops and assemblies) as effective methodologies to
> ensure ‘dialogic’ dynamic participation, the exchange of knowledges,
> consensual decision-making and bridging between social movements and
> organised sectors/NGOs within civil society to strengthen their events and
> integrate their campaigns in a global quest for social transformation.
> Above all, cultural expression and artistic languages are effective means
> for communicating to those who are sceptical about or resistant to the aims
> and claims of the WSF, or outside its social and political networks. These
> dimensions celebrate the humanity and visions of the WSF protagonists,
> present proposals in an inviting, engaging and dialogical form rather a
> didactic and ideological form, and affirm the multiple intelligences,
> humanities and capacities of those receiving our communication.
> Used with confidence, these ‘other languages’ can ensure the WSF itself
> becomes much more participatory, dialogic and humanizing.
> 3.3.1 - Hold a 2-day participatory-demonstration workshop during the 2010
> celebration of 10 years of the WSF in Porto Allegre to facilitate the
> integration of ‘other languages’ into national and regional social forums;
> 3.3.2 - Develop an explanatory demonstration DVD in the languages of the
> WSF which can be circulated to social movements, NGOs and
> institutions/organisations involved or interested in the WSF process to
> facilitate the integration of ‘other languages’ into national and regional
> social forums;
> 3.3.3 - Produce a CD or DVD which contains a relevant ‘vision’ song from
> each of the cultures within the WSF ‘community’ (International Council?) for
> global distribution, with a view to also generating solidarity income;
> 3.3.4 - Edit material for and build appropriate mechanisms to ensure the
> continuous presence of these cultural and artistic dimensions in the WSF
> website and all its communication materials.
> I am not sure if the phrase 'cultural expression' should be replaced by
> 'cultural processes' as we are not talking about events but processes, and
> if 'artistic languages' should be explained as (ie: theatre, music, dance,
> sculpture, photography, video), for clarification. Please would you comment?
> Thanks. In warm solidarity!
> Dan
> ------------------------------
> Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 00:37:44 +0200
> Subject: [Communication commission discussion] Communication plan (action
> needed!!!)
> From: giu.caruso@...
> To: communication-commission-discussion@...
> Dear all,
> as outcome of todays chat (summary of decisions taken will arrive shortly
> via Jason) it was decided to send the following part of the text which is
> left for finalisation.
> we call for comments, suggestions, ideas that you wish to integrate in the
> text.
> Please for your convenience find the whole text here
> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/communication-plan-2010-11-draft
> OR
> you can find below appended the sections that still need further work and
> for which comments are requested:
> Ciao
> giuseppe
> *Information of events to promote participation and multimedia coverage
> for contamination and memory*
> *The interaction with the Organizing Committee of each event is essential
> to guarantee internal and external communication during event:*
> *- within all Social Forum actors and new potential participants at the
> wsf process*
> *- with general public to sensibilize and involve toward wsf universe *
> *- towards alternative/independent and mainstream media for local,
> regional and international visibility *
> It is important to assure that the infrastructure for communication be
> prioritized and guaranteed in/for the next World Social Forum events,
> following the guidelines defined in the IC document issued in Berlin (2007).
> Moreover, particular attention should be given toinclude Free, Libre, and
> Open Source Software spaces of organizing and support for the global
> movement we call "the Internet", as well as Free Culture movements
> (anti-Intellectual Property, creative commons) and (inter)Net Neutrality,
> mobile networks/infrastructure.
> *Objectives **:*
> **
> *2.1 - Shared collective Communication spaces*
> *2.1.1 - Independent/alternative Media *
> Stimulate the formation of mixed (local and international) teams of shared
> communication, that promote coverage of the event in exchange and
> collaboration policy. Interact with the Organizing Committee of events to
> stimulate the formation of nuclei of shared communication and their
> integration with the existing projects that promote exchange and
> collaboration in covering the WSF (before and during each event); promote
> the copyleft coverage by indipendent/alternative media (through Ciranda and
> the involvement of other networks).
> *
> 2.1.2 - Forum de Radio
> *A campaign in 6 languages to promote the Forums and their coverage to
> radios in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia. Facilitation of
> coordinated programming, spots, in different languages. Special involvement
> of community radios worldwide.
> *
> 2.1.3 - Tv and video exchange system
> *Facilitate the building of a online video community to promote the
> coverage of the different social forum events around the world – through the
> hub website wsftv.net; possibility to open for each forum a specific
> channel in the website related to and linked with the other forum websites.
> [ Developing the Video Memory archive of wsftv (existing and working since
> the Global Day of Action 2008), in terms of mapping, cataloging and
> uploading all available past video material and consolidating an updating
> the video database. ]
> *2.2 - Press and international mainstream media facilitation
> *
> *In synergy with the Wsf S.Paulo office and all press groups formed for
> the local events, the Commission aims to:
> *
> 2.2.1 - Increase the visibility of the WSF in public opinion worldwide with
> a coherent identity by facilitating press pooling coordination among the
> events, with the local organising committees and IC member's networks, and
> the sharing of materials (press kits, press releases, information of other
> media activities, etc.).
> 2.2.2 - Facilitate the coverage of the WSF2010 and 2011 by mainstream media
> (public and commercial), by developing a “virtual media center” in the main
> WSF portal, containing updated news and background materials 6/8 languages,
> rss newsfeed agency and a complete map of all the 2010 events
> 2.2.3 - Activate consistent journalists' and media relations at the
> international level, and promote the network of journalists linked to the
> Forum, seeking editorial contributions from well-known activits/journalists
> (in collaboration with IPS).
> 2.3.4 - Bridge distributed events with a permanent "TerraViva" online
> window on the World Social Forum, providing ongoing reporting in many
> languages from as many of the events as possible.
> 2.3.5 - Facilitate distribution of the 2010 events tv coverage by satellite
> and through Eurovision Worldfeed
> 2.3.5 – Stimulate international press clippings collection for public
> record, organised by topic, language, media outlet.
> *2.3 - Memory and documentation*
> In 10 years, the Forums worldwide have produced a wealth of documentation
> in many languages and formats.
> www.forumsocialmudial.org.br is the first and organized depository of the
> forum process memory, but it lacks a systematic organisations. Other many
> source of multimedia memory are potentially available, but not yet linked
> and organized for a common consultation.
> *2.3.1. - Making WSF memory visible online*
> Stimulate memory teams in the 2010 events and promote the autonomous
> production by participants and digital collection of memory at each event
> (text, photo, audio, video) providing spaces for documenting activities and
> outcomes, and make those contents visible online.  Allow wsf memory
> material to be reached by all participants through an aggregator that can
> bridge digitalized existing memory material spread in different web sites.
> *
> *
> *  2.3.2 – Forum documentation on other websites*
>   Stimulate the updating of general reference websites (such as wikipedia)
> and on social networks in different languages.
> [Brief intro – would make reference to common identity elements (though
> diverse expressions), dialogical communication, role of ICT, decentralizing,
> strategizing.*
> --
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