• Communication commission discussion

Re: Commission's budget proposal2011-2012 - deadline this week!

de parte de Jason Nardi on 2010-09-27 11:55
Dear all,

how about we try to have an online meeting on *Wednesday the 29th September
at 17:00 UCT* / GMT  (which is 14:00 in S.Paulo)?

Please check here for the corresponding times:


On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Monica Di Sisto <monicadisisto@...>wrote:

> Hi Salete (and all)
> I agree that is necessary to chat together but here in Rome the
> municipality is closing the Città dell'altraeconomia (shared space of
> solidary economy) and we're resisting with meetings ans similar stuff. I can
> participate the 28th and 29th.
> Hugs and many thanks
> Monica
> 2010/9/22 salete valesan <salete.valesan@...>
>  Olá Jason,
>> Podemos fazer um chat nesta ou na próxima semana. Porém, acredito que o
>> Nicolas não tem mais tempo de esperar a ComCom para fechar o projeto de
>> captação. Temos urgencia no projeto e nos recursos, em especial para o
>> escritório e para Dakar.
>> Sobre o itens que você coloca, foram justamente eles que nos fizeram
>> encaminhar a idéia de um Seminário Internacional sobre a Comunicação do
>> FSM. É nesse espaço que vamos discutir a política e a concepção de
>> Comunicação "necessária e urgente" para o processo e eventos do FSM.
>> Chat: posso dia 23 (14h), dia 24 (11h), 27 (9h), 28 (14H)
>> hora de Brasil
>> bj
>> Salete
>> 2010/9/21 Escritorio FSM - Helio <escritorio@...>
>> Dear all,
>>> Just trying to contribute on clarifying some issues specifically related
>>> to the WSF office, pointed out in Jason's message:
>>> The discussion on the scope of the wsf office, and its task regarding all
>>> the commissions, have been discussed several times in the IC - the only
>>> instance having the legitimacy to define these questions. Of course, if it
>>> is still needed to rediscuss this issue, so let's make it collectively, i.e,
>>> inside the IC, and not only in this or that space. I do think this is not a
>>> question related to the comcom budget construction process, but to the whole
>>> WSF/IC process itself.
>>> In this sense, and taking into account what have been discussed and
>>> decided within the IC framework, the wsf office is responsable of some
>>> "communicational" tasks, as managing and keeping the general website and
>>> databases. These tasks, although with a clear communicational dimension, are
>>> not only related to communication purposes: they are related to and serve
>>> the whole process. I see no reason why make questions or doubts on this
>>> issue only before the construction of the budget...
>>> As all of we know, the office have been fulfilling a role as "reference
>>> point" of the process, and this is the main reason why, not only in my point
>>> of view, but also in the IC deliberations in this sense, this space takes in
>>> charge some responsabilities related not only to one or another commission,
>>> but to a, lets say, "general" interest of the process. These
>>> responsabilities are, of course, constructed in a shared and collaborative
>>> way with all people involved, and its a specific task of the Liaison Group
>>> to follow-up its developments.
>>> It was decided in the IC (first in Montreal, but reinforced in all
>>> subsequent meetings) that the wsf office was responsible of developing the
>>> wsf portal, as it is an interest of the process. As it has a clear
>>> communicational dimension (but also a strategic and methodological ones,
>>> related to expansion purposes too, for example), the building of the portal
>>> would be done in a collaborative way with ALL IC commissions and people
>>> involved. Of course this task will be a participatory one. From the office,
>>> its unthinkable to build all this only by the hands of the three people who
>>> compose its team - its not only polically and technically, but humanly and
>>> psychologically impossible! So, in very frank and sincere words, I reaaly
>>> see no reason of feraing this would be taken as just an operational task -
>>> because its not.
>>> Also, I really have a very big difficult on defining which is "political"
>>> or not in the WSF process framework - it seems to me that the consideration
>>> of what is "political" or not depends always on the approach chosen.
>>> Regarding this item (wsf portal), every part is "political" and "technical"
>>> at the same time - because "technical" is also "political" when it involves
>>> different points of view and a international scale as the WSF one is.
>>> Therefore, I really see no difficult on saying where the budget
>>> allocation should go (concerning these two points), as this definition have
>>> already been signaled by the IC. If these are "process items", having
>>> clearly but not exclusively a communicational dimension, this part of the
>>> budget should be allocated under the "process" line, i.e the wsf office one.
>>> Again, the task of following up the tasks takne under this "line", which are
>>> related not to one or another commission, is a task of the Liaison Group.
>>> Lets try to avoid creating more and more groups to taking specific and ad
>>> hoc responsabilities, instead of letting the already existing groups to
>>> fulfill its role, which wore collectivelly discussed and defined.
>>> All the best wishes,
>>> --
>>> Hélio Menezes
>>> Escritório do FSM / WSF Office
>>> São Paulo/SP - Brasil
>>> Tel.: +55 11 3258-8914
>>> www.forumsocialmundial.org.br
>>> 2010/9/21 Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>
>>> Querida Salete y tod@s,
>>>> Thanks for indicating some key points (I was hoping they would emerge)
>>>> in the budget proposal.
>>>> I think we need to discuss further in order to take a good - and
>>>> shared - decision.
>>>> Can we have one last online meeting on this, during this week?
>>>> Salete, please suggest a date and time.
>>>> I think we need to address the following:
>>>> 1. The scope of the WSF office and its specific tasks with regards to
>>>> communication -- and where these become strategic or political
>>>> decisions which are the IC's and the Communication's commission's
>>>> responsibility.
>>>> Until we resolve this, it is difficult to say where the budget
>>>> allocation should go.  In this specific instance, I think it is the
>>>> WSF Office's responsibility to manage and keep the website and
>>>> database updated (stimulating contributions from and allowing access
>>>> to the IC and wsf organising committees), but not to create/develop
>>>> them - which is more a "political" responsibility involving the
>>>> Communication commission of the IC in particular, especially since we
>>>> agreed that we need to work to have the tools and websites developed
>>>> so far "converge" towards a common portal (so we need to design and
>>>> work on this together).  I personally have been proposing this for a
>>>> long time, but the collaborative efforts have been very low and
>>>> frankly, I fear that instead of a participatory process it might be
>>>> taken as just an operational task, which it is not.
>>>> So my proposal is that we set a "project budget" for the website(s)
>>>> and database, dedicated to the technical development, convergence and
>>>> maintenance of the wsf portal, which could be under the responsibility
>>>> of a new group to be formed in the IC comprising people from the
>>>> various commissions who should have input on what kind of
>>>> functionalities the renewed website should have.  This could solve a
>>>> problem of "dispersion" and multiplication of websites, of methodology
>>>> (registration of participants) and strategy (promotion of the debate)
>>>> as well as how to better make the expansion (languages, ways to
>>>> involve different movements) and the resources (online fundraising).
>>>> And someone from the wsfoffice to help with their experience of
>>>> day-to-day management as well as from communication, with all the
>>>> accumulated working groups experience.
>>>> This inter-commission group would then decide how to allocate the
>>>> funds after agreeing on the main features requested.
>>>> 2. About Ciranda. It is not simply a matter of making equal divisions,
>>>> otherwise we would have to divide this budget into small insignificant
>>>> parts that won't allow us to do anything at all.  That said, I
>>>> certainly agree that Ciranda is not just a historical but an important
>>>> part of the wsf process and so is the radio forum and the other
>>>> initiatives that have been put forth.
>>>> The proposal from Ciranda sets some important challenges. I think it
>>>> would be very useful if we could discuss these further - in particular
>>>> when it says (from Rita's message):
>>>> "We perceive two demands from the Communication Commission in relation
>>>> to alternative media: interconnection between initiatives that produce
>>>> coverage of the WSF and the possibility of access to journalists who
>>>> have already participated in the WSF."
>>>> These are not two new demands: they have been the reason by which we
>>>> all decided that a facilitation of alternative media in the wsf
>>>> process was needed. So what has Ciranda been doing until now?  I am
>>>> not saying this in a polemic way -- I support Ciranda since the
>>>> beginning! And I don't want to upset anyone.  But I do think that from
>>>> the discussions had in the IC in Mexico and before, there is still
>>>> some ambiguity on whether Ciranda is a space of the wsf process or an
>>>> independent media itself. There is a difference and it could be
>>>> difficult to continue to justify why Ciranda should receive economic
>>>> support from the Commission's budget and not Terra Viva or other
>>>> historical initiatives that have covered the forums all these years.
>>>> Since I do think Ciranda has made significant efforts, I would like
>>>> this issue to be solved once and for all !
>>>> 3. An occasion could be the public seminar on communication of the wsf
>>>> in Dakar.  It was proposed by Rita in Mexico but it hasn't been
>>>> discussed after that at all.  If we want to do this as a contribution
>>>> of the Communication commission, we need to decide it now and discuss
>>>> how to approach it, who will organise it, what is needed, how to
>>>> promote it, etc.  It would probably be more efficient if done together
>>>> with the African communication commission - but someone has to
>>>> initiate the debate!
>>>> 4. Addressing Judith's request about interpreters at IC meetings -
>>>> please Nicolas, correct me if I'm wrong.  That is the responsibility
>>>> of the local organising committee who hosts the meeting and is part of
>>>> a separate budget.  I agree it should be a fixed cost - but it's not
>>>> in the Comcom's scope.  Maybe the liason group should discuss this?
>>>> I hope we can advance on all these issues, which are fundamental for
>>>> our present and future work.
>>>> In solidarity,
>>>> Jason
>>>> 2010/9/16 salete valesan <salete.valesan@...>:
>>>>  > Queridos/as da ComCom,
>>>> >
>>>> > Olhei os arquivos do openfsm.net e tenho as seguintes considerações:
>>>> > 1 - Tirar os dois valores que são do escritório (Banco de dados e Site
>>>> > processo)  e colocar no orçamento próprio, enviado para o
>>>> > Ibase/oficina/Brasil.
>>>> >
>>>> > 2 - Separar o valor que está como Rádio e Ciranda pois são dois
>>>> projetos
>>>> > diferentes de Comunicação Compartilhada (10.000 para cada um deles
>>>> para
>>>> > ficar igual aos outros). A menos que a Pia e Rita estejam concordando
>>>> que
>>>> > fiquem juntos.
>>>> > Os projetos de Comunicação Compartilhada (Ciranda, rádio e TV) tem
>>>> como
>>>> > objetivo o processo e a cobertura dos eventos, por isso, precisa ver o
>>>> que
>>>> > será possível garantir pela ComCom.
>>>> >
>>>> > 3 - Sobre a participação da ComCom com um Seminário em Dakar terá
>>>> algum
>>>> > recurso?
>>>> > Nicolas, é possível colocar no orçamento do projeto do evento do
>>>> FSM2011 de
>>>> > Dakar?
>>>> >
>>>> > 4 - Sobre Memória: estamos conversando aqui no Brasil com algumas
>>>> pessoas do
>>>> > governo e de empresas estatais para ver se é possível fazer um
>>>> projeto. Se
>>>> > tivermos alguma novidade boa, avisamos.
>>>> >
>>>> > 5 - Sobre a participação dos Brasileiros em Dakar, para o FSM 2011:
>>>> ainda
>>>> > não nos organizamos pois o Brasil está em período de eleições até
>>>> final de
>>>> > outrubro de 2010.
>>>> >
>>>> > Bj
>>>> > Salete
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > 2010/9/15 <hitchman@...>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Dear all
>>>> >>
>>>> >> In terms of interpreting, please try to include Babel's participation
>>>> in
>>>> >> meetings, as well as the booths for interpretation and a per
>>>> diem/hotel
>>>> >> accommodation for interpreters (depending on the IC venue, local
>>>> teams can
>>>> >> cover this work). It should cover 7 people: 6 in the booths + 1 at
>>>> the
>>>> >> table...
>>>> >>
>>>> >> As always, this is a variable cost, so I have no idea how to budget
>>>> it.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> In solidarity
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Judith
>>>> >> ---- Envoyé avec BlackBerry® d'Orange ----
>>>> >>
>>>> >> -----Original Message-----
>>>> >> From: Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>
>>>> >> Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 01:19:16
>>>> >> To: wsf com com<
>>>> communication-commission-discussion@...>
>>>> >> Reply-To: communication-commission-discussion@...
>>>> >> Subject: [Communication commission discussion] Commission's budget
>>>> >> proposal
>>>> >>        2011-2012 - deadline this week!
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Dear all,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> since after the last online meeting (september 6th) only a few
>>>> >> exchanges have taken place, I want to remind all who are interested
>>>> >> and active in the working groups to contribute with ideas and
>>>> >> proposals by next Friday 17th, which is the extension we were
>>>> granted.
>>>> >>  Nicolas and the Resources commission need to put all the
>>>> commissions'
>>>> >> basic budget proposals together in a general "wsf process" one for
>>>> >> 2011-2012.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> I have posted in the Resources part of the Com com space on
>>>> >> openfsm.net what I think could be a first version, based on the past
>>>> >> experiences and with all the limitations of having to deal with a
>>>> >> lower amount of expected resources.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> So please have a look and comment / integrate:
>>>> >>
>>>> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/comcomfunding-wiki
>>>> >>
>>>> >> cheers,
>>>> >> Jason
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> [ESP]
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Hola a todos,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> ya que después de la reunión en línea pasado (06 de septiembre), sólo
>>>> >> unos pocos intercambios han tenido lugar, quiero recordar a todos los
>>>> >> que estén interesados y activos en los grupos de trabajo para
>>>> >> contribuir con ideas y propuestas para el viernes 17 sept., que es la
>>>> >> extensión que se les concedió. Nicolás y la Comisión de Recursos
>>>> >> necesidad de poner todas las propuestas de las comisiones en una
>>>> >> general del "proceso del FSM" para 2011-2012.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> He publicado en la parte de recursos del espacio com Com en
>>>> >> openfsm.net, lo que creo que podría ser una primera versión, basada
>>>> en
>>>> >> las experiencias del pasado y con todas las limitaciones de tener que
>>>> >> lidiar con una menor cantidad de recursos previsto.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Así que por favor eche un vistazo y comentario / integracion:
>>>> >>
>>>> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/comcomfunding-wiki
>>>> >>
>>>> >> saludos,
>>>> >> Jason
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> --
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>>>> >
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> --
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