• Communication commission discussion

Re: Draft plan for resources commission + youtopia

from Jason Nardi on Oct 26, 2010 08:58 AM
Dear Rita and all,

I think your proposals are fine - should we try to discuss them or have at
least some more detail for each before the meeting?   Could you send some
first suggestions and questions - or some idea of what the alternative media
are preparing?


PS: who is going to the IC meeting in Dakar?
I will be there from the 9th.

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 4:13 PM, <rita@...> wrote:

> Jason,
> Thank you for the projects
> It's not clear yet what agenda on international communication we'll have
> next IC meeting. They, let's to think about?
> Just as sugestion from Ciranda, do you think the IC could to debate or
> aproval the follow topics?
> 1) the proposal for an international communication seminar. In Dakar 2011 -
> or when/where?
> 2) the perspective of a WSF media mobilization extra-events. (on issues
> like BDS media marathon, for example)
> 3) How to join our efforts with African IC to build a convergence
> space/action for Dakar - We need to share  details on the important jobs
> that some networks of alternative media are trying to do for the next WSF
> coverages.
> []s
> Rita
> Citando Jason Nardi <jason.nardi@...>:
>  Dear all,
>> upon request of the Resources commission, I've sent a draft of the
>> communication commission's "process" plan for 2011-2012 based on our
>> discussions during this year and the proposals the shared projects working
>> groups presented, as well as exchange with the wsf office.
>> You can find all the materials here:
>> Working groups project proposals
>> 2011-2012<
>> http://openfsm.net/projects/communication-commission/working-groups-project-proposals-2011-2012
>> >
>> Comments and amendments are more than welcome - but keep in mind that this
>> part as well as all the other commission's and the general wsf process
>> project (to be submitted to various potential funders) will have to be
>> approved during the next IC in Dakar, 9-12 November.
>> Many of the activities in both this year's plan and next years' need to be
>> discussed further - and I hope we can bring some contribution to the IC in
>> Dakar.
>> By the way, who from the Communication commission is going to Dakar?
>> I took the initiative to send a short proposal to the Youtopia 2010 grant
>> from Freerange (http://youtopia.freerangeproject.com/about-free-range/),
>> the
>> creators of successful animation campaigns such as The Story of Stuff and
>> the Meatrix (but they also work a lot on web concepts).  I only got last
>> minute notice, so I sent a quick note (as Social Watch) -- please take a
>> look and... vote for it if you think it is a valid opportunity (until
>> October 30):
>> http://youtopia2010.uservoice.com/forums/81819-political-action-organizing/suggestions/1145003-world-social-forum-2-0?ref=title
>> In solidarity,
>> Jason
>> --
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