• Communication commission discussion

Re: [Wsfic_fsmci] [Wsfic-methodology] Dakar IC Meeting: Draft Program / Reunion du CI Dakar Programme Provisoire / Reunião do CI Dacar Programa Provisorio

from World Social Forum Info on Oct 27, 2010 05:20 PM
Dear Jennifer, Francine, Dan, Rita and the others,

  I think that maybe it is not so clear, but the LG thought about these
things, and included them in the discussion to be made on the first day:

14h30-18h: Identifyng the struggles and mobilizing Mouvements towards Dakar
(Women, Environnement, syndicats, people under occupation, indigenous
peoples, regional process, debt, culture...)

  The idea is that at this moment the IC discusses all initiatives towards
Dakar in 2010, including struggles, forums and communication process.

All the best

Andre Bailao
WSF Office

2010/10/27 Francine Mestrum <mestrum@...>

>  Thanks a lot for this draft agenda.
> I fully agree with Jennifer, I think we should have some time to reflect on
> the 2010 process which was very interesting and which can teach us something
> on the strategic elements of our work.
> All the best and see you soon in Dakar.
> Gracias por el agenda.
> Estoy de acuerdo con Jennifer. Necesitamos algún tiempo para reflexionar
> sobre en proceso interesante de 2010 que puede ensenarnos sobre los
> elementos estratégicos de nuestro trabajo.
> Merci du travail.
> Je suis d’accord avec Jennifer. Je pense que nous avons besoin d’un peu de
> temps pour réfléchir sur notre processus intéressant de 2010 et des lecons
> que nous pouvons en tirer pour notre travail stratégique.
> A bientôt à Dakar.
> Francine
> *From:* wsfic_fsmci-bounces@... [mailto:
> wsfic_fsmci-bounces@...] *On Behalf Of *Jennifer Cox
> *Sent:* woensdag 27 oktober 2010 4:46
> *To:* wsfic-strategies@...; wsfic_fsmci@...;
> wsfic-finances@...; wsfic-communication@...;
> communication-commission-discussion@...;
> wsfic-expansion@...; wsfic-methodology@...;
> wsfic-wg2010-discussion@...; WSF International Council's
> Liaison Group
> *Subject:* Re: [Wsfic_fsmci] [Wsfic-methodology] Dakar IC Meeting: Draft
> Program / Reunion du CI Dakar Programme Provisoire / Reunião do CI Dacar
> Programa Provisorio
> Gracias companeros y companeras por el agenda y por todo su trabajo!
> Una inquietud, se que hay mucho que cubrir sobre el Foro en Dacar, pero
> tambien peinso que es importante tener un espacio en la reunion para
> informes y discusion sobre los foros de 2010, y el proceso de enlacer a los
> foros y eventos de 2010 bajo el lema de respuestas a la crisis, el proceso
> venimos construyendo desde Maruecos. En cuanto a esto, tambien una discusion
> estrategica sobre el proceso FSM. Este seria durante el seminario
> internacional, o es que no esta la agenda?
> Thank you for this agenda and all of the hard work!
> One question, I know there is a lot to cover about the WSF in Dakar, but I
> think it is also very important that there be a space for presentations and
> discussion about the forums of 2010 and the process of linking the 2010
> forums (under the theme of the crises) that we laid out in Morocco. Of
> course this would also involve a strategic discussion of the forum process.
> Is this during the International Seminar, or is it not in the agenda?
> Gracias, Merci, Obrigada, Thanks
> Jennifer Cox
> (PPEHRC, USA; US Social Forum; Strategy Commission)
> --- On *Tue, 10/26/10, World Social Forum Info <
> fsminfo@...>* wrote:
> From: World Social Forum Info <fsminfo@...>
> Subject: [Wsfic-methodology] Dakar IC Meeting: Draft Program / Reunion du
> CI Dakar Programme Provisoire / Reunião do CI Dacar Programa Provisorio
> To: wsfic-strategies@..., wsfic_fsmci@...,
> wsfic-finances@..., wsfic-communication@...,
> communication-commission-discussion@...,
> wsfic-expansion@..., wsfic-methodology@...,
> wsfic-wg2010-discussion@..., "WSF International Council's
> Liaison Group" <ic-liaison@...>
> Date: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 5:41 PM
> Dear IC Members,
>  Hereby attached is the Draft Programme for the WSF International Council
> Meeting, that is going to take place in Dakar, on November 09-11 2010. This
> Draft Programme was drawn up by the Liaison Group. It is in English,
> Portuguese and French.
>  May I remind all of you going to Dakar to please send us the date and time
> of your arrival and departure in Dakar. *Please send this information to
> fsmci@...<http://us.mc1147.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=fsmci@...>.
> *
> All the best
> The WSF Office Team
> Caros membros do CI,
>     Em anexo está o Programa Provisório para a Reunião do Conselho
> Internacional do FSM, que irá acontecer em Dacar, de 09 a 11 de novembro de
> 2010. Esse Programa Provisório foi escrito pelo Grupo de Enlace. Está em
> Inglês, Português e Francês.
>   Por favor, aqueles que vão a Dacar nos enviem a data e horário de sua
> chegada e partida em/de Dacar. *Envie essa informação por email para
> fsmci@...<http://us.mc1147.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=fsmci@...>.
> *
> Atenciosamente
> Equipe do Escritório do FSM
> Cher(e)s membres du CI,
>    Nous vous envoyons ci-joint le programme provisoire pour la réunion du
> Conseil International du FSM, qui aurra lieu à Dakar du 09 au 11 Novembre
> 2010. Ce programme a été élaboré par le Groupe de Liaison. Vous trouverez
> les versions en Anglais, Portugais et Français.
>    Nous vous rappellons à tous et toutes qui seront à Dakar de faire la
> gentillesse de nous informer vos dates et heures d’arrivée et de départ à
> Dakar,* en envoyant un message* à*  fsmci@...<http://us.mc1147.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=fsmci@...>
> **
> *
> Très cordialement,
> L'équipe du Bureau du FSM
> -----Inline Attachment Follows-----
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André Bailão
Escritório do FSM / WSF Office
São Paulo - Brasil

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