• Communication commission discussion

Fwd: [comcompas] Enc: Join Week Against the Apartheid Wall 9-16 November 2010

from rita freire on Nov 10, 2010 02:31 AM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <sorayamisleh@...>
Date: Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 3:27 PM
Subject: [comcompas] Enc: Join Week Against the Apartheid Wall 9-16 November
To: comcompas@...

Stopthewall.org Special Issue - Newsletter : November 9, 2010

Join Week Against the Apartheid Wall 9-16 November 2010
Stop the Wall:
Make Apartheid History!

Eight years into the construction of the Apartheid Wall, over 60% has
already been built to ghettoize communities, threatening over 260,000
people with displacement and stealing land and water resources.

The international community continues to ignore the 2004 decision of the
International Court of Justice, which calls for the Wall to be dismantled
and for the international community to fulfil its legal obligations: to
enforce Israeli compliance with international humanitarian law and not to
aid and abet the construction and maintenance of the Wall.

The Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign is more than ever
determined to smash down the 12-meter concrete blocks of the Wall.


Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon to help put a stop to illegal
practices of the Occupation

Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon Call

Media kit for BDS media marathon

Media Marathon Website

Download the 8 min MP3 audio segment on the Apartheid Wall


List of Local & Global Actions:

Local Activities: Palestinian activists and human rights defenders from
across the West Bank will come together in mass protests to show their
steadfastness in saying NO! to Walls, Bantustans and the Apartheid regime.

Nilin, Ramallah
Date: 12 November
Where: In-front of the Apartheid Wall in the village after Friday
Contact Person: Yaffa, yaffaalmalky@... <yaffaalmalky%40yahoo.com>,
Tel: +972 2 2971505

Al Walaja, Bethlehem
Date: 13 November
Where: In-front of the Apartheid Wall in the village.
Contact Person: Yaffa, yaffaalmalky@... <yaffaalmalky%40yahoo.com>,
Tel: +972 2 2971505

Date: 14 November
Where: In-front of the Apartheid Wall in the City
Contact Person: Yaffa, yaffaalmalky@... <yaffaalmalky%40yahoo.com>,
Tel: +972 2 2971505

Ramallah City
Date: 29 November
Where: Gathering in front of united nation center in Ramallah asking to
activate the advisory opinion of the international court of justice.
Contact Person: Yaffa, yaffaalmalky@... <yaffaalmalky%40yahoo.com>,
Tel: +972 2 2971505

Global Actions in:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada, England, Ireland, Korea,
Netherlands, Switzerland

... For more Information & Updates visit our Website:


Join the It Is Apartheid Video Contest online voting!

The media marathon includes the official launch of the online voting
process of the It Is Apartheid Video contest. (See www.itisapartheid.tv)
Encourage your audience to educate themselves by watching the videos and
cast their vote on the best one. Use the videos for your own video

Visit the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign web site.

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*Stopthewall.org Special Issue - Newsletter : November  9, 2010*

Join Week Against the Apartheid Wall 9-16 November 2010
Stop the Wall:
Make Apartheid History!

Eight years into the construction of the Apartheid Wall, over 60% has
already been built to ghettoize communities, threatening over 260,000 people
with displacement and stealing land and water resources.

The international community continues to ignore the 2004 decision of the
International Court of Justice, which calls for the Wall to be dismantled
and for the international community to fulfil its legal obligations: to
enforce Israeli compliance with international humanitarian law and not to
aid and abet the construction and maintenance of the Wall.

The Palestinian grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign is more than ever
determined to smash down the 12-meter concrete blocks of the Wall.


*  <http://stopthewall.net/em6/link.php?M=6813&N=14&L=43&F=H>

 Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon to help put a stop to illegal
practices of the Occupation

Join the Anti-Apartheid Media Marathon

Media kit for BDS media

Media Marathon Website<http://stopthewall.net/em6/link.php?M=6813&N=14&L=43&F=H>

Download the 8 min MP3 audio segment on the Apartheid


* List of Local & Global Actions:*

* Local Activities:* Palestinian activists and human rights defenders from
across the West Bank will come together in mass protests to show their
steadfastness in saying NO! to Walls, Bantustans and the Apartheid regime.

    - *Nilin, Ramallah*
   Date: 12 November
   Where: In-front of the Apartheid Wall in the village after Friday
   Contact Person: Yaffa, yaffaalmalky@..., Tel: +972 2 2971505

    - *Al Walaja, Bethlehem*
   Date: 13 November
   Where: In-front of the Apartheid Wall in the village.
   Contact Person: Yaffa, yaffaalmalky@..., Tel: +972 2 2971505

    - *Qalqiliya*
   Date: 14 November
   Where: In-front of the Apartheid Wall in the City
   Contact Person: Yaffa, yaffaalmalky@..., Tel: +972 2 2971505

    - *Ramallah City*
   Date: 29 November
   Where: Gathering in front of united nation center in Ramallah asking to
   activate the advisory opinion of the international court of justice.
   Contact Person: Yaffa, yaffaalmalky@..., Tel: +972 2 2971505

 *Global Actions in:*
*Argentina, Australia, Austria, Canada*, *England*, *Ireland*, *Korea,
Netherlands,* *Switzerland*
*... For more Information & Updates visit our
*** * *
* * * *

* Join the It Is Apartheid Video Contest online

*The media marathon includes the official launch of the online voting
process of the It Is Apartheid Video contest. (See *
*) Encourage your audience to educate themselves by watching the videos and
cast their vote on the best one. Use the videos for your own video

*Visit the Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign web site.*

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