• Communication commission discussion

Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Thematic Forum - Niamey, Nov. 16-18

from WSFIC_FSMCI on Oct 08, 2010 04:10 PM
*Right to Food and Food Sovereignty Thematic Forum - Niamey, Nov. 16-18*

After 50 years of independence, the Sahel countries are keep tortured by a
chronicle food insecurity. In 30 years, a country like Niger registered 16
harvest losses, and only 5 years after the food crisis in 2005, which
affected 3,6 million people, one of greater size is currently plaguing 7
million people. It reminds us once more of the fragility of the pastoral and
agricultural systems of this region.

 With the general objective of contributing to a greater mobilization of
people and decision-makers in favor of making Right to Food and Food
Sovereignty come true in Sahel up until 2015 it is why the Forum for the
Right to Food and Food Sovereignty will take place in Niamei (Nigeria), on
October 16-18 2010. This initiative is destined to offer actors of civil
society and social movements of Sahel a space for prospective reflection,
promotion of synergy of actions and formulation of recommendations and
alternative proposals, aiming to guaranteeing this right.

The venue will be the Martial Arts Academy (Seyni Kountché General Stadium)
with the following schedule:

*October 16**th** 2010*

Morning: Participants registration

Afternoon: Opening March

Evening: Film exhibitions and cultural activities

 *October 17**th** 2010*

Morning: Plenary Session on thematic axes 1 and 2.

Afternoon: Thematic Workshops

Evening: Film exhibitions and cultural activities

 *October 18**th** 2010*

Morning: Plenary Session on thematic axes 3 and 4

Afternoon: Workshops/Synthesis of works – Ending session.

Plenary sessions and thematic workshop will be held in French, Hausa and

The choice of the general theme, *Democracy must feed the citizens, *is
important due to the necessity of placing this right enforcement in the
center of the democratic process. Activities will be distributed along four
thematic axes:

 Thematic axis 1: Promoting the right to food and making food sovereignty
come true.

Thematic axis 2: Pastoralism to the test of environmental crisis.
Thematic axis 3: Women confronting food crisis in Sahel countries.

Thematic axis 4: Preventing and generating food crisis in Sahel

A.T. Moussa Tchangari, Secretary general AEC, Coordinator
E-mail : tchangari@...; *tchangari@...* <tchangari@...>
T: +227 96 97 84 90, +227 20 74 24 39
Niamey (Niger)

Ibrahim Diori
E-Mail : *ibdiori@...* <ibdiori@...>
T: +227 96 94 81 91, +227 20 74 24 39
Niamey (Niger)

p.s: this summary is also available at:
Summary in French:
Summary in Portuguese:

Hereby attached you may find the complete note on the thematic forum (only
in French).

Yours sincerely,

Hélio Menezes
Escritório do FSM / WSF Office
São Paulo/SP - Brasil
Tel.: +55 11 3258-8914

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